I dont get you people |:|

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Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
eh, i dont know how u people can get so exited about a shooter, i mean its just a shooter with a great story, and gfx...great but not that exiting...now i can understanf if its a RPG with depth, or an RTS thats so complex...but a simple shooter...meh...why?, i just want to know
Watch Half life 2 videos and see screenshots, PLAY THE GAME and youll see what the hype is about! Its no ordinary FPS! HATER! :P
Well it's not just the thrill of playing a great SP game that it's going to be. There's also the reinvigoration of the online community with new (better?) mods, which was beginning to get a bit jaded after 6 years of playing the same old stuff -- which is a reason for joy all by itself.

Get online, play some new stuff with all the usual suspects you knew from the TFC/early CS days. Everyone happily singing 'Magical Trevor' or 'Badger badger' over the voicecomms as we frag each other into the early hours of the morning (or the morning after that).
Well I agree to a certain point...but they have all the reason to be excited.Hell it's one of the most, if not the most anticipated, FPS game in...well....the history of FPS.

Now I for one ain't that excited...I can't even play it cause my comps sucks to much.So I'm just gonna wake up in the morning and go about my usual day.
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