I didn't download the beta because...

I didn't download the 'beta' because...

  • ... I want to enjoy the full HL 2 experience.

    Votes: 244 59.8%
  • ... its ilegal , I don't want to go to jail.

    Votes: 17 4.2%
  • ... it goes against my personal moral code.

    Votes: 87 21.3%
  • ... the file is too big.

    Votes: 41 10.0%
  • ... I don't want to pick up any virus.

    Votes: 19 4.7%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .
erm...i know above was my last post, but i sneakily checked your profile, and your birthday is on the same day as mine, happy birthday for next week...ahem.
I didnt download the beta for several reasons really. I didnt want to spoil the game for myself. I felt very sorry for valve as their 5 years of hard work was stollen with little warning and now almost everyones got it and of course because it is illegal. (But thats not a big deal compared the it being morrally wrong to download it in my opinion)

Also if i had to download it I would be affraid of viruses as one of my friends did get it and it ruinied his system till he formated.
"All of the Above" would have been an appreciated choice. AFAIK, it'll be out when it's out and I'll enjoy it then. Thanks for bringing this matter up, however!
I don't want to spoil it for myself, it's gonna take most of the fun out if when i'm playing it I know what's coming next, or i'm thinking 'they sorted that texture out then'. It would totally destroy any suspension of disbelief.

Even if I didn't care about that, I wouldn't be willing to take the risk of the damage any malicious code could cause to my comp. I bought this rig to be able to play HL2, it would be ironic if the 'beta' destroyed it before the game was on the shelves.
I answered "I want to enjoy the full HL2 experience", but in fact I didn't dl the "beta" also because it's illegal, the file is too big and I'm afraid of viruses...
But sometimes, when I read posts by users of the beta, I wish I were playing with it as I'm fascinated by the possibility of using something like Havok (I dled Tokamak but I'm not sure of what I can do with it now...).

Another regret for not having dled the beta is that I don't know how HL2 will be with my graphic card which is a weak one (ATI radeon VE).

It's a pity Valve doesn't propose at least something for the people who didn't dl the beta : a benchmark, a demo, a new video,... we have just to wait without any hope of anything tangible...
Why would you ruin the experience for yourself? I never understood that at all.

So much of the fun in playing HL1 for the first time was trying to figure out what the hell was going on, what everybody was doing, and being surprised at the little twists and turns the story kept taking.

I really don't approve of stealing source either, and on principle I wouldn't download the stolen code because it is disrespectful. Imagine if someone had stolen Beethoven's half-finished draft for the Ninth Symphony and gave away a bunch of copies.
I'm with BlackWolfdrk; I voted for "full HL2 experience" but all of the options apply to me.
must have hl2 with full greatness, must experience every thing perfectly from beginning to end!
All of those options are reasons why I wouldn't download it although the biggest reason is probably because I don't wanna destroy the full game experience. :)
Dont get me wrong by the way. I have been severly tempted. I recently aquired a new PC. And its ammazingly fast. 3.2ghz 1024mb ram and a ATI radeon 9800. ie the lot! :)
And I really really want to see half life two running at its best on this thing. I am soooo tempted its unbelieveable.

But it shows what will power alone can do eh. Foget david blane :P
This is much harder :D
i sure as hell would have gotten a copy of the hl2 beta if it wasnt for one little problem. my damn comp is so crappy i cant even run it right now, hell i only get 25fps in counter-strike at 1024x768 in openGL. i dont even wanna know what i would have gotten trying to play that beta
Shouldn't there be a "All of the above" answer?
I don't want to download an illegal, half-complete, immoral file the size that takes forever to download and leaves you wanting more...!

Not a day goes by without me cursing the schmuck who stole my thunder! He did however save me some money, I re-scheduled my computer upgrades (graphic, CPU, PSU and RAM) until the spring comes.
"it goes against my personal moral code"

LMFAO! What a joke, just like this poll.
But it does kinda go against my morrals.

Well actually I just feel very sorry for valve.

Isnt that the same thing :S

anyway, this pole isnt a joke. So please shut up :)

They even made a post about it on the front page of the site and about how much of a rubish responce its got from gamers :(
don't know where

i didn't download the beta because i wouldn't even know where to begin looking for it. How come all you guys know the filesize of the beta if your morality prevents you from downloading such things? How come you're looking at them in the first place.
I for one have no idea of the exact file size. But i could guess that its pretty big if it has game content in it. But if your talking about just the source. Then its probably very little in comparision.

Once more can I just say. The hacker that did this should have his balls fed to a pack of hungry mutated dogs.
Being a programmer myself - I can understand the reasons why one should not STEAL CODE. End of story.
I didn't and I voted "the full experience", but as someone stated earlier, it's a bit of it all. Mostly I feel sorry for Valve and don't want to take advantage of them being robbed. Im not afraid I'd go to jail, because I wouldn't even if I was caught doing it. You aren't put in jail for that kind of thing where I live. And I heard that there was a "sneaky" release as well with a trojan, who wants a trojan.

But the biggest thing is still: I dont want to ruin my HL2 experience. I still am happy I got to play the first HL totally unaware about what it was. I hadn't paid attention to any of the pre-release hype, I hadn't read any reviews either, but heard from a few friends that it was "REALLY &"¤#%¤ GOOD". So when I found it in a games shop at a bargain price in Bangkog, I said "what the heck" and bought it. It was even a legit copy with real cd-key and all. Only downer was the thai manual, but the game was in english.
I didn't need to download it. We've gotten tons of photos and information from people who did at hl2world dot com. As for me, I'll wait for the retail version.
well, i voted "don't want to ruin the experience" which is pretty much true, but i am in a slightly different position than most, because right now (and for the last couple of months) i don't have an internet connection at home, the one here at work is really fast, but they monitor network activity and dl-ing via kazaa or something would raise red-flags everywhere (i'm not savvy enough to get thing through other means). i'd like to say though, that i wouldn't get it anyway (b/c the experience thing), but i'll never have to test that theory :D

i'd also like to say the moral thing too, but i have tons of mp3s (like most everyone else here), so i don't have much of a leg to stand on there. in my mind i like to imagine that those two situations are different.. and i'm going to go ahead and keep imagining it.

i can say, for the reasons outlined above, that i may be one of the few people (maybe there are actually a lot, maybe the majority, i dunno) on these boards that has never actually even thought about looking for the leaked material. hey if i don't pat my back, who will??


p.s. i haven't even looked for screenshots. not sure why though.. that e3 video is much better than any screenshots, maybe that's it.
tbh I think the option that would have been most appropraire to be woiuld have been...

... I cant be arsed to download the beta.

Its not a moral thing, its not coz its too big etc etc
didn't get it because i support some few companies...valve is one of them....
for reason #1, mostly

I have no real problem with "warez"-ing typical betas as long as the dev ends up earning what they deserve come full release. But since HL2 is likely to be one of the best ever at date-of-release, I'd like to experience it at what valve considers release quality.
I didn't download the beta cause it was gay porn, and I'm not into gay porn.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy

p.s. i haven't even looked for screenshots. not sure why though.. that e3 video is much better than any screenshots, maybe that's it.

How do you know if it's better if you haven't looked at the screenshots?

Come by and see for yourself the goodness that lies within hl2.
Originally posted by Feedbag
How do you know if it's better if you haven't looked at the screenshots?

Come by and see for yourself the goodness that lies within hl2.

You went to great pains to point out that your site was unfairly banned from being mentioned here, and here you are basically telling people to go and discuss the stolen files on your site!
Originally posted by Feedbag
How do you know if it's better if you haven't looked at the screenshots?

Come by and see for yourself the goodness that lies within hl2.

Don't listen to this guy ^^^

Resist the temptation of the dark side!
I have never dled this beta/source because first off i have no idea what it is, well like i know what it is, i jsut have no idea what it means once u open it. I also am not that bad of a person to open a source that was stolen from valve. I am also smart enough to know that there is probaly something in it, even if ur anti-virus did not pick it up. All in all i voted for it is against my moral support, but i wish i could have said it was all of the above. I think people that dl this source/beta has no repsect to anyone
as several others have said, I'm a programmer and wouldn't want my code being toyed with like that, so I won't do it to Valve.

If it was a company that I respect less than Valve, then I might've peaked. But I respect Valve too damn much to do that to THEM.

P.S. Ion Storm comes to mind. If this had been the Daikatana code, I would've hosted it on my own damn server....
About a month ago a friend d/l the beta on his work computer and showed it to me. I was a little pissed and didnt want to look at it. But i pretended to be excited about it. Then he went to lunch and i deleted it. I think i did him a huge favor.
So does this mean that the source is actually out? and that a playable version is in the 'black market' somewhere? I never seem to get a clear answer on this
Originally posted by etzel90
About a month ago a friend d/l the beta on his work computer and showed it to me. I was a little pissed and didnt want to look at it. But i pretended to be excited about it. Then he went to lunch and i deleted it. I think i did him a huge favor.

haha i bet he wasn't best pleased :)

serves him right though eh :)