I don't like the tone of voice some characters use to address Dr. Freeman

Sid Burn said:
yeah... the people should be thankful that Gordon is helping them and risking his life for the sake of others...
it's not like he has much choice...
Lanthanide said:
Hurry the hell up and destroy the citadel, which will then fall on the city below, likely destroying huge swathes of it? And who knows what the dark matter explosion will do? And of course, destroying this 1 citadel is hardly going to set Earth, or even City 17, free of the combine.

At least resistane won't be futile when the base of operations is down.
Hurry the hell up and destroy the citadel, which will then fall on the city below, likely destroying huge swathes of it? And who knows what the dark matter explosion will do? And of course, destroying this 1 citadel is hardly going to set Earth, or even City 17, free of the combine.

I dont know, i doubt the other citadels are as significant as this citadel, i reckon the rest just have the stalker facilities etc...but breens has the dark fusion reactor.
Samon said:
I dont know, i doubt the other citadels are as significant as this citadel, i reckon the rest just have the stalker facilities etc...but breens has the dark fusion reactor.
so... of all Citadels... the one from City 17 is the most important? correct me if im wrong. :cool:
Sid Burn said:
so... of all Citadels... the one from City 17 is the most important? correct me if im wrong. :cool:

it is the head one where breens administration and combine hq are based from, so it is the main or prime citadel of control. but i dnt know if the others are as significant as c17, they might even be the same, who knows? we will see.

in hl3 gordon might come back and find earth to be freed of the combine by the resitance and thier citadels smashed or there might be some work left to do on earth.
Earth has definitely been liberated from the Combine, as the G-Man put Gordon back into stasis, obviously meaning that his mission has been accomplished.

I'm guessing that the resistance will crush all the remaining Combine forces on Earth... but how will they ever repair the damage? eg. Replenish all the oceans that have been drained.
yeah... that explosion decapitated most parts of C17 plus... I am sure they will take forever to control and destroy those Xen creatures that have been released in the whole Earth.
Sid Burn said:
so... of all Citadels... the one from City 17 is the most important? correct me if im wrong. :cool:

well...theres only one reason why the G-man would set Gordon on a train heading to City17...no point in sending Gordon to a place where the citadel is insignificant :)
In the sentence pile of 'things to say when the player dies', there's also the sentence "wait a minute....you're not Dr. Freeman!" bugger. How stupid could these people be? :p
Once I died a citizen said "spread the word" like in "spread the word that Freeman is dead". :)
"Somebody take his crowbar!"

Definitely the funniest Freeman-death quote!
"I call dibs on his suit!"

That was pretty funny
Goethe said:
Take for instance the beginning of Highway 17. If you don't get in the car the woman in the loudspeakers will talk to you in a very nasty tone of voice asking you to get in the car. Umm, wait a second, this is the almighty Dr. Freeman you are talking to, you don't talk to him that way!!!

Barney also seems to have an attitude problem telling Gordon what to do and what not to do, if I was Gordon I would have slashed all those bastards for being so damn disrespectful!!!
Gordon is not their mother, he is the man who will save humanity and must be treated accordingly!

Its just a game, bro. You should of gotten in the car when she told you the first time...And you talk about disrespect?

I'd like to see how well these people complaining about "Hl2 sucks because I don't get my respect!" would do in the military, while fighting off 10 german nazis. Your team isn't going to tell you politely to move away. They're gonna yell, "Get the hell outta the way, and watch out!" or something along those lines...
Wow, there's loads of sounds that were never used in the game.
and animations too. The advisor (Bubbler cheeks on the Dr Breen screen) has attack animations...
Yeah, check it all out, people. I've browsed through most of it and I found some interesting tidbits about Gman having attack animations like the rebels and IS able to use weapons. Maybe Valve's just too lazy to create new strings of animations or Gman was planned to be more...'interactive'. :)
Yeah Danimal i saw those few weeks ago, arnt they just like swipe with left and right i suppose 'arms' if thats what they are? Not exactly what id call a threat though :p I reckon it'll be a sub-boss of some kind in HL3, you must have to remove it to weaken the combine? makes sense to me anyway.
What I remember in HL2 is the fact, that people said things like "Oh, my God, it's Freeman", and the morale rising when you joined the rebels, not one or two situations when you were told something in an "unsuitable" tone.
Some ppl are sensitive. They are called GIRLS! :LOL: