I am wishing a ps2 for christmas.


Nov 11, 2004
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As the topic title says, I am wishing a ps2 for christmas. I just really wanted a consol and the xbox 360 just seemed a little too new!

Well anyway, I got a question, I am getting a slime version, but I just can't decide whether I should wish the silver or the black. Which one do you like the best and what is your opinion on this?

BTW, I am also wishing the game Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eather, can anyone recommend that game? I am also sooner proberly gonna get Resident Evil 4, God Of War, Kingdom hearts and maybe killzone. Have anyone got some experience with those games that they like to share?
The Xbox360 is too new???

WTF N00b.
What I mean by this is, that my last console was a ps1, so now I would like to have a console in the next console gen. and a simple console. I was also thinking about buying a ps3 sometime, and I just don´t think I want to own both a xbox 360 AND a ps3.
There is just more games to the ps2 right now and when a year have pasted, the xbox 360 will proberly have more games and be half the price it is now.
If I were you, I'd wait for the PS3 (because it's backward-compatible with PS2 games) and get something else this christmas. Trust me, now is an AWFUL time to get a PS2.
I would say it is fairly obvious guys :rolleyes:

If he has never had a PS2 or XBox; then he will get much, much, much better value for money getting a PS2 than an XBox 360. And yes - a vastly bigger games catalogue to choose from ;)
I really liked kingdom hearts, it's a nice mix between disney/ff without being too kiddy.
I agree with Nightshade. Wait a year, then get a PS3 :)

Mind you, if you really can't wait, I'd reccomend getting GTA: San Andreas and MGS2.
donald said:
As the topic title says, I am wishing a ps2 for christmas. I just really wanted a consol and the xbox 360 just seemed a little too new!

Well anyway, I got a question, I am getting a slime version, but I just can't decide whether I should wish the silver or the black. Which one do you like the best and what is your opinion on this?

BTW, I am also wishing the game Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eather, can anyone recommend that game? I am also sooner proberly gonna get Resident Evil 4, God Of War, Kingdom hearts and maybe killzone. Have anyone got some experience with those games that they like to share?
Get something else instead of Killzone and Kingdom Hearts. Like FFX or something.

You should also get Ico.
About san andreas and mgs 2, I already got those to pc.

What I like to hear is not whether I should wait for ps3 or not.(Dosen't mean I don't like you giving your opinion on the subject.) Cause If I am going to buy a ps3 later on, I might as well get a ps2 too now. And if I get it as a present It won't cost my any.

Now, what I like to hear some opinions about, is which one you prefer, the slime silver or slime black ps2.
donald said:
I am also sooner proberly gonna get Resident Evil 4, God Of War, Kingdom hearts and maybe killzone.
Uhh, can I ask how old you are?
Get a used/refurbished PS2 from Gamestop (or EB Games or whatever) for $100, then when you get the PS3 next year, trade the PS2 back in (or sell it) for $50-75.
JNightshade said:
If I were you, I'd wait for the PS3 (because it's backward-compatible with PS2 games) and get something else this christmas. Trust me, now is an AWFUL time to get a PS2.

I completely disagree.

Now is a superb time to get a PS2. They're cheap, and have many great games available.

Wanda and Collosus
God of War
Katamari Damacy
Drago Quest 8

There's not a format available that can offer better gaming this christmas.
Originally Posted by donald
Cause If I am going to buy a ps3 later on, I might as well get a ps2 too now.

Meaning no offense, but that is some SERIOUSLY flawed logic.
If you are getting MGS3, I would recommend waiting for MGS3: Subsistence instead. More extra addition, online-mode plus a more free-roam camera. The camera in the original MGS3 got very much critic as being so bad that people even stopped playing it.

Oh, and definitely get Resident Evil 4. :)
chewyxx said:
i want resident evil 4 it looks mad fun

How could I forget? :)

That's enough reason on its own to get a PS2 or GC.
Right now the PS2 is better than X360. PS2 has far better games...and at least if you buy a PS2..it won't cost you an arm and a leg.

EDIT: and PS3 WILL KICK THE X360's ASS!!!....and the revolution has a chance of kicking both the PS3 and X360 ASS!! with gameplay...which something I am really looking forward to.
We'll see ;)

So far i'm enjoying the 360 a great deal. Will the PS3 have anything as fun as co-op PDZ over Xbox Live at its launch? I doubt it.

Square-Enix are now making games for the 360, PES is no longer a Playstation exclusive, and Resident Evil 5 is coming out for both systems. Gradually there's less and less incentive to get a PS3 (MGS isn't enough for me any more, especially as the series is getting worse with every version)

Of course, it's bound to have plenty of good games, and i'll get one, but it's foolish to write off a console as promising as the 360 so soon. I haven't enjoyed a console at launch as much as this since the N64.
If you are getting MGS3, I would recommend waiting for MGS3: Subsistence instead. More extra addition, online-mode plus a more free-roam camera. The camera in the original MGS3 got very much critic as being so bad that people even stopped playing it.

Well, might be a good idea, the multiplayer online thing sounds cool! But the new 3D camera is why I am not gonna get it. Well, maybe if it drops in price sometime I'll buy it. But I just really wants to play with the old camera, because the camera is one of the things that makes MGS what it is.

Meaning no offense, but that is some SERIOUSLY flawed logic.

Well, what I mean is, that I like to own the hole Play Station series. And when there is a hole year or something I might as well wish a ps2 now.

Uhh, can I ask how old you are?

Why, do you say that if I wrote my age, here, on the internet, you would believe me?

No anyway, I am 14 years old. And actually I am a little unsure about that game, if it haven't been for all those excellent reviews the game have gotten, I proberly woulnd't get it, because it sounds scarry.

Now you are proberly rolling your eyes thinking, how can anyone let such a young man play such horrible game.(Or maybe Jack Thompson is?) But to all of you out there that is thinking that, I got something to say to you. I am against people, that let 8 year old kids go to a netcafe and play counter-strike, in a level that is called "the bloodlevel". Why I am thinking so? I am thinking so because I don't think kids in that small age can always see what is real and what is not. So I think it got some impact on them. One of my feinds got a little nephew or something that is 4 year old, and they let him play gta: vice city. In that game you can kick people when they are laying down. The 4 year old tried that in a game, and when my freind was laying on the floor sometime, the 4 year old went over to him and started kicking him, not hard or anything, but that game almost educated that poor little guy. He was to young to see the difference between reality and virtual reality.
I think I am old enough to see the difference between these two things, and that is why I have not got violent by playing all those games and watching all those violent movies!
I'd say asking for a slim PS2 (in black :E) is not a bad idea at all, but I couldn't really say what games you should get...

Actually now that I think about it, you might be better off getting the original Xbox, which has a lot of great games + Xbox live...

But whatever, if you're a Playstation fan then slim PS2 sounds good to me.

Then maybe christmas of '06 you will want a PS3 ;)
donald said:
About san andreas and mgs 2, I already got those to pc.

What I like to hear is not whether I should wait for ps3 or not.(Dosen't mean I don't like you giving your opinion on the subject.)
You don't want our opinion you f*****g smacktard?
Youre probably about 9, can't spell and are complete n00b.
Spend youre money on a ****ing dictionary and fo.
You don't want our opinion you f*****g smacktard?

I do want your opinions. But I also wants your opinion on what I asked in the start of this thread.

Youre probably about 9

Nope, I'm 14.

can't spell

Well, I am not english, I am danish.

and are complete n00b.

Well, I've been here since Aug. 2004, so I woulnd't say I am a newbie.

Spend youre money on a ****ing dictionary

Already got one!
Solaris said:
You don't want our opinion you f*****g smacktard?
Youre probably about 9, can't spell and are complete n00b.
Spend youre money on a ****ing dictionary and fo.

How mature. Why bother posting if you are going to waste 30 seconds of someones life with something quite so unconstructive. If you read a dictionary yourself you might be able to find some words other than those starting with "F".

I think you would be perfectly happy with a PS2 right now, there are plenty of great titles out, they are cheap and for the money you should be able to get plenty of hours of enjoyment out of it. And when the time comes to get a PS3 then you will be able to trade in the PS2 to get money off of the PS3. So i say go for it mate. And personally, i'd go for the black one.
Solaris, man, you should stop calling people '****ing smacktards' until you manage to get the 'your' and 'you're' sorted out. :/

- Snake Eater is ****ing awesome to the mother****ing max infinity plus ****. It's still got the incredible fun and cool story and boss battles and awesome action elements as MGS games have always had, but now the stealth is actually stealthy, in a cool realistic setting with the best and scariest boss battle in a game ever (THE END D:).

Killzone is alright - certainly a damn sight better than a lot of other PS2 shooters - but it's pretty average in the end, and although it has some cool elements you're better off with Timesplitters 2 or 3. Certainly it's not the 'halo-killer' it was supposed to be. Not by a longshot.

Talking of Timesplitters: buy them both. 2 and 3. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. Living proof that FPS can work on a PS2.

GTA Series.

Mercenaries is also good.

You can get Escape From Monkey Island on PS2 as well.

Black is shaping up nicely.
donald said:
I am getting a slime version, but I just can't decide whether I should wish the silver or the black.

The black slime version is my personal favorite! The way that dark black slime just oozes out of every nook and cranie really gets me going!
Is there any difference between the black and silver slime ps2, except the colour?

Have they both got a built-in modem?

I don't know why, but I do think the silver got a cool look to it!
donald said:
Is there any difference between the black and silver slime ps2, except the colour?

Have they both got a built-in modem?

I don't know why, but I do think the silver got a cool look to it!

Are you serious? I bash and make fun of you for putting "slime" the first time.. Yet you go and do it again? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SLIME PS2.. THAT SOUNDS DISGUSTING.
Alright, alright, I learned my leason, it is called a slim ps2.

But still, I would like to know if there is any difference between the black and the silver slim ps2, except the colour?
Warbie said:
We'll see ;)

So far i'm enjoying the 360 a great deal. Will the PS3 have anything as fun as co-op PDZ over Xbox Live at its launch? I doubt it.

I'm sorry but the PS3 launch list KILLS!!! the X360 launch titles!! Here's the full list of titles that should come to launch:

6Gun 2 - BattleBorne Entertainment
Avalon - Climax Studios
Dark Sector - Digital Extreme
The Darkness - Starbreeze Studios
Devil May Cry 4 - Capcom
EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 - EA Chicago
Eyedentify - TBA
Fifth Phantom Saga - Sonic Team
Final Fantasy PS3 - Square Enix
Formula One PS3 - SCE Studios Liverpool
The Getaway PS3 - SCE Studios Soho
Heavenly Sword - Ninja Theory
I-8 - Insomniac Games
Infraworld - Quantic Dream
Killing Day - TBA
Killzone PS3 - Guerilla Games
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Kojima Productions
Mobile Suit Gundam - TBA
MotorStorm - Evolution Studios
Ni-Oh - KOEI
Omikron 2 - Quantic Dream
Possession - Blitz Games
Project Delta - Playlogic International
ShadowClan - Tiger Hill Entertainment
Tekken PS3 - Namco
Vision GT - Polyphony Digital
Warhawk PS3 - Incognito Entertainment

Vision GT is GT5.

And here are the games, I'm getting for the launch of the PS3. (First of..the games I got for X360 was condemned and Perfect dark)

Final Fantasy
Warhawk (Which looks awesome!!)
MSG4 (Must have)
Vision GT (GT5)
I-8 (A wicked shooter)
Killzone (If the trailer lives up to itself)
Devil may cry 4
(Maybe Tekken)

If the system is going to be expensive (and I know it will)...I'll probably pay up to 900-1000$ or even more....but it's worth it..plus if I pre-order next month..I'll pay it all off before I get the system...God I want this system so bad!

EDIT: Lets do some math for the real cost:

I'm assuming the PS3 will be around $749 (same as PS2 price). Lets say the games are at least $70 each (all Canadian prices)

Then the grand total comes too: $1444.50 (with GST).. So I better pre-order soon. (and I'll be really happy if the system comes out cheaper :) )
PS3 is looking freaking amazing... except for the goddamn double-dildo controller.
I like it. looks better than the 360 controller imo.
dream431ca said:
I'm sorry but the PS3 launch list KILLS!!! the X360 launch titles!! Here's the full list of titles that should come to launch:

6Gun 2 - BattleBorne Entertainment
Avalon - Climax Studios
Dark Sector - Digital Extreme
The Darkness - Starbreeze Studios
Devil May Cry 4 - Capcom
EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 - EA Chicago
Eyedentify - TBA
Fifth Phantom Saga - Sonic Team
Final Fantasy PS3 - Square Enix
Formula One PS3 - SCE Studios Liverpool
The Getaway PS3 - SCE Studios Soho
Heavenly Sword - Ninja Theory
I-8 - Insomniac Games
Infraworld - Quantic Dream
Killing Day - TBA
Killzone PS3 - Guerilla Games
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Kojima Productions
Mobile Suit Gundam - TBA
MotorStorm - Evolution Studios
Ni-Oh - KOEI
Omikron 2 - Quantic Dream
Possession - Blitz Games
Project Delta - Playlogic International
ShadowClan - Tiger Hill Entertainment
Tekken PS3 - Namco
Vision GT - Polyphony Digital
Warhawk PS3 - Incognito Entertainment

We'll see ;)

Let's face it, it can't be worse than the PS2 launch.
I'm assuming the PS3 will be around $749 (same as PS2 price). Lets say the games are at least $70 each (all Canadian prices)

That's about $645 USD... Is it really THAT expensive in Canada? Both the PS1 and PS2 launched at about $370-380 USD (about 45,000 yen) in Japan, and then were released at $300 USD when it came to NA. I think they'll do pretty much the same thing with the PS3, launch at about $400 USD in Japan (almost 50,000 yen) in Spring or early Summer, then release it at about $300 USD in NA around Fall (Since they'll have about a half year of sales of the ps3, games, and accessories, and the money from liscenses, etc.) with additional games.