I caught a butterfly

Alright, I'll comment. ;)

It looks like it has promise. Keep us posted on your progress!

very nice perspective! the line work isnt the best I have seen. it would work out nice as a vector drawing
The first one looks more evil. Second one has a horrible face.
the prespecitive looks off to me...

Try drawing a eye level line, and horizon points, and use the Graphical method of Prespective drawing to get all the Prespective correct...although it could just be my eyes playing with me

Has promise tho
oat> will do
evil> toying around in painter...will try and use another thingy
azz> well, it's eant to be like uhm, kinda cute actaually :)
Stone> the perspective is meant to be off :)

The perspective is definately off. This could have worked as a surreal twist, or distortion, if you had your anatomy more accurate. The direction of his feet is wrong, his shoulders look disconnected from his chest and torso, being at a different perspective. I think the big hand is good, however, and the drawing has potential.
I thought it was pretty obvious that he was going for a distorted look...

Oh, and I like it ;)
Here, I did a quick draw-over to illustrate some perspective and anatomy fixes.
Hi Finger.
I appreciate the time you spent on this, and i am aware of the fact that my drawing is anatomicly uncorrect, but i will not change this...or one single reason..it will be waaay too "right" to my liking :)
Exactly, why does everything needs to be anatomical correct to be good. I like this style, a bit dreamy and childrens book illustration like.
"Exactly, why does everything needs to be anatomical correct to be good."

Nothing needs to be any certain way. That's what makes art so cool. My illustration was only meant to support my critique, not a judgement on his style.
if i made it seem as i was displeased with what you did finger, it was NOT intentional..sry if it seemed that way :)
I dunno man, i dont think its particularly good. I'm no artist either so no need to even go there... just my honest opinion, it looks like something one might sketch to pass the time in math class... I guess "good" is a matter of opinion so i should really say "it doesnt look like you put much time in this" :p

Speaking of which... I do have some drawings i did in math class that I might try to post up to show you what i mean.

*edit* actually the hand is pretty good, i like that. I dont like how he doesnt have any shoulders tho :p
the one without a face looks mysterious or something, whereas the one with looks cartoony. uh, yeah. :P interesting stuff. I also have a pictur eith a butterfly in it: