I can't get over..


Apr 18, 2004
Reaction score
How GOOD the Citadel core looks...everything about that level is beutifaul..the core iteself is amazing..all the effects..

I <3 Valve and Half Life.
Yeah, it's really really awesome, in every sense of the word. Did anyone else spend a minute shooting power cores(the energy balls) into the core because it was so damn cool to see?
it lags like crap when i stare at the core..but.. it is beautiful..
Pulsating Citadel core is teh awesomeness.
I couldn't get over the melted ledge... soooo very sexy.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I actually made stalkers to shoot me with the red eyebeam (wait, red lasers from eyes? isn't that some sort of internet photoshopping meme?) just because they made the scene look even cooler.
The best bit about it is the magnificent HDR lightning in my opinion.
I think putting it at the beginning of the gameplay seemed to hinder its impact on how amazing it really did look. I say that because I imagine what if that level were at the end of HL2 instead of the other reactor core level with Dr. Breen and I think it would of been much better..... it was just 10x more visually stunning.
Hehe, nice signature, Tehsolace.

Did anyone else spend a minute shooting power cores(the energy balls) into the core because it was so damn cool to see?

Yup, I fired loads of energy balls into the core. Reactor cores are a big cliche in games, but the one in EP1... beautiful... almost visual poetry... bliss...
The effects in citadel is awesome already. The burning effects, the crash of dropship and energy bridges... They are shockingly good. It is much better than that in the origin Half-Life 2. Especially, the game has a lot of light vortex-refraction effects which are not yet seen before. As for the core, it is just brilliant. With the HDR enabled, the scene can be hardly better. The exaggeration of bright-dark contrast is very fit. The blue light round the core is so impressive. Anyway, the following Chapters seem to be an anti-climax.
My rig is knowhere near beefy enough to run with HDR but even without it the opening chapter in the citadel is very impressive. All down hill after that.
After the citadel, the dark tunnel is still good since it is new to the half-life universe, and the level design in dark is not bad. Most of us have to use different strategy in dark. Unlike a bright area, we have to really stick to a wall or a corner, as for cover. These strategies are not so necessary and important in ordinary combat of HL2. Moreover, some of the boss fights, viz the gunship fight and strider fight, are okay. Even though they are quite repetitive, they all show agreeable interacts between the bosses and the environments. The hospital can barely pass. Yet, the atmosphere there is quite good and the npc fights are pretty nice. As for the other locations, they suck ass.
I couldn't get over the melted ledge... soooo very sexy.
I couldn't get over the melted ledge.

It really took me like ten tries. I suck at walking, apparantly.

Citidel was <3. That was my first experience with HDR. I almost drooled.
Is it wrong to get an orgasm by looking at it? (people dont talk to me anymore after that one lan party when Ep1 was released :( )
Is it wrong to get an orgasm by looking at it? (people dont talk to me anymore after that one lan party when Ep1 was released :( )

People really shouldn't talk too much at lan parties anyway.
It took me like 3 tries to get across, the first two I had no idea how to get across, and then the third time I figured it oot.
couldn't get across? lmao!

I dont know how people can slate episode 1 in any way shape or form, its brilliant, exellent add on to the Half-Life 2 story!
:thumbs: I loved chucking energy orbs and man hacks into the core and seeing it absorb them and swell up, lengthened the chapter by about another half hour for me. What Im NOT loving is that when I reach the surface in Urban flight my game stutters like it's going out of style.
I've played that level SOOOO many times with HDR on... and saw how amazing the refract shader and the bloom and the iris dilation were. Then I tried playing it once without HDR and when I looked at the core I wanted to stick glowing metal sticks in my eyes. Without the contrast between the dark pit of the core, the translucent swirly awesomeness of the surrounding layer, and the blinding white light around it, it looks 500% less hot and glowey and most importantly REAL.
When your on the train traversin away from City 17, that was a jaw dropping moment for me. Especially when one gunboat came crashing down and I thought ''Oh crap!'' that it would cause a explosion which would follow you through the tunnel, but it didnt, heh. Also when the escape pods started flying away from the city.
You people.. I actually went partially into the core to see what happened.. I realized I was about to fight some combines at 44 hp... and I did it with 31 left. But I finished the ledge easy, wait for the pulse to change from big to little and sprint like your mother-in-law was coming to see you. I also loved the part where the train crashed.. My head actaully got kinda hot.. GOD, I thought the stalkers were going to get lose.. I was like.. "ZOMG!" And shes all, "OMGF GORDON HELP MEH!!" and im all like "God.. jeez.. why didnt you just take a gravity gun..?" shes all "GORDON, PLEASE HELP MEHS!!!" im all "Fine..." So I walk over there.. being careful no stalker starts raping meh.. and I get her free.. and then lowlife starts.. But it was just awesome, how the stalker's head follows you.. and screams. like his mother-in-law stalker was going to come scream at him.. and maybe shoot him wit teh lazers... so I sat there for like a minute waiting for something to happen.. and eventually started to the other side.. twas weird.. Ohs, and at the first part of the train.. She was like "Im glad were safe now" Or somethings.. and I was all, "Yeah.. on a empty, dark, train.. all alone.." ... thats seriously what I was thinking.. heh.. WOW! LONG POST! ZOMG!!
What's with you and mothers-in-law?

Man, I wish I had a card capable of supporting HDR. I'm missing out. But it's kickass anyway.
It was funny as hell...first time, I got burned as I ran across the ledge....second time, I got by unscathed...third time, I got hit by the burst and it blew me off the ledge and to my death...