I created a website just to host my CRAZY hl2 videos, Please Watch Them!

Can u host one of my videos on ur webbie? Ive got a cool one, and its only 7 MB :thumbs:
Nice videos :thumbs: The turrent one was ace, try and get a video of the enemy charging at the turrents from a long distance :D

DieScreaming said:
yeah im atomicgamer or msn
I didn't really get that line hehe, do you have msn or? If you wont publish it you can just pm me your addy so i can send you the video :P

*Edit* aw nvm ive got it
TO make the videos, he had the game output each frame as an image file (so it doesn't skip any), and complied the images into a singular avi.

THe people were put in there with the consol (the ~ key, if it is enbled in game settings)... there are command you type in that do things, like spawn them on the ground where you look.

DirectX is a system that sits between the program and the graphics card to help render images. the difffrent versions have diffrent supported features... direct x 9 has some cool "shaders" support which allow those pretty reflections on water, among other nifty things.
Well, it didnt work for me the first time when DieScreaming uploaded it to his site, although it worked for him...then he changed host to angelfire, and it worked for me too...maybe a matter of hosts that effects something in each computer...i know that isn't true but anyways :angel: :D
Can we get a mirror on that Combine vs Zombie movie? (The one from the other thread)

AngelFire deleted it.. For some reason...