I am now wanted in 16 provinces.


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Or I will be, at any rate.

The guys at the goverment renewed the Social Security/Resident Registeration Law that passed in 2006.3.24 (which stated that anyone using somebady else's national ID code to make money would be sentenced to 3 years in prison and a 10 million won fine) to include non-commercial breakings of the law.

Sooo, I was "meh" at the article in the newspaper, until I realized that back in 2001, I had joined a site with accidently typing in ******-*****51 instead of ******-*****15. It worked, and now I'm a criminal.

Now, when the law is renewed on October 10th, I'm ****ed.

I even forgot my password for the site. So I can't un-register.

And the last sentence of the article scared me more: "The Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) has its cybercrime division on full alert, as many people will likely be prosecuted."

D: D: D:

I'm thinking up excuses now, my best bet is to claim accident. I don't want needles in my fingernails.
You've taken the first step already. Now ITS TIME FOR FULL BLOWN REVOLUTION.
Hush Solaris. You don't make any sense.

But whoa numbers. That's so stupid. Surely they can't actually do it... since it was OBVIOUSLY a mistake. Or does your government not care about mistakes like that?

On a side note, why are the forums so slow? It took me 15 minutes to navigate to this thread and post.
Well, if you want an alibi this thread is possibly a very bad idea.
Revolution? We've had enough. Like the 5.16 Military Revolution of 1961.

Yeah, I think they'll let me off, since it really was an accident.

Yeah the forums are slow...

and.... D:
Hide in a cabinet. They'll never find you.

On a side note, why are the forums so slow? It took me 15 minutes to navigate to this thread and post.

And yes, indeed they are. I now have 3 HL2.net tabs up. Two loading and one with a thread to read while waiting.
WOW...and by wow i mean World Of Warcraft...as 4 ur situation....hahaha I DONT CARE!!! jk.jk.jk....but really i dont quite get ur situation...and this isnt the best place to find legal info answers lol
You're not using it to defraud anyone. As authoritarian as you claim your government is, they're likely to understand.

-Angry Lawyer
Alternatively, contact the website and request they send the password to the e-mail address registered to.

-Angry Lawyer
Probably. I hope so anyway.

I just can't see them prosecuting 300,000 teenagers for violations of this law.
ah numbers now you may find that your government isnt what it's cracked up to be ..expect interrogations along the lines of:

"who are you spying for"
"did the commies ask you to do this?"
"where are the commies"


rank and serial numbers that's all you have to say ...beware of waterboards/ bamboo shoots/ car batteries/ hot pokers/ loud barbara steisand music

in all seriousness what's the likelihood that you'll be caught? ..despite popular misconception governments arent always on the ball ..most bureaucrats dont know jack
Hide in a cabinet. They'll never find you.

And yes, indeed they are. I now have 3 HL2.net tabs up. Two loading and one with a thread to read while waiting.

lol thats crazy cause i do too :D 3 exactly actually...

I'm signing off. Too much lag.
they're going to feed you to that korean starcraft guy! He eats teenagers I hear!

I'm signing off. Too much lag.

Probably caused by hundreds of sweaper teams scanning the net for fraud.

But seriously, good luck with that. I'd not like to see you arrested.
Haha, my connection is so shit ATM I didn't even notice any lag.
Don't worry numbers, stab them in the face if they get through. :D
Yeah that's like being paranoid because you threw a napkin out the window of your car then passed a sign that said "Littering Highways Unlawful"
Eh, he lives in South Korea. He can be as paranoid as he wants.
Eh, he lives in South Korea. He can be as paranoid as he wants.

Yeah about communists shelling his house and burning everything he loves to the ground, not about accidently putting in a wrong number at a website.
where is he btw ..he disappeared after complaining that his connection was slow ..could they have been on to him? could he literally be on the run as we speak? poor Numbers escaping into the night, riding the rails, sneaking into china, becoming a Rickshaw driver and changing his name to Nie Bo bo
(or Bob Numbers in english)


I didn' do nuthing officer! Eet wasn' me!

is that you numbers? <squint> or a Chinese doppleganger sent to impersonate Numbers in the hopes of brainwashing HL2.net with Communist propaganda?
"the internet is a series of tubes", haha.....im glad people in decision making positions are so smart
*sniffs air* I sense... a numbermorph.