I cant drink as much as I use to.

Well Guinness has enough callories in it to live off for a while...Its not healthy, but you can do it.
Have you recently moved or changed drinking habits in any way? Because some of drinking or drugs can be affected by surroundings.

You hear about these people on the news that OD on heroin or some random drug that have been junkies or something for quite a while. The person might go to their dealer or something...somewhere they've never been, get offered a hit - they think they're a pro and take a big hit (maybe they take their drugs in a different way than normal). Many of these OD-deaths are found with the same amount of narcotics in their blood as when they'd normally do drugs.

It's partly psychological. Your brain notices a pattern of locations and events that lead to drinking or drugs and prepares the body for it. This is obviously part of your tolerance increasing and such. If you change the circumstances of drinking...and your brain doesn't notice it, you're going to get drunk faster than you'd normally expect.

Anyways...I suppose it depends how long you've been drinking...but in general I've seen tolerances only going up with age. I'm 20 now and have been drinking for a couple years only. My tolerance is as high as ever. I can have a little over 12 beers before I get too drunk for my own good and I stop.

I can see what you mean about keeping up with your friends...but I don't really count much any more. The only reason I know it's 12 is because I might bring a 12-pack to a party...then I notice I've finished it and I stop :P Usually I just drink moderately though...something around 7-8 beers. I rarely get hangovers. When I think I'm going to or when I do - I find that a good preventative/treatment is a cold bottle of gatorade and a shower.
jondy - i dont like guinness anyways...its a drink that you actually have to work at to like - people say 12 pints, i think thats ridiculous...I spent €80 the other night and was completely fine. Then went to work....I DONT HAVE THAT KINDA MONEY!!!!!