I dont feel sorry at all!

Grey Fox said:
Hitler did not wanted to conquer the world, he wanted to expend the living space of th germand people, which meant taking over europe, he drove people away out of their homes, conquered land, and was then attacked by the allied surrounding nations. The jews drove the palestinians out of their homes, conquered their land, and were attacked by the surrounding nations who were allied with teh palestinians. No it's pretty much like normandy.

By international law the jews do not even belong their in the first place.

The fact that there was no land called palestina doesn't mean that the arabs weren't driven from their homes, it doesn't mean they didn't live there.

I guess the genocide and the stripping of the land on the indians was OK cause they didn't have a nation, and you would do it all over again if you had the chance wouldn't you.

1) Hitler did eventually want to overrun America, and perhaps even the world if the chance was given to him.

2) Justifying the exportation of a people based on their religion is impossible. I like how you compare it to the Indians. First off, routing the Indians was wrong. But it happened. Exporting Jews is wrong. But it's happening. I don't know what you're argueing about, this thread is a rant at best.
baxter said:
Anyway less of the history lessons, the questions I asked were rhetorical, based on the astonishment that somebody would try to show what a good egg Hitler was in a thread about Jews.
I’m sorry I was actually being sarcastic, but cheers for taking the time.

And I'm sorry for not realizing that you were being sarcastic. I've encountered people that were ignorant of seemingly obvious things (yes, even the treaty of versallies)... and they weren't being sarcastic. So, I apologize again, and hope I did not cast myself in a negative light.
Hey Raziaar read my post and replied with an email to me, he said some very good and informative things that should add to this thread greatly, so I will post it here.
Thnx Raziaar.
I cannot post on the HL2.net forums anymore, but I can read them. In
regards to your posts on the israel discussion, about how you said
hitler never planned on invading america.

That is actually false. There is documentation on this. If you want a
nice informative 'video' documentary, check out history channel's
"Hitler's Lost Plan" It is about the sequal to his book Mein Kompf, and
goes far more into depth of his plans, which includes his views about
america and how he had planned on invasion and conquering it. If you
seriously don't believe that, I don't know what else to say. Its all in
his unedited book, of which has been scientifically with forensic
evidence identified, as well as confirmed by someone who worked with the
Nazi's. Here's from wikipedia...


After the party's poor showing in the 1928
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1928 elections, Hitler believed the
reason for loss was that the public did not fully understand his ideas.
He retired to Munich http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich to dictate a
sequel to /Mein Kampf/ which focused on foreign policy
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_policy, expanding on the ideas of
Mein Kampf and suggested that around 1980
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980, a final struggle would take place
for world domination between the United States
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States and the combined forces of
Greater Germany and the British Empire

Only two copies of the 200 page manuscript were originally made, and
only one of these has ever been made public. Kept strictly secret under
Hitler's orders, the document was placed in a safe in an air raid
shelter in 1935 where it remained until its discovery by an American
officer in 1945. The authenticity of the book has been verified by Josef
Berg (former employee of the Nazi publishing house Eher Verlag), and
Telford Taylor (former Brigadier General U.S.A.R., and Chief Counsel at
the Nuremburg war-crimes trials). The book was never edited nor
published during Nazi Germany
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany, and remains known as
"Zweites Buch" (Second Book).

The first authoritative English edition was not published until 2003
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003 (/Hitler's Second Book: The
Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf/, ISBN 1929631162

And this is about the documentary:

Hitler’s Lost Plan, a documentary by Veriscope Pictures tells the little
known story of Adolf Hitler’s unpublished sequel to Mein Kampf. For
years historians and others have wondered what Hitler’s true intentions
were. Did his territorial ambitions end in Europe? Did he truly believe
his rhetoric, or was he simply an opportunist whose only true goal was

Hitler’s Lost Plan lays helps answer these questions by revealing the
significance of a unedited secret book Hitler wrote in 1928 but locked
in a safe and never published. Athough he was far from power, Hitler
laid out his foreign policy intentions and his justification for all
that will follow. It is his clearest statement of why history demanded
that he begin a series of never ending wars. It reveals why Hitler’s
concience was clear, why he believed that no atrocity was too great in
pursuit of his goals. And it reveals why eleven years before the war
began, Hitler already intended to attack America. The documentary offers
a remarkable look into Hitler’s mind and the true nature of Nazi ideology.

The documentary features of the work of the world renown scholar Gerhard
Weinberg who first discovered the manuscript in 1958 among German
captured war documents. Dr. Weinberg is the editor " Hitler’s Second
Book," the first reliable English-language translation of the
manuscript. He is also the author of "The World at Arms" and numerous
books on German foreign policy. The film also includes interviews with
historians Omer Bartov, Norman Goda, Dennis Showalter, and Claudia Koonz.

As you can see... there is PROOF that hitler planned on attacking
america. Indisputable evidence of that fact in hitler's own writings. So
maybe if you want, you can post in that thread about that fact... or
i'll just have somebody else do it. Either that or have Zerimski unban
me so I can do it myself ;) Anything to prove someone wrong! lol

My opinion is this:

The UN caused the mishap that is this constantly boiling war between Israel and Palestine -- notice how Israel still has'nt defined an international borderline, but imagines it resides where-ever the border skirmishes are won.

I feel sorry for the Settlers, but I don't feel much a sorry for the Palestinians. Long before the 1967 war, and 1973 war of attrition, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran had long insinuated riots and wars against this small country (Israel). These countries invaded in 1947, and were repelled without much Western help.

They were repelled again in 1950, 1952, and during the 1954 riots that took more then ten major Israeli cities hostage.

In 1959, the Arab Legions spies were uncovered, and a plot to assassinate the Israeli leadership was stopped. In 1962, border skirmishes occured between Israel and more then six estimated Middle-Eastern Nationbased combatants.

In 1967, the largest military operation was to take place, and, according to Egyptian, Saudi Arabian, Iraqi, Iranian, Lebanese, Jordanian, and the Sinai leadership Israel was to be "whiped off the map of the globe -- and a massive slaughter of the Zionist invaders to take place".

After six-days of counter-engagements, Israel pushed outside the Egyptian border, seized the Golan heights in a series of bloody Close-Quarters battles, and defeated numerous Saudi, Iraqi, and Lebanese Armored units.

No offense, but after being attacked that much in such a short amount of time, Israel deserved something. In 1973, it was attacked again -- Israel lost only 4,000 (estimated) soldiers before a combined UN Agreement and Israeli Artillery Strikes against Egyptian Missle Deployments forced the African country to retreat into the shadows.

In 1974, once it was realized no Egyptian breakthrough would be imminent and capable of "liberating" the Gaza Strip, terrorist and resistance cells broke out all over the new territories Israel controlled.

In 1979, terrorists laid siege to an Israeli olympic team and killed them all.

In 1980, and 1982, and of course, 1992, Iraqi launched a series of Scud Missles into Tel-Aviv, hoping to break the will of the Israelis. In a series of counter-attacks led all during those years, Israel capitulated a Nuclear Plant in an airstrike, and destroyed numerous factories which would outlet, transfer, and produce the munitions nessecary to lead long-range engagements into Israeli territory.

In 1994, it was again attacked by Scud Missles, and by 1998 it appeared the Palestinian resistance had dwindled and died.

The height of the terrorism indeed took place more recently, in 2001-2002, when after the Bin-Laden attacks extremist Palestinian cells began leading huge campaigns of murder, riot, or sabotage against Israeli Peace-keepers and IDF units.

This provoked large counter-attacks into the Gaza strip, and by 2004 Ariel Sharon began expressing a tactical withdrawal plan. His idea, was to allow the terrorists to spread out -- but to control them by constructing a wall.

From here, he would debate with new Jordanian and Palestinian authorities, what to do with the Gaza strip; UN Authorities have already began setting in stone, what to do with Israel's defined borders.

If their defined to overlay Gaza, or around its Isolation, "Palestine" might simply be the Gaza strip; and Israel might maintain control of the Golan, since it was its rightful military earn.

Overall, again, I don't feel much sorry for the attackers of Israel -- I feel more sorry for the Israelites who were mislead by a young and arrogant religious counsel of Western Diplomats and leaders, who could'nt grasp the scope of conflict that would engage Israel for the coming years.