I compiled some online release date info

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I'm sure I'll get flamed like a mofo for this but oh well...I was checking Half Life 2 release date info on a few online retail sites and this is what I came up with:

Amazon 11/1/04
Eb 11/01/04
Gamestop 11/01/04
Wal-mart 11/02/04
Target 11/02/04
Bestbuy 11/06/04
CompUSA 11/01/04
Buy.com 11/02/04
Overstock.com 11/02/04
Newegg.com 11/02/04

I'm sure that none of them (the retailers) know anything more than we do, but it could point to Valve preparing major retailers for an early November release. Just something to think about.
It looks like the majority and average is about November 1st. Welcome to the forums. :)
its highly probable. just no official word yet. good data collection though :thumbs:
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
It will come out this month.

P4, no one cares about your stupid fps...stop posting the screenshot already..
Things we all have seen many times before
Welcome to the forums

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