I cant play HL2, please help



I bought HL2 5 days ago, and it has been sitting on my desk ever since because i can not get steam installed i keep getting the error messege: Steam.exe (main exception): ERROR: delete of Steam.exe failed, Win32 Error 5 "Access Denied", i have turned off firewalls, and spyware protection but nothing i do works, steam always quits installing 27% of the way through, so i cant play HL2, if anyone can help i would really appreciate it.
Perhaps you should re-format your PC, if you don't have much to lose. Otherwise you could contact VALVe from Steam Powered.

There could be other problems, like a Steam malfunction. Maybe try re-intalling that.
i have used there data base to find ananswer to the problem and tried everything the recommend, i cleared my computer of any valve and steam files and retried to install it, same problem at the same point every time, i have emailed them a few days ago and have not gotten a response and i all i want to do is play the game i bought.