I bought the Orange Box instead of Halo 3


Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
I went to GameStop the other day with the intent to buy some games for my new Xbox 360. All my friends had been hounding me to get Halo 3. So, standing there with my money, I saw the Orange Box. Near it was Halo 3.

I picked up the Orange Box, walked to the counter and paid for it.

Much better then Halo 3.
I've played HL2 on the PC all the way through, and I just started on Ep1. I can't wait to finish both episodes then play Portal again. Most of all, I can't wait to play TF2. TF2 is what I've wanted on the PC for a long time. Now I've got it.

Good job, Valve. Best gaming investment I've made in a long time.
Although TF2 is crap on 360 , it's dead plus it does not get the shiny new updates that we PC folk get.
I have the Orange Box on PC and 360... great on both however TF2 has a TON of lag on the 360 and like Mech Man said its not all shiny
I can see how it happened. You standing in front of the two games, debating which one to get. On your left shoulder was Masterchief as the devil:devil: and on your right shoulder was Gordon Freeman in his HEV suit:angel:.
I can't understand people who claim to be huge FPS fans but doesn't own the Orange Box.
Same as the people who claim to be huge FPS fans but don't own Halo 3, it's all perspective-based
Thats because when they say "I'm a huge FPS fan" what they really mean is "I'm a huge halo nerd lawl halo r teh bestest" and only play halo. ONLY.

Edit : and by only I mean they don't play any other games , sadly I know people like that.
Personally, I'd rather have the Orange Box then Halo 3. I'm not a fan of the Halo series.

The guy behind the counter said I made a good choice, too.
ya, they're two completely different kinds of shooters.
The only difference between the two is that one of them is good, and the other is Half-Life and a lot better.

Thread Starter: You did well laddie. Now you know what you must do. Burn them. BURN THEM ALL.
I thought Halo 3 was rushed by the developers and they tried to put too many ideas into it, like the gravity hammer, which I hated.
Thats because when they say "I'm a huge FPS fan" what they really mean is "I'm a huge halo nerd lawl halo r teh bestest" and only play halo. ONLY.

I'm a huge fan of Intrigue and Mystery; which is why I have remained a huge fan of Half Life, because everythings a mystery, especially Gman. I'm also interested in knowing whats Gordon's purpose in the world and how the Combine really fits into all this. Its easy to say that they have enslaved humanity and taking our resources that is evident, but is there another motive or agenda?
I can't understand people who claim to be huge FPS fans but doesn't own the Orange Box.

Same as the people who claim to be huge FPS fans but don't own Halo 3, it's all perspective-based

exactly, meaning someone can be a big FPS player/fan without enjoying the orange box
Actually, I can't understand people who claim to be huge FPS fans, but who have never played any Half-Life game. It's like saying you're a huge fan of science-fiction space movies, but you've never seen a Star Wars film.

On the other hand, one could draw the same parallel between the games and a more varied film genre (like comedy) and say that Half-Life = Monty Python and that Halo = Abbott and Costello, and say that they're very different and that not everyone can be expected to like both, but that argument would fall flat because -- obviously -- there's nowhere near that much difference between first person shooters.
im pretty sure someone has only called themselves a "huge FPS fan" when either they play the shit out of counterstrike or halo. so its kind of eh here....
Welcome to City17 [RE]Leon.It is very good to see you bought the orange box over halo 3.Well done and enjoy.
I really didn't find Halo 3 that enjoyable, perhaps its selling point is its online multi-player gaming and not single player mode, which I mainly spend time at.
im pretty sure someone has only called themselves a "huge FPS fan" when either they play the shit out of counterstrike or halo. so its kind of eh here....

I'm surprised nobody brought up Counter Strike sooner.
I can claim to be a huge FPS fan even though I play the shit out of Counter-Strike. I've got 3 Call of Duty's, STALKER Clear Sky, F.E.A.R. Platinum Edition, The Orange Box, Left 4 Dead, Garry's Mod, and Halo 1 for PC.

Counter-Strike is nothing compared to Half-Life 2, any of the Episodes, TF2 or Portal (which I beat last night. Chamber 18 was the hardest)
Well, singleplayer and multiplayer shooters are two different worlds, with very different priorities, and must be judged by different rules. But I have to say, I don't hold CS in very high regard as a multiplayer FPS.
Dane Cook sucks!


halo 1 for pc was fun while it lasted but couldnt shake a stick at half life to save its life..

I got a friend at work to play half life 2 finally. He said 10 mins of half life 2 was better then all the halo games combined.

all i said was: "uh.. yeah.. where have you been?"
I can claim to be a huge FPS fan even though I play the shit out of Counter-Strike. I've got 3 Call of Duty's, STALKER Clear Sky, F.E.A.R. Platinum Edition, The Orange Box, Left 4 Dead, Garry's Mod, and Halo 1 for PC.

Counter-Strike is nothing compared to Half-Life 2, any of the Episodes, TF2 or Portal (which I beat last night. Chamber 18 was the hardest)

Halo 1 was the shit.
Sorry, I meant I love Halo 1. I should of just said it was amazing instead of calling it the shit.
I've had great Xbox LAN parties back home that took place during an era that I revere as a nostalgic point of my life.

I'd be interested to hear some of the members' criticisms of Halo. Whenever Halo is brought up on these boards everyone starts acting like a bunch of high schoolers booing the other team as they walk into the stadium, and I've yet to read a solid reason why.

Not that I think Halo > Half Life. I'm with HL all the way.
Why can't people just like both?

I have both, and I play them both regularly. Must there always be a disagreement? Why are humans like that?

We suck. :(
I've had great Xbox LAN parties back home that took place during an era that I revere as a nostalgic point of my life.

I'd be interested to hear some of the members' criticisms of Halo. Whenever Halo is brought up on these boards everyone starts acting like a bunch of high schoolers booing the other team as they walk into the stadium, and I've yet to read a solid reason why.

Not that I think Halo > Half Life. I'm with HL all the way.

Partially I think it's the hype Halo receives. It's a very very successful game, and Half Life fans look at their favourite game, and see that it's better, and wonder why it can't be as successful. Also it's because Halo fans are, for the most part, 12, prepubescent, and idiotic. It's mainly envy, I think.

Also, I'm playing through Halo at the moment, and it's really not that great. It's not terrible, and it has some fun parts, but it's quite laborious.
Also, Halo is the iconic console shooter. Maybe that's another reason for some of the animosity towards it. From the PC aficionados, I mean.

To be honest, I also think shooters belong on the PC, and just don't feel natural played with a console controller, but that's another discussion for another day.
I loved playing four player split screen with my friends on Halo 1 and 2, but when we tried to do it with Halo 3, it just wasn't nearly as fun. So we switched the disk back to Halo 2.

To be honest, I also think shooters belong on the PC, and just don't feel natural played with a console controller, but that's another discussion for another day.

On the contrary, I feel the controllers are perfect for shooters. I've also seen many PC gamers use controllers as well.
I'm a 360 player myself but I highly agree that FPS shooters work better with the PC. It's a lot more natural-feeling, and feels faster-paced which I like.