i can see it happening



however good hl2 is, however amazing, even if its the best game ever-which im hoping it will be...

you know the supposedly high-brow gaming journalists are not going to give it top marks (ie, 95% plus)

u know why? cos they hate sequels to FPS games.....
Yeah those critics sure hates Doom 2....Quake 2....Return to Castle Wolfenstein...
They hated Unreal 2...I can see why.

But critics = nothing most of the time.
They (mostly) don't hate sequels, but they like original, new and fresh games better.

And I think HL2's is going to get topmarks mostly.
I don't think it will happen , cause all the other games are NOT Half Life :)
They have a spacial spot for this game :>
the reason they don't like sequels is because you often find slackness coming into developers work and so shoddy products get released because they know they shall get sales on the strength of their brand name. It's also the case that publishers shall push release deadlines because then they get quick cash, long term financial gain may sound nice but that isn't how businesses always work, especially in more corporate public companies.

This game has clearly had time spent on it and the people developing it are committed don't panic about the scores they shall be high if anything they released is to go by.
They are never going to give 100%/100/10 for the game. It's almost impossible to make a perfect game that please every damn aspect of the player.
Only game like that would be something like the movie Matrixs' virtual reality. It's ultimately realistic but you can still bend the rules.

Soooo..95 is technically 100.
HL2 will get topgrade (98 or 99%) by Swedens top gaming mag, PCGamer Sweden. I trust them with my gaming life.
Dead-Inside said:
HL2 will get topgrade (98 or 99%) by Swedens top gaming mag, PCGamer Sweden. I trust them with my gaming life.

I wouldn't touch it with a long stick. I would get infected....*dies*
In Finland Pelit goes meaby with 90-95/100 points if HL2 kick some ass, we have here really good judges for games.
Perfect Dark was more or less a sequal to Goldeneye, and it scored 100%, only game ever to do something like that. HL1 got around 98%, i assume HL2 will get 90-95%
Lucifer said:
In Finland Pelit goes meaby with 90-95/100 points if HL2 kick some ass, we have here really good judges for games.

Location: Finlad? you sure you want this?
MadGuy said:
Valve has payed for everyone to give em top score

You cant buy those scores at here, well I think after 1million euros thay could give that 99,9/100 :LOL:
I'll bet there will be some reviewers who give it a lower score than usual (80-85) just to be 'different' and 'controversial'.
Abom said:
I'll bet there will be some reviewers who give it a lower score than usual (80-85) just to be 'different' and 'controversial'.

Yeah, the slags......
Yes exactly Abom.

Like those movie critics who give the LOTR films 5/10 but then when they see something like Van Helsing 9.5/10!!!

got wtf?
Beserker said:
Location: Finlad? you sure you want this?

What want? You want some..what the heck you're talking about?
Lucifer said:
In Finland Pelit goes meaby with 90-95/100 points if HL2 kick some ass, we have here really good judges for games.

Yeah, that's true. They have a lot of experience.

They had a funny fake review of HL2 some time ago, based on the E3 2003 videos and screenshots.
I imagine the Team Fortress die hards will despise TF2 whether it is good or not :/
I don't think there will be any game that will get 100% from a gaming magazine.. I think it'll get 96% or 98%, but not more.
Any Mag gives HL2 under a 94% need shooting with Gordon's Shotty....:x

Doubt HL2 will get under 95% from anywhere, its a well rounded game
I kind of doubt that HL2 will get many unfair scores. Certainly not at respectable sites/mags. Highly commercials sites like Gamespy/IGN tend to over-rate anyway... The one review I'll be watching for bitterness is GameSpot’s, given all that lame 'feigned indifference' they were putting on pre-E3.

Just look at DX:IW - its a thoroughly mediocre game AND a sequel and it still managed to get very good scores in most places...
i think it will get good scores, look at splinter cell and the sequal or GTA 3/Vice City. i tend to agree with the review sites, IGN usually rates how i would, unless i really like the style or theme of the game. for FPS's they seem to rate heavily on feel, so if that good in HL2 which it is, it will do well.
Abom said:
I'll bet there will be some reviewers who give it a lower score than usual (80-85) just to be 'different' and 'controversial'.

and perhaps it wasn't there cup of tea. I don't mind a low score as long as the reviewer justifies it.
daveodeth said:
and perhaps it wasn't there cup of tea. I don't mind a low score as long as the reviewer justifies it.

Well of course, I'm talking about the idiotic reviewers who just want to hate it because they want to be seperate from the crowd.
Except it was a developer sequel. Sure, it had nothing to do with the James Bond goldeneye story, but it was a sequel to the ENGINE. That was what people loved...and perfect dark proved it.
groovy said:
Perfect Dark was more or less a sequal to Goldeneye, and it scored 100%, only game ever to do something like that. HL1 got around 98%, i assume HL2 will get 90-95%

Zelda: Ocarina of Time has scored 100 in a few mags, not to mention 10 on Gamespot.
Dragon Warrior III RPG 10.0
Magical Tetris Challenge Puzzle Adventure 10.0
Mario Golf Sports Action 10.0
Metal Gear Solid Action Adventure 10.0
Pokemon Gold RPG 10.0
Pokemon Silver RPG 10.0
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe Platformer 10.0
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX Action Adventure 10.0
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages Adventure 10.0
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Adventure 10.0

If Pelit is gave 100 points for some game, I will be sheep next 5 sec.
How I think that is not Really hard to get that 100%, 100 point or 10 points...then I understand it if game give something really new, fresh and working for its genre from start to end.
forget about IGN, if we are all HL2 fanboys, which we are mostly...then they are just console fanboys.

lol Pokemon, Mario Golf and Tetris perfect games? give me a break....

fun they maybe, but also inherently shallow - perfect games they most certainly aint..
This is how fanboyish us Half-Life players are. Half-Life 2 isn't even out yet and we're bitching about the scores they are going to give it. :)