I dont think im coming here any more


Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
after been here amonth or so i dont think im comeing to these forums any more, because i think people Flame at you too much for the very littlest thing you do. Im not getting on at the forum owners ChrisD is it?, but i think the web site is a good web site its just the people in the forum, and i think that there other forums out there what dont flame at you for the littlest thiong you do.

Sorry buts that might thought
Chris_D is 'Lead Editor' and post the news for HL2.net. Munro is the owner.

I understand your issue. Every once in a while an attitude seems to creep in that people that don't make the most valuable and original thread in the whole world should be flamed out of existance...

I don't like it. If it gets really bad, I would think the mods will crack down on it, and hopefully ban the worst offender.

So, I'd say it's a temporary thing. Don't give up on us too quickly :)

Edit: I know what I'm talking about. I had to leave a couple times before. But I came back :D and things were better.
P.S. thanks to the mods for keeping the peace, BTW :cheers:
Sorry you feel that way skipper. I would urge you to reconsider. If you are having problems with anyone on the forum feel free to report them. We won't put up with abuse. If you want to pm or email me i'd be happy to discuss things. Munro owns the forums, not Chris.

Hope you decide to stay ;(
bye Skipper.. and remember, its only a forum, not the end of the world.
ok i will stay its just them people who make remarks on your spelling or grammer and mine isnt all that good at all. Thanks and i do think this is a kewl site im not just saying that thanks

and yes i no ive spelt cool kewl :)
If the spelling whores are getting to you, just spell check before you post. It'll help your grammar in the long run anyhow.
StickEGreenleaf said:
If the spelling whores are getting to you, just spell check before you post. It'll help your grammar in the long run anyhow.

Or just call them grammar nazis and reffer to how proud their parents must be that they corrected some random person on the internet.

The key to succes on a forum is simply giving as good as you get.
Honestly, if you want to leave these forums because people flame & troll & whatever other silly things (because yes, it is silly) then you might want to stay off the Internet completely or at least stay away from forums because this is how they all are practically. Sad yes I know ;( A lot of people seem to ignore forum rules which usually includes a non-flaming/trolling treaty AFAIK. It's a shame really.
Or better yet, don't venture into the HL2 Discussion Forum. That place is beyond evil. I've never seen so many rabid 13 year olds in one place before.
Dux said:
Or better yet, don't venture into the HL2 Discussion Forum. That place is beyond evil. I've never seen so many rabid 13 year olds in one place before.
Heh.. I agree.

I guess I am at fault a bit here. I do come off rather picky.

But who says I can't inform people of the forum rules?

You call me uptight for telling people what's wrong, and caring so much.. Well then, you sir are uptight for CARING that I do such things!

Make sense?
This is the best forum iv been to. I mean i use to be at steampowered all the time. Its hell there. :/
True, sometimes the forums turn into utter chaos, but i like it. Nothing like defending against a massive army of angry people.
Who the hell are you? You really think we care? (I am just joking mate.) My friend, you need to learn to put up with these sort of things. People will always be idiots, especially when it comes to the Half-Life community. Sure there are other boards, but not like these. I do agree, when it comes to enforcing the rules, besides warez and of the sort, they aren't really enforced, if at all. These boards are like old-fashioned America, back in the 1700s, popular, but it's constituion sucked (in other words, these boards rules). They need to be highly redone and strongly enforced.
He does say, "kewl"...


You may only say "kewl" if you're mocking people. Heh.
If "kewl" was used only for mocking, who would there be for us to mock?
The forums can get a bit fanboyish from time to time like when some tool starts another "lets suck valves ****" threads but aside from that its pretty decent.

dreading the 15th though... (ill be playing on the 16th and wont care) but these forums are gonna probly crash with the amount of spam and general crap being posted.
I agree with him that many of people on these boards act like angst-ridden 13 year old armchair geeks, but on the other hand this is openly a fanboy breeding ground. And with these breeding ground-type forums you have to be a bit immune to the constant flames. There will probably some poor fool that comes in here on the 16th telling everyone how HL2 came out today, and he will be flamed to hell and back.

Most annoying phrase EVER on this site: "Use the search button. Closed."

You know what? All of the simple questions have been covered, but at the same time it takes about as much effort to write a simple answer to a headcrab as it does to tell him to use the search button and close the thread.

And as a side note; Dark Elf you are an ass. You're rude to people and you seem to assume that you're correct when it comes to most issues. Just because you're a mod on a forum that is HL2 related, it doesn't mean that your opinions on all HL2 related issues are correct. And it ALSO doesn't mean that it's okay for you to talk to people like you do. Just something that's been bugging me for a while. I would have PMed you, but you seem to enjoy dogging people in public like an arrogant fool with only the anonymity of the internet to back you up. So I don't think that you deserved respect that you don't give.

Ban me if you need to, but that's just my opinion.
N0N1337H41 said:
I agree with him that many of people on these boards act like angst-ridden 13 year old armchair geeks, but on the other hand this is openly a fanboy breeding ground. And with these breeding ground-type forums you have to be a bit immune to the constant flames. There will probably some poor fool that comes in here on the 16th telling everyone how HL2 came out today, and he will be flamed to hell and back.

Most annoying phrase EVER on this site: "Use the search button. Closed."

You know what? All of the simple questions have been covered, but at the same time it takes about as much effort to write a simple answer to a headcrab as it does to tell him to use the search button and close the thread.

And as a side note; Dark Elf you are an ass. You're rude to people and you seem to assume that you're correct when it comes to most issues. Just because you're a mod on a forum that is HL2 related, it doesn't mean that your opinions on all HL2 related issues are correct. And it ALSO doesn't mean that it's okay for you to talk to people like you do. Just something that's been bugging me for a while. I would have PMed you, but you seem to enjoy dogging people in public like an arrogant fool with only the anonymity of the internet to back you up. So I don't think that you deserved respect that you don't give.

Ban me if you need to, but that's just my opinion.
hmm, interesting. Sorry though, not gonna make you some martyr by banning you for that, nice try though :)


wayne, if you were warned for that by a mod, likely it was more than just calling someone gay.
skipper said:
ok i will stay its just them people who make remarks on your spelling or grammer and mine isnt all that good at all. Thanks and i do think this is a kewl site im not just saying that thanks

and yes i no ive spelt cool kewl :)

dictionary.com is your friend, I know it's mine. And if they still flame you for your grammer, grammer nazi is fun to say. Come on every one say it with me :cheese:

And don't let the flames get to you, believe me this forums is nowhere near as bad as the steam forums, that place has more flamers then hell itself.
N0N1337H41 said:
And as a side note; Dark Elf you are an ass. You're rude to people and you seem to assume that you're correct when it comes to most issues. Just because you're a mod on a forum that is HL2 related, it doesn't mean that your opinions on all HL2 related issues are correct. And it ALSO doesn't mean that it's okay for you to talk to people like you do. Just something that's been bugging me for a while. I would have PMed you, but you seem to enjoy dogging people in public like an arrogant fool with only the anonymity of the internet to back you up. So I don't think that you deserved respect that you don't give.
I'm going to answer YES to all of that :E ;)
Fenny is a bit harsh.. I agree...

"I'm a mod, not 'other people'"

heh your only bitter vegeta cause you PM'd me assuming a thread was locked because of your behavior and got yourself a warning for drawing attention to it.

Wasn't my fault you assumed everything on the forum revolved around you and you went and dropped yourself in it. Get over it, was only a warning lol
The Dark Elf said:
heh your only bitter vegeta cause you PM'd me assuming a thread was locked because of your behavior and got yourself a warning for drawing attention to it.

Wasn't my fault you assumed everything on the forum revolved around you and you went and dropped yourself in it. Get over it, was only a warning lol
I didn't assume it was locked because of me. Where did you get that idea?

I chose that thread because I THOUGHT you would have READ THROUGH IT. You know, because you LOCKED it.

The thread happened to contain some of my PO'ed moments.

Okay? :(
vegeta897 said:
I didn't assume it was locked because of me. Where did you get that idea?

I chose that thread because I THOUGHT you would have READ THROUGH IT. You know, because you LOCKED it.

The thread happened to contain some of my PO'ed moments.

Okay? :(
And so apparantly did this post,


after you accuse me of, what was it "I'm a mod, not other people"?

Really vegeta, if your gonna accuse people of things, don't then go and do the very same thing, just makes you look silly. Honestly, you really need to quit behaving like you have been, your on your second warning, next one and your gone and you wont be coming back. Just chill and stop acting like that.
The Dark Elf said:
And so apparantly did this post,


after you accuse me of, what was it "I'm a mod, not other people"?

Really vegeta, if your gonna accuse people of things, don't then go and do the very same thing, just makes you look silly. Honestly, you really need to quit behaving like you have been, your on your second warning, next one and your gone and you wont be coming back. Just chill and stop acting like that.

FINE. But you know it's really hard to resist!

I just can't stand NOT correcting people!

I guess it's a habit of mine.

Oh, and I hope arguing with you doesn't count as bad behaviour. I mean comon, that's just silly right there.

(Oh and I left a semi "rude" post in another thread, that was before I decided to give in to you. (Now) )
vegeta897 said:

FINE. But you know it's really hard to resist!

I just can't stand NOT correcting people!

I guess it's a habit of mine.

Oh, and I hope arguing with you doesn't count as bad behaviour. I mean comon, that's just silly right there.

(Oh and I left a semi "rude" post in another thread, that was before I decided to give in to you. (Now) )
This isn't an argument, just pointing out that you were in the wrong to accuse me and then go and do it yourself. Your not being warned for replying to me, you were warned both times for posts you made in reply to other people.
The Dark Elf said:
This isn't an argument, just pointing out that you were in the wrong to accuse me and then go and do it yourself. Your not being warned for replying to me, you were warned both times for posts you made in reply to other people.
Wait.. Remind me again of what I accused you of?
The Dark Elf said:
heh your only bitter vegeta cause you PM'd me assuming a thread was locked because of your behavior and got yourself a warning for drawing attention to it.

Wasn't my fault you assumed everything on the forum revolved around you and you went and dropped yourself in it. Get over it, was only a warning lol
Haha can anyone say PWNED ;) Good one.
vegeta897 said:

FINE. But you know it's really hard to resist!

I just can't stand NOT correcting people!

I guess it's a habit of mine.

Oh, and I hope arguing with you doesn't count as bad behaviour. I mean come on, that's just silly right there.

(Oh and I left a semi "rude" post in another thread, that was before I decided to give in to you. (Now) )
Alec_85 said:
Haha can anyone say PWNED ;) Good one.
Let's see, I proved him wrong on the first paragraph...

The second one.. Well, all I can say (without diving deeper into an aggression between us) is that I take warnings a bit serious. I have been banned before, and though not very long, it sure as hell wasn't fun.

Edit: Oh gimme a break Narcolepsy. What is it? Pick on Vegeta day?

I doubt you were serious, but I want everyone to know that insulting grammar is the lowest you can go. (Unless it isn't understandable at all.)
KagePrototype said:
Bloody hell guys, who cares? Drop it.
No quarrel here..

I have submitted to Fenric's evil ways.

:p lol don't hurt me.
The Dark Elf said:
hmm, interesting. Sorry though, not gonna make you some martyr by banning you for that, nice try though :)

Thanks! I wasn't trying to martyr myself, I was just trying to get my point across. There are few people here that are as arrogant and rude as you are, but since you're a mod it's okay. That's really all I was trying to say. But most people abuse every inch of power they're given. It's human nature, so I can't really blame you. :D
The only area that, in my opinion, you have any true right to be arrogant is when it comes to your art, because you are truly gifted (and amazingly enough, that seems to be that only area in which you are humble). Other than that, I just think you're being an ass.
So, as you can see, the people here really are all nice and friendly. ;)

Seriously, these forums are usually one of the best I've seen (That had anything interesting happening on it). Try visiting the FutureMarke forums some time. They used to be soo cool, but now everyone just wants to flame and insult. You used to be able to get some real good advice on games and hardware there.
i think these forums are really flame-less and friendly ! i don't know wtf you are talking about!
i was never flamed here, i like hl2.net :)
pixartist said:
i think these forums are really flame-less and friendly ! i don't know wtf you are talking about!
i was never flamed here, i like hl2.net :)

You suck. I hope you die. :flame: