I come from a land down under...

"Push off! ya flamin drongo" basicly means... in terms you guys would understand... "**** off! Ya ****in Idiot"
burnzie said:
"Push off! ya flamin drongo" basicly means... in terms you guys would understand... "**** off! Ya ****in Idiot"
What makes you guys think you can make so many damned nonsensical words, anyway?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
What makes you guys think you can make so many damned nonsensical words, anyway?

its just fair dinkum aussie, mate :p
i still cant understand the "Christmas in Summer" bit, that baffles me :O
santa in the blazing sun, cant picture it, ROFL
KoreBolteR said:
i still cant understand the "Christmas in Summer" bit, that baffles me :O
santa in the blazing sun, cant picture it, ROFL

"HO HO HO HOLY F*** this is hot. Stupid aussies and their messed up weather."

KoreBolteR said:
i still cant understand the "Christmas in Summer" bit, that baffles me :O
santa in the blazing sun, cant picture it, ROFL

Wouldnt have it any other way.

It just wouldnt be christmas without standin front of the barbie cookin up some snags and a couple a prawns with an icey cold one.
burnzie said:
Wouldnt have it any other way.

It just wouldnt be christmas without standin front of the barbie cookin up some snags and a couple a prawns with an icey cold one.

I imagined a Barbie doll and Gary Coleman when I read this....
burnzie said:
Wouldnt have it any other way.

It just wouldnt be christmas without standin front of the barbie cookin up some snags and a couple a prawns with an icey cold one.
Ha ha! I don't even have to live in Australia to have that! I wore shorts this Chrismas! It was lovely.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
What makes you guys think you can make so many damned nonsensical words, anyway?
We southerners do it just as much. :(
Tr0n said:
We southerners do it just as much. :(
Yeah, but Southern drawl doesn't count. We never use the same nonsensical letter grouping twice.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Ha ha! I don't even have to live in Australia to have that! I wore shorts this Chrismas! It was lovely.

Thats a start.

I guess.

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Yeah, but Southern drawl doesn't count. We never use the same nonsensical letter grouping twice.

I kinda feel bad for making fun of my own heritage.
burnzie said:
Thats a start.

I guess.

Oh...and I went to work at my station to put on the Metro Opera daypart...

And what's the most famous landmark in all of Australia? That's right. That funky lookin' opera house in Sydney.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
And what's the most famous landmark in all of Australia? That's right. That funky lookin' opera house in Sydney.

I've fallen asleep on the steps outside that! :D
bliink said:
I've fallen asleep on the steps outside that! :D
I assume that by "fallen asleep" you mean "passed out blind-ass drunk".
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I assume that by "fallen asleep" you mean "passed out blind-ass drunk".

hehehe, I must be getting a reputation around here lol.. :angel:

Thats easily a slab from where I live...

Though bout a 3 can flight...

The Thing said:
I've never been to Aussieland.

You should go there... We have the big banana! We also have the big pineapple :D

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
*head explodes*

That's a fair crack at the whip, mate.
Danimal said:
You should go there... We have the big banana! We also have the big pineapple :D.

Australia: Land of giant novalty fruit.
Meh...fruit shmoot. We've got the world's largest ball of twine.
Everyone to visit the big bannana has the obligatory "look at me im holding up the big bannana" shot...

Including me :p
We have crazy drunk bumbs who'll dance for a nickle!
qckbeam said:
Come on now Ikerous, you know I dance for free.
Yea, but i always end up putting ones in your pants
So it costs me like ten bucks

No pants next time?
Ikerous said:
Yea, but i always end up putting ones in your pants
So it costs me like ten bucks

No pants next time?

No pants huh? Sounds downright dirty.

I love it :naughty:
i've never been to Aussie land myself either...hmm..bliink did say she'd show me around if i ever visited...hmm and perhaps learn some of the Aussie ways while there :E

edit: bliink, yeah thats quite a rep u have built as far as drinking goes :laugh:
You know what spiders love most off all? Standing upsidedown on the ceiling for hours at a time. Thats why Aussielands got the biggest poisen-eist spiders of all.

And you invented fosters, which is probably why you were all sent out there in the first place :)

Go to your continent and don't come out untill your ready to say sorry...

Link said:
You know what spiders love most off all? Standing upsidedown on the ceiling for hours at a time. Thats why Aussielands got the biggest poisen-eist spiders of all.

And you invented fosters, which is probably why you were all sent out there in the first place :)

Go to your continent and don't come out untill your ready to say sorry...

Nothing wrong with Fosters :p
We have those, we also have alcholic tim tams :D