I dont feel sorry at all!


Aug 13, 2004
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omg I lived here for 35years and now Im being kicked out....bla bla bla

those dumb asses dont have a right to be there in the first place if you ask me
thx to FOX News tey let it lok like some drama movie:hmph:
I have just as much the right to live here as you! >: O

Wait.. who are you talking about?
uhmmmm okay........:dork:

edit: yea seriously, wtf are you on about?!
do guys watch the news?
Im talking about the Jews/Israelis
they have no right being there.....they stole the land from the Palestine (whatever^^)
Now now, don't blame the Israeli's. It was the allied powers after WWII that took the palestinean land. Apparently the palestineans did some pretty bad things to recieve that punishment. :dozey:
I think the withdrawal is in Israel's best long term interests (they can take the kid gloves off in defending themselves and the terrorists lose a huge chunk of their propoganda base)

However, to say something like "the land was stolen" is wrong and uncalled for. They were invaded by the Arabs, and yes, collectively I say it, because it was (almost) every Arab nation. They took the land in war DEFENDING themselves against a massive unprovoked strike. Didn't see Jordan, which is actually the Palestinian's home state, ever helping them. It became a complicated situation with the settlers and those there now, but to say the land was 'stolen' or something like that is completely wrong, it paints Israel as thieves when that's not the case.
In my opinion both sides are completely ****ed up.
I'm sure Lemonking's not 35 years old.

Anyway, I heard that Isreal is withdrawing, but walling the area off, in effect creating a giant prison for the Palestinians. Hopefully the two nations will be able to reconcile their differences one day.
kirovman said:
I'm sure Lemonking's not 35 years old.

Anyway, I heard that Isreal is withdrawing, but walling the area off, in effect creating a giant prison for the Palestinians. Hopefully the two nations will be able to reconcile their differences one day.

One day, 2147 AE.
It was arab land when Israel was founded in 1948. The jews hadn't lived there for 5000 years, but they still consider it their land. That was the biggest misstake the UN has ever made.
Lemonking said:
they have no right being there.....they stole the land from the Palestine (whatever^^)

Oh god, what has the overweight Geordie done now?
It was arab land when Israel was founded in 1948. The jews hadn't lived there for 5000 years, but they still consider it their land. That was the biggest misstake the UN has ever made.
there were millions of jews living there when the war ended not every jew emigrated to europe
there were palestinians and arabs living there too because that area had been conquered by the ottoman turks
RakuraiTenjin said:
I think the withdrawal is in Israel's best long term interests (they can take the kid gloves off in defending themselves and the terrorists lose a huge chunk of their propoganda base)

However, to say something like "the land was stolen" is wrong and uncalled for. They were invaded by the Arabs, and yes, collectively I say it, because it was (almost) every Arab nation. They took the land in war DEFENDING themselves against a massive unprovoked strike. Didn't see Jordan, which is actually the Palestinian's home state, ever helping them. It became a complicated situation with the settlers and those there now, but to say the land was 'stolen' or something like that is completely wrong, it paints Israel as thieves when that's not the case.

It was completly unprovoked, just like the normandy landing was unprovoked by germany.
well lets see.

1. The west bank and the gaza strip are legally Isreal's. Why? Because they were claimed in a defensive action. Eygpt, Jordan, and the such attacked isreal, and in response, Isreal retaliated and counter-invaded. By international law, Isreal is the roghtful owner of the land, as they were on the defense.

2. Comparing the 6 day war to the Normandy landings is stupid. Hitler led a continued campaign of conquest across all of europe. Hitler also decided he would like to conquer the world

isreal was created from pre-existing colonial land, and the nations around it were also carved from that colonial land. none of the nations would be there without someone drawing a line. isreal MAINTAINED ITS BORDERS until OTHER NATIONS ATTACKED IT. REPEATEDLY WITHOUT CAUSE. yes, isreal is a constant threat to all nations around it, and must be destroyed as quickly as possible.

3. there is no such thing as a palastinian. they were the local arabic population that lived in the colony known as Palastine. when it comes to ethnic and family relations, they are broken up geographically. they only created the term palastinian, as a emtional tool in teh 1970's.

THE ARABIC nations surrounding isreal, such as LEBANON have laws restricting the "palastinians" ability to get jobs or own proptery. no one else wants them, no on is willing to expel them into another arabic nation and start a conflict over it. resolution: dump them on the jews, theyll kill eachother off.
Eg. said:
well lets see.

1. The west bank and the gaza strip are legally Isreal's. Why? Because they were claimed in a defensive action. Eygpt, Jordan, and the such attacked isreal, and in response, Isreal retaliated and counter-invaded. By international law, Isreal is the roghtful owner of the land, as they were on the defense.

2. Comparing the 6 day war to the Normandy landings is stupid. Hitler led a continued campaign of conquest across all of europe. Hitler also decided he would like to conquer the world

isreal was created from pre-existing colonial land, and the nations around it were also carved from that colonial land. none of the nations would be there without someone drawing a line. isreal MAINTAINED ITS BORDERS until OTHER NATIONS ATTACKED IT. REPEATEDLY WITHOUT CAUSE. yes, isreal is a constant threat to all nations around it, and must be destroyed as quickly as possible.

3. there is no such thing as a palastinian. they were the local arabic population that lived in the colony known as Palastine. when it comes to ethnic and family relations, they are broken up geographically. they only created the term palastinian, as a emtional tool in teh 1970's.

THE ARABIC nations surrounding isreal, such as LEBANON have laws restricting the "palastinians" ability to get jobs or own proptery. no one else wants them, no on is willing to expel them into another arabic nation and start a conflict over it. resolution: dump them on the jews, theyll kill eachother off.

Hitler did not wanted to conquer the world, he wanted to expend the living space of th germand people, which meant taking over europe, he drove people away out of their homes, conquered land, and was then attacked by the allied surrounding nations. The jews drove the palestinians out of their homes, conquered their land, and were attacked by the surrounding nations who were allied with teh palestinians. No it's pretty much like normandy.

By international law the jews do not even belong their in the first place.

The fact that there was no land called palestina doesn't mean that the arabs weren't driven from their homes, it doesn't mean they didn't live there.

I guess the genocide and the stripping of the land on the indians was OK cause they didn't have a nation, and you would do it all over again if you had the chance wouldn't you.
sinkoman said:
I'm interested in hearing why you think so.
They stole the land from the Arabs. Jews got 50% of the land, being 20% of the population. Even then it was unfair, but now, Israel has expanded so much that practical all of Israel is occupied. Just the fact that they lived there 5000 years ago does not give them the right to steal the land from another people.
The_Monkey said:
They stole the land from the Arabs. Jews got 50% of the land, being 20% of the population. Even then it was unfair, but now, Israel has expanded so much that practical all of Israel is occupied. Just the fact that they lived there 5000 years ago does not give them the right to steal the land from another people.
Your UN made the choice...they basically created a country for Israel...the arabs didn't like it. So they attacked and LOST. It's Israel's land now. Rather you like it or not.

That's how war is people. When you capture someones land it's YOURS...illegal or not. So get the **** over it.
Tr0n said:
Your UN made the choice...they basically created a country for Israel...the arabs didn't like it. So they attacked and LOST. It's Israel's land now. Rather you like it or not.

That's how war is people. When you capture someones land it's YOURS...illegal or not. So get the **** over it.

Yes, the creation of Israel was UN's fault, but the expanding of Israel was Israel's fault. Of course, now you can't just throw the jews out, you have to make the best of the situation. I think the wisest thing to do right now is re-establish the 1948 borders. They might not be fair, but helluva lot fairer than the present.
Grey Fox said:
Hitler did not wanted to conquer the world, he wanted to expend the living space of th germand people, which meant taking over europe, he drove people away out of their homes, conquered land, and was then attacked by the allied surrounding nations. The jews drove the palestinians out of their homes, conquered their land, and were attacked by the surrounding nations who were allied with teh palestinians. No it's pretty much like normandy.

By international law the jews do not even belong their in the first place.

The fact that there was no land called palestina doesn't mean that the arabs weren't driven from their homes, it doesn't mean they didn't live there.

I guess the genocide and the stripping of the land on the indians was OK cause they didn't have a nation, and you would do it all over again if you had the chance wouldn't you.

Actually, Hitler did want to conquer the world. He had secret documents detailing how he was going to take over America.
DeusExMachinia said:
Actually, Hitler did want to conquer the world. He had secret documents detailing how he was going to take over America.
Source? proof?
Hitler wanter to take over the world, that should be obvious to anyone. Not only did he push france and other off the continent he was going for Britian too (Op: Sea Lion). And north Africa (Afrika Korps).

Technically America (North and South) would have fallen under the Asain Co-Prosperity Sphere, however Hitler had pledged to help japan later if they attacked America first, to confuse the US and hopefully to get the US to concentrate on japan,. If the US had not helped Britain hold off the Luftwaffe, the RAF would have been destroyed, Germany would have initiated Op: Sea Lion and take Britian. Now he would only be fighting on one front (Russian Front) and with the manpower from France deployed ino Russia, there is a high probability that he would have won there too. Now he has got long range bomber bases nearer to America, and can attack from all sides. The US and the remaining allies would have been fighting on four fronts (North, South, East, West) and no country could survive that.

So there you go, my guess as to how things could have ended up had we not helped Britain and done the Nrmandy landing.

On topic: Part of the problem is the Jewish state has little blobs all over the place. Pick a parrellel and ther you go, one on either side. Jeruselem should be in the exact center, essentially a no mans land, but free. No fighting over it.
Kebean said:
So there you go, my guess as to how things could have ended up had we not helped Britain and done the Nrmandy landing.
Russia was winning the war at that time. Russia practically won the war, and would have done, irrellavant of the normandy landings.
Germany had a population of 55 million at the time, Italy a little less, Japan a little more. The world had 2.5 billion. There's no way those three countries could've conquered the world.
No, infact hitler was willing to come to a peace agreement with the US, luckly you refused.
o, infact hitler was willing to come to a peace agreement with the US, luckly you refused.
Yeah otherwise we would have ended up like Russia.
Russia was winning the war at that time. Russia practically won the war, and would have done, irrellavant of the normandy landings.
Russia won due to not enough troops on the front to press an attack during the winter. Russia would have lost, fighting Germany by itself.
Grey Fox said:
No, infact hitler was willing to come to a peace agreement with the US, luckly you refused.

Lets make peace with the Holocaust maker!

Anyway, I think that both sides are to hot headed and so big into hating each other that they won't sit down for peace talks.

Grey Fox said:
Hitler did not wanted to conquer the world, he wanted to expend the living space of th germand people, which meant taking over europe, he drove people away out of their homes, conquered land, and was then attacked by the allied surrounding nations. The jews drove the palestinians out of their homes, conquered their land, and were attacked by the surrounding nations who were allied with teh palestinians. No it's pretty much like normandy.

By international law the jews do not even belong their in the first place.

Actually, Hitler had to build his power base back up again, break peace agreements (Which, in my opinion, weren't fair to Germany.) and work his way to power through the people, and then start an unprovoked attack through a neutral nation. The Jews didn't have time to do this, for within hours of thier state even being declared, they were under attack.

But I can sympathize with you about the Indians. What we did to them is unexcusable, and inhumane. And then we take thier sacred lands, and turn them into tourist traps and Casinos? But the sad part is, theres no immediate way to make up for it.
In conclusion, hitlers WWII= conquer world

jews in isreal= defensive
Actually, Hitler had to build his power base back up again, break peace agreements (Which, in my opinion, weren't fair to Germany.) and work his way to power through the people, and then start an unprovoked attack through a neutral nation
Is that so ?,
Maybe you could expand on this.
Build up his power base again ?
Work his way to power through people?
Peace agreements?
Start an unprovoked attack through a neutral nation ?
baxter said:
Is that so ?,
Maybe you could expand on this.
Build up his power base again ?
Work his way to power through people?
Peace agreements?
Start an unprovoked attack through a neutral nation ?

1. After WWI, Germany's economy was left in ruins. The Deutschmark was worthless, as people had to bring wheelbarrows full of money to pay for even bread. On top of that, France took a large part of its industry, which was in Alcaice(sp?)-Lorraine, after the Treaty of Versallies. Hitler managed to take Germany out of a massive depression and turn it into the highest producing nation in Europe.

2. After WWI, the German peoples' confidence in their government was completely shot, due in no small part to the economy, and the humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versallies. Hitler gained the trust of the people by using scapegoats (Jews, Gypsies, etc) and convinced the people to have pride once again.

3. The peace agreement was the Treaty of Versallies. I don't really need to go into it in detail as it is one of the most important documents of the 20th century. Google it.

4. Germany took over Austria, Czecheslovakia, and Poland. Need I say more?
I doesn't matter if they did not have state, you can do all those things without it, and they are still doing it, the land on where the jewish people live did not expand on it's own and the palestinian land did not shrink by itself, besides the jews used terror attacks to drive the british away, the palestinians learned from them. Those attacks by the arab nations where because the jewis settlers were stealing arabic land.
Civil Disobedience is still Disobedience
staticprimer said:
1. After WWI, Germany's economy was left in ruins. The Deutschmark was worthless, as people had to bring wheelbarrows full of money to pay for even bread. On top of that, France took a large part of its industry, which was in Alcaice(sp?)-Lorraine, after the Treaty of Versallies. Hitler managed to take Germany out of a massive depression and turn it into the highest producing nation in Europe.

2. After WWI, the German peoples' confidence in their government was completely shot, due in no small part to the economy, and the humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versallies. Hitler gained the trust of the people by using scapegoats (Jews, Gypsies, etc) and convinced the people to have pride once again.

OK. I think that's about enough credit given to the governement of a murderous sociopath for one day, don't ya think.

Nothing better than pride formed around hellacious hatred. :|
Lt. Drebin said:
OK. I think that's about enough credit given to the governement of a murderous sociopath for one day, don't ya think.

Nothing better than pride formed around hellacious hatred. :|

I agree, but I was merely answering baxter's request. If you want, I can list all of the atrocious acts he commited that more than offsets the benefits he brought to Germany, but most of those are common knowledge.
staticprimer said:
I agree, but I was merely answering baxter's request. If you want, I can list all of the atrocious acts he commited that more than offsets the benefits he brought to Germany, but most of those are common knowledge.

That's what I was getting at. His disgusting evil far outweighs the little good he did. His orders brought the death of millions, I couldn't give a shit what he did for German pride or it's economy. That man was as close to the Devil as you can get without going to Hell.
1. After WWI, Germany's economy was left in ruins. The Deutschmark was worthless, as people had to bring wheelbarrows full of money to pay for even bread. On top of that, France took a large part of its industry, which was in Alcaice(sp?)-Lorraine, after the Treaty of Versallies. Hitler managed to take Germany out of a massive depression and turn it into the highest producing nation in Europe.
The economy was in tatters due to the reparations they were forced to pay the allies. He didn’t create any miraculous economical recovery he simply ignored the treaty
2. After WWI, the German peoples' confidence in their government was completely shot, due in no small part to the economy, and the humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versallies. Hitler gained the trust of the people by using scapegoats (Jews, Gypsies, etc) and convinced the people to have pride once again.
Yes he did, through massive propaganda pounding his rhetoric at the Soviets, democrats, communists, capitalists and Jews backed up the terror tactics of his storm troopers
3. The peace agreement was the Treaty of Versallies. I don't really need to go into it in detail as it is one of the most important documents of the 20th century. Google it.
Don’t need to goggle it mate, kind of heard of it before, I just assumed , wrongly that Hitler’s tearing up of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact before launching an all out assault on the Soviets was the one being revered to.
4. Germany took over Austria, Czecheslovakia, and Poland. Need I say more?
Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland and met in the middle, after the signing of the above mentioned pact.

Anyway less of the history lessons, the questions I asked were rhetorical, based on the astonishment that somebody would try to show what a good egg Hitler was in a thread about Jews.
I’m sorry I was actually being sarcastic, but cheers for taking the time.