I bought the Orange Box instead of Halo 3

Also, Halo is the iconic console shooter. Maybe that's another reason for some of the animosity towards it. From the PC aficionados, I mean.

To be honest, I also think shooters belong on the PC, and just don't feel natural played with a console controller, but that's another discussion for another day.

I disagree I for one before anyone comes in and says no it isnt.
I find shooters play better on Console then PC.

I feel alot more at home with a pad then a keyboard.

And before you say it i own both consoles and a pc.
A much better buy fs. :thumbs:

Halo 3's "evolved combat" is laughable imo. It's ridiculous when it takes 5 headshots on legendary to take down a single alien grunt.

In fact, "higher difficulty=increased enemy health" is stupid in any FPS.

"Higher difficulty=more enemies to blast" is how it should be. Like in the olden days of FPSs.
I disagree I for one before anyone comes in and says no it isnt.
I find shooters play better on Console then PC.

I feel alot more at home with a pad then a keyboard.

And before you say it i own both consoles and a pc.
To each his own. You're talking personal preferences here.

The fact remains that -- at the same level of personal proficiency -- a mouse allows much more precise movements than any console controller I know of. This is obviously conducive to aiming, which is what you spend most of your time doing in any FPS. Therefore, it can be argued that a mouse and keyboard is superior for this kind of game.

The mouse is the key factor here, not the keyboard. The only difference between a keyboard and a controller that's relevant to this discussion is that a keyboard has many keys, while a controller has far fewer buttons. So a keyboard is more flexible and more versatile, at the cost of a small measure of intuitiveness.

I'm not going to get into an argument over this, I'm just saying, personal control preferences aside, from an objective point of view: a mouse is vastly superior to a console controller for the precise movements needed in most FPSes. Let me ask you this, could you line up a rifle's sights on a target only ten pixels tall in two seconds with a console controller? No? That's what I thought.

Halo 3's "evolved combat" is laughable imo. It's ridiculous when it takes 5 headshots on legendary to take down a single alien grunt.

In fact, "higher difficulty=increased enemy health" is stupid in any FPS.

"Higher difficulty=more enemies to blast" is how it should be. Like in the olden days of FPSs.
Indeed. Half-Life's 'difficult' level didn't just make the enemies stronger, it enhanced their abilities and made them more numerous in some cases. It's a pity HL2 didn't keep that up. :(
BTW, I so much prefer keyboard and mouse over a joypad for FPSs.

It would be such an unfair deathmatch to have a joypad user vs. keyboard/mouse. I mostly just play single player anyways, but still.

The joypads limited buttons means one would have to scroll through a whole arsenal of weapons to get to the one the player needs at that second. It's that second I can push a single key and wax em'. :thumbs:

So, so clunky.

Also, the mouse is superior to an analog joystick. No questions asked. I don't see how any console owner who also owns a gaming PC could argue this.
A much better buy fs. :thumbs:

Halo 3's "evolved combat" is laughable imo. It's ridiculous when it takes 5 headshots on legendary to take down a single alien grunt.

In fact, "higher difficulty=increased enemy health" is stupid in any FPS.
Not sure I get your argument. If you don't like the intentionally ridiculous difficulty setting, why play it and complain that it's hard? It comes with three pretty standard difficulty settings that are in line with all other FPS games. Except Half-Life 2 of course, which has revolutionised game difficulty by having three difficulty modes that give you a specific shade of "too ****ing easy" (and are pre-bleached for challenge by a dedicated hoarde of early playtesters). AND it achieves those settings by doing the "higher difficulty=increased enemy health" trick.
h4l0 is teh $h1t lawlnoob kekeke

Am I doin' it rite? Seriously, they're both good games.
Not sure I get your argument. If you don't like the intentionally ridiculous difficulty setting, why play it and complain that it's hard? It comes with three pretty standard difficulty settings that are in line with all other FPS games. Except Half-Life 2 of course, which has revolutionised game difficulty by having three difficulty modes that give you a specific shade of "too ****ing easy" (and are pre-bleached for challenge by a dedicated hoarde of early playtesters). AND it achieves those settings by doing the "higher difficulty=increased enemy health" trick.
He didn't say he dislikes hard difficulty levels because they're hard, he said he dislikes the way these games go about increasing difficulty. That is, artificially, by simply making all the enemies absorb a ridiculous amount of damage, rather than, say, making them smarter or more numerous or better equipped. And nowhere did he say Half-Life 2 isn't guilty of this as well. It is. I'd be one of the first to applaud if Valve added a proper "Very Hard" difficulty level to their games, but that's another issue entirely.
Nice choice, but TF2 is lacking on the 360 comparatively.
The only difference between a keyboard and a controller that's relevant to this discussion is that a keyboard has many keys, while a controller has far fewer buttons. So a keyboard is more flexible and more versatile, at the cost of a small measure of intuitiveness.
You're forgetting actual movement issues. While I agree that mouses are more accurate, the movement on a keyboard is limited compared to that of a joystick.
I can't imagine what kind of movement a player would have to make in an FPS that would require incremental controls. Perhaps only driving, but in the shooters that do feature vehicle sections, those sections aren't usually that long and the vehicle physics are usually quite rudimentary and suit keyboard control fine. Who had any trouble driving the Airboat or the Buggy in Half-Life 2 with the keyboard, for example?

That's a valid concern in games that focus on vehicle control (like the Grand Theft Auto series, for example), and aren't designed for PC controls (the vehicle physics in all GTA games, but GTA3 and Vice especially, were very twitchy with a keyboard because they were designed for console controllers, while games like Mafia which were designed for the PC have a longer delay between pressing the key to steer and the wheel turning all the way, making it easier to make smooth turns, anyway, I'm straying off course), but I don't see how that's relevant to first person shooters overall.
Did this seriously reach 4 pages?

Anyway, if anyone here's got the Orange Box for the 360, drop me a PM with your gamertag and we'll play a match of TF2 sometime. Meanwhile I'll be busy with EP1 and 2, seeing's how I'm only playing HL2 for the GamerScore.
You standing in front

You standing in front of the two games, debating which one to get. On your left shoulder was Masterchief as the devil and on your right shoulder was Gordon Freeman
And Gorden Freeman said: "....."

Master Chief said "Lets get in that warthog"

You standing in front of the two games, debating which one to get. On your left shoulder was Masterchief as the devil and on your right shoulder was Gordon Freeman

Wow, really? I already said that. In fact, it was almost exactly that.

Then Master Cheif said "Goddamnit" and Gordon said "..."

Then Gordon bashed Master Chief's head in. With a crowbar.