I comp'd "A" School, **** YES


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Just here to express my utmost excitement! I graduated from FC "A" School! YYEEEESSSSS!!!! It's about time, I've been here far too long.

Yeah, Id on't quite understand what an FC "A" school is!

But congrats anyway!
"A" School - Apprentice School. Most rates, as in 95% of them, have an "A" School. It's where sailors are trained and familiarized with the equipment, computers, or what-have-you that they will be using in the fleet and further training. Mine happened to be two months long, along with about two months of ATT(Apprentice Technical Training) here at CSCS Great Lakes Training Base. It's one of the toughest schools in the Navy, and I believe it. So I am now a rated FC.

Read more about it here.
The description sounds confusing enough for me :o Congratulations!
Congratulations! May your kills be plentiful and merciless.
"A" School - Apprentice School. Most rates, as in 95% of them, have an "A" School. It's where sailors are trained and familiarized with the equipment, computers, or what-have-you that they will be using in the fleet and further training. Mine happened to be two months long, along with about two months of ATT(Apprentice Technical Training) here at CSCS Great Lakes Training Base. It's one of the toughest schools in the Navy, and I believe it. So I am now a rated FC.

Read more about it here.

Do they make you do annoying physical activity stuff even though you are a technician?
Oh yes. We routinely PT'd twice a week for about two hours, consisting of strenuous workout sessions and a three mile run.
At the time it wasn't... but it sure as hell paid off.
Sooooo, congratulations! :o

What are you going to do now? What happens?
Well, right now I'm on hold until I transfer to my next duty station("C" School), which will be in Dahlgren, Virginia. I'm told this school lasts between 9 and 12 months, depending on my pace. And between now and then I plan to take my full two weeks of leave sometime in September to visit my family and enjoy "civilian" life for a bit.
Just here to express my utmost excitement! I graduated from FC "A" School! YYEEEESSSSS!!!! It's about time, I've been here far too long.


****in oath! It takes me about an hour to stop watching your avatar :(
Congrats. One of my cousins is currently in boot camp for the Navy, with intentions on becoming a combat medic and then applying for the Navy Seals.

Can't say that I'm thrilled about it, what with him wanting to join the military, and my other cousin who joined the Marines and is being shipped out to Iraq next month probably.