I couldn't find any info on the A.I. Will the A.I. in Half-Life 2 be able to...

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering, Half-Life 2 seems pretty advanced and all, and the Hydra attack in one of the BINK videos has got me wondering.
Will Half-life 2's A.I. be able to learn and track your action and find some sort of counter? For example, let's say you've been using some sort of energy weapon a lot. The Combine could then whip out a device they had on themselves for some time, but didn't know when to use it, and have it reflect your shots back at you.
I think it would be pretty awesome if they could do that. I would like to see some interviews that explain the A.I.
Most reviews said the A.I. was the weak point of hl2. They didn't say it was bad, but compared to everything else in hl2 it could have had been better.
No one said the ai was weak. the only thing they said was that your partners sometimes got in the way. (for example) Followed you in a small room.
Chiefi said:
Most reviews said the A.I. was the weak point of hl2. They didn't say it was bad, but compared to everything else in hl2 it could have had been better.
yeah pretty much. They do everything you'd expect to see in a shooter now-a-days, flank, seek cover, that sorta thing. At least according to reviews and what some of the people who have played it say
I would edit my last post but it's too late. anyway...

I'll rephrase what i said. They didn't say the A.I. was weak or bad. But they did say that the A.I. wasn't as good and spectacular as everything else in the game.
the ai will do your laundry and toast your bread, increase your penis size and improve your *ahem* performance, pay your bills and do your homework, fill out your tax forms and pay them too.

and they'll also help you kill bad guys in an intelligent manner.
The AI always looks pretty cabbage in the binks. They just stand in one place shooting, don't bother looking for cover and never try to flank. I don't know if it will be that way in game.
yeah the combine soldiers look somewhat stupid in the binks

and they have bad aim
They do have bad aim... In the bink videos though, the guy playing obviously knows what he's doing and what's going on. We can't judge how well they flank because he KNOWS where they'll be... <<<my speculation, at least...
HolySdrJR said:
They do have bad aim... In the bink videos though, the guy playing obviously knows what he's doing and what's going on. We can't judge how well they flank because he KNOWS where they'll be... <<<my speculation, at least...

In the bink videos, one bullets eats one point from Gordon's HEV suit... I wouldn't jump the gun and say they have bad aim... atleast not yet.
johnnypoopoopant said:
but a.i. is still good right? chiefi
Yeah it's good but it's just not as well done as everything else in the game. Most reviews seem to agree on that.
Chiefi said:
Most reviews said the A.I. was the weak point of hl2. They didn't say it was bad, but compared to everything else in hl2 it could have had been better.

No. What was said was that the PATHFINDING is weak.
I didn't mean to say that the A.I. was weak. Read my last 2 posts.
Chiefi said:
Most reviews said the A.I. was the weak point of hl2. They didn't say it was bad, but compared to everything else in hl2 it could have had been better.

I have read many (if any) interveiws that say the A.I is the weak point in HL2.

Anyway, reveiwers play the game on easy, so the A.I would of been decreased slightly
Actually I believe the reviewers would probably play on normal difficulty. Most of them, anyway. That way they can easily say in their review "the game was too easy" or "the game was too hard" without looking like idiots because they played it on easy difficulty.
MaDMaXX said:
The AI in HL2 is really quite smart, very nice to play against.

From someone whose actually played the game, here on the forums.
Yeah, in the pc gamer review didn't he say something like that the combine forces were actually really really smart, flanking him, covering each other, storming him and raping him from behind while he reloads......???? And also those binks were said by gabe and others that the AI was almost turned off or set on 'easy' so that they could show off the physics and so fourth,,, i mean when you watch them like in points the person playing almost sits back in their chair taking shots and 1 damage a bullet just so we can take in the view of the huge building in the background...and if you look at them a few times.. he does seem to be trying to take his time against the enemy so we can see funny stuff.....and what it looks like..... rather than rushing through and taking the enemy out like the idiots that they are set at.....
Lanthanide said:
Actually I believe the reviewers would probably play on normal difficulty. Most of them, anyway. That way they can easily say in their review "the game was too easy" or "the game was too hard" without looking like idiots because they played it on easy difficulty.

Whether they play on hard or easy , reveiwers never say it is too easy , millions of different game gave many different abilities, and if they do write that then the revwiers stupid heh.
Most of the reviews have said either the Combine or Squadmate AI are weak (it varies from review to review). I guess we shall see in two weeks.

Even if the AI doesn't live up to most people's expectations, there's always the possibility Valve could do a patch to improve the AI later.
I haven't read a review yet that says the AI is weak. In fact, the PC GAMER US Review says the Combine and all your enemies are a constant deadly threat.
redrain85 said:
Most of the reviews have said either the Combine or Squadmate AI are weak (it varies from review to review). I guess we shall see in two weeks.

Even if the AI doesn't live up to most people's expectations, there's always the possibility Valve could do a patch to improve the AI later.
If the game had dumb AI do you seriously think that the majority of magazines would give it 96-98%?
Sparta said:
If the game had dumb AI do you seriously think that the majority of magazines would give it 96-98%?

ding ding ding

Common Sense 1
Speculation 0
There's a difference between completely "dumb" and weak (as in not living up to expectations). They never said the AI was dumb. They said it could have been better. Maybe they were expecting too much. Who knows? We sure won't, until November 16th.
redrain85 said:
There's a difference between completely "dumb" and weak (as in not living up to expectations). They never said the AI was dumb. They said it could have been better. Maybe they were expecting too much. Who knows? We sure won't, until November 16th.

Saying the AI is "weak" implies that they won't be challenging. That contradicts EVERYTHING I have heard so far about the AI.
Well, one thing's for sure. Half-Life had some damn good AI, even compared to a lot of shooters these days. You couldn't run from those grunts. :o I gaurantee they've made progress over the past 6 years. :)
Raziel-Jcd said:
No one said the ai was weak. the only thing they said was that your partners sometimes got in the way. (for example) Followed you in a small room.

If you read the PC-Zone review, the reviewer talks about the weakness of AI, not particularly pathfinding, but the actions/responses of Combine Soldiers are rather dumb.
Naveed said:
If you read the PC-Zone review, the reviewer talks about the weakness of AI, not particularly pathfinding, but the actions/responses of Combine Soldiers are rather dumb.

Again, that contradicts every other review I have read so far. Link? Quote?
I think it should be okay to post this. It's a segment from the UK PC Zone magazine.

Indeed, the only area of possible concern I have is with the AI. Expectations are high, given that the original game had the best AI of its day - but I'd have to say on that basis, we're a tiny bit disappointed. This isn't to say there's anything quantifiably wrong with the AI - it's extremely competent - it's just not the leap forward we might have expected. I'm talking mainly about the human enemies. Where the aliens and friendly characters are concerned, I have no complaints, but the Combine soldiers could have used better survival instincts. It's not that they do anything wrong, but occasionally the just seem a bit dense - reluctant to take cover, eager to rush head-on into a shotgun blast.
In case you think I made that up, others who have the mag can confirm this was in the review.

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to HL2 as much as anybody. I'm just reporting what I've read. For all we know, the reviewer played it on easy mode or is just full of it.

This isn't the only review that mentioned this. But then other reviews have complained about the squad AI. So frankly I don't know who to believe.
redrain85 said:
In case you think I made that up, others who have the mag can confirm this was in the review.

I was about to quote the same para from the review. Thanks.

Personally, I have lowered my expectations for the AI. I hope it would be better than HL1 and on par with other recent games.
Look the AI matches the characters.
-Rebels, might get into your way though do apologize. They arn't trained soliders. They are just normal people who just grabbed a gun and went out fighting the combine. Thats all they are. Most of them probably never used a gun before.
-Combine, highly trained. They are suppose to flank you and everything. There AI matches up to what there suppose to be. Soliders trained to kill. So there AI will be heavily great and should flank you and everything. Use the right weopon when there suppose to and everything.

So yes the Rebel AI might be weak, but there suppose to be stupid. Therefor the AI is great.
Tredoslop said:
Just wondering, Half-Life 2 seems pretty advanced and all, and the Hydra attack in one of the BINK videos has got me wondering.

It was scripted and because that's what it took, the hydra is now removed.
The game will probably not have a system which changes all combine's way of attacking you(and the idea of that they would have a weapon they don't know how to use is ridiculous), because they would report back to HQ and say things like "Freeman can't fcking strafe!"
redrain85 said:
I think it should be okay to post this. It's a segment from the UK PC Zone magazine.

In case you think I made that up, others who have the mag can confirm this was in the review.

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to HL2 as much as anybody. I'm just reporting what I've read. For all we know, the reviewer played it on easy mode or is just full of it.

This isn't the only review that mentioned this. But then other reviews have complained about the squad AI. So frankly I don't know who to believe.

That quote is mostly positive, 'extremely competent', they just expected the leap from Quake -> Half-Life, which you'd need to be pretty dense yourself to expect that. And I'm kinda glad that the combine don't play the annoying 'hide-behind-the-tree' game like the Far Cry grunts.