I am never to go to YTMND.com... again... ever...

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Aug 30, 2005
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i just clicked on one and it showed a pic of an insurgent with his head blown off and his face was all over the place and his brain matter and such was laying next to his body... <_< i almost puked when i saw it...
My favorite YTMND is the one where you see tranny pr0n and the dude on top has his jungle stick swinging around in a circle while gangsta rap plays in the background and it reads "WE BE RIDIN SPINNAZ". It's ****ing great.
Afterburn3r said:
i just clicked on one and it showed a pic of an insurgent with his head blown off and his face was all over the place and his brain matter and such was laying next to his body... <_< i almost puked when i saw it...
I mastrubated...
Afterburn3r said:
i just clicked on one and it showed a pic of an insurgent with his head blown off and his face was all over the place and his brain matter and such was laying next to his body... <_< i almost puked when i saw it...

Back in 68', all I ever saw was brain matter and such. Best friends dying right next to me as charlie surronded us everywhere. We were all in the bush 5 clicks away from the base and everyone in my squad died. YOU THINK ONE HEAD BLOWN OFF IS ANYTHING? TRY 10. I'LL SYMPATHIZE WITH YOU WHEN SOMEONE GIVES ME MY YOUTH BACK. FREDO! FREDO! I KNOW IT WAS YOU! AND YOU BROKE MY HEART.

Snap crackle pop.
Afterburn3r said:
i just clicked on one and it showed a pic of an insurgent with his head blown off and his face was all over the place and his brain matter and such was laying next to his body... <_< i almost puked when i saw it...
New to the internet? There's much worse stuff out there.
Afterburn3r said:
i just clicked on one and it showed a pic of an insurgent with his head blown off and his face was all over the place and his brain matter and such was laying next to his body... <_< i almost puked when i saw it...
joule said:

I can provide links to a site where soldiers post such material to show off their kills, but I don't know the one from the ytmnd.com site.
the reasons of why things are on the internet is cuz some people like it so imaginate the worse things
I saw some thing called faces of death where this guy was being held captive and it showed him gettting stabbed in the neck. It was so detailed and they zoomed in on his face and shit; oh man, it was so disturbing- I could see the pain in his face an his expressions. it pissed me off that a person could do this to another person.
ya ytmnd can trick you a lot...I saw one once that said "new quake 4 screenshots" and it was just a picture of a dead man (really gross)
When i saw that pic of the guys head blown off i just laughed and said to my self "sucks to be him" and moved on with my life.....There is, after all, alot worse stuff on the net.
Me and my friend saw a video where an american was getting his head cut off by a terrorist. They were using a god damn pocketknife or something and it took forever, with the guy screaming half the time until he fainted. It was really sick when they got to his spine or something, because they really had to work at it. I felt the puke coming up in my throat and had to leave, my friend said they took his head clean off. Needless to say, that put a damper on the whole night and next morning.

I also saw some video of a lady tied up on a chair, then being shot in the head. That was the first sick video I ever saw. It still makes me sick.
theres alot of crap on ytmnd but there are some really funny ones

You guys have weak stomachs. But it's okay, I puked also.
If you throw up watching a man's head explode, you need to grow a pair. ;)
Somebody send me a link to that shit! Extreme!
Milkman said:
If you throw up watching a man's head explode, you need to grow a pair. ;)

Or get desensitized by video games.

It's not about masculinity or testerosterone you ****ing dip shit, and it's seriously ****ing stupid to say something so arrogantly bull headed.

Yes, let's laugh and snicker at the sight of a horrifying death. While we're at it, let's get some soda and pop corn while we watch your mother die in the most grotesque fashion imaginable.

You disgust me.
^dude calm down lol.

Milkman said:
If you throw up watching a man's head explode, you need to grow a pair. ;)
Sorry for being human :x
Pesmerga said:
Or get desensitized by video games.

It's not about masculinity or testerosterone you ****ing dip shit, and it's seriously ****ing stupid to say something so arrogantly bull headed.

Yes, let's laugh and snicker at the sight of a horrifying death. While we're at it, let's get some soda and pop corn while we watch your mother die in the most grotesque fashion imaginable.

You disgust me.

Agreed. I'm so sick of these people who are always saying how awesome it is to see gruesome pics, be it of animals or humans...that's just stupid. They try to show off by watching people say it's sick and then saying:"lolz man its funni", totally disregarding the fact a person died and he's laughing at it. I bet he wouldn't laugh if something half as intense happened to a relative.
I strangly do not feel queezy when I see this stuff. Perhaps I have been desensitized by video games. But I don't think that's true. I've never really been "grossed out" by intense gore, even before I started getting into video games.

...Even though I am somewhat of a wimp in real life. Just a quirk of mine I guess.

But don't get the wrong idea, it's not that I laugh at it or don't care. I just am not grossed out.
Shamrock said:
Any other awesomely hot ones like this?
:| Now now let's not be a bunch of hormonal teenagers...
Lethal8472 said:
I seriously hope you realized that its not Pulp Fiction and Space Ghost, but Brak from the Brak Show and Meatwad from ATHF. If not, you are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
Brak is on Space Ghost's show last time I saw him. :sleep:
Here is another good one.
There is some strong language but the ending is quite funny. Its another one of those "uber hax" ytmnds :P
Pesmerga said:
Or get desensitized by video games.

It's not about masculinity or testerosterone you ****ing dip shit, and it's seriously ****ing stupid to say something so arrogantly bull headed.

Yes, let's laugh and snicker at the sight of a horrifying death. While we're at it, let's get some soda and pop corn while we watch your mother die in the most grotesque fashion imaginable.

You disgust me.
I disgust you and yet you know nothing of me.

Because that was sarcasm. If the wink didn't hint it maybe I should have used Sarcasm Tags
Oh btw, anything involving the O RLY owls is funny. http://uberneworly.ytmnd.com/
Afterburn3r said:
i just clicked on one and it showed a pic of an insurgent with his head blown off and his face was all over the place and his brain matter and such was laying next to his body... <_< i almost puked when i saw it...

Krynn72 said:
Me and my friend saw a video where an american was getting his head cut off by a terrorist. They were using a god damn pocketknife or something and it took forever, with the guy screaming half the time until he fainted. It was really sick when they got to his spine or something, because they really had to work at it. I felt the puke coming up in my throat and had to leave, my friend said they took his head clean off. Needless to say, that put a damper on the whole night and next morning.

I also saw some video of a lady tied up on a chair, then being shot in the head. That was the first sick video I ever saw. It still makes me sick.

You see, when i see pictures and videos like that, i immediately close them down.
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