I don't want to play Ravenholm. Scary.

Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
When I played it on Xbox it wasn't scary at all, due to the low resolution, low quality models, textures, etc.

Then you play it using fakefactory 4.0, at 1920x1200, on a x1900xt 512, and, well...
Just get a mod or something that changes the zombie skins to teletubbies and the headcrabs to bunnies or something. After that, no fear. :)
oh come now, you have a big shotgun! And what do the zombies have? Just some sharp claws, unbelievable speed, headcrab-nades, ear-splitting screeches etc etc. You have nothing to be scared about!
Simple explanation. I'm arachnophobic.

The things I'm scared of is the damned poison headcrabs, and I've gotten to the point where they are everywhere, IE the mindshaft?

The regular headcrabs are kinda funny looking. Their screams are funny.

Actually their kinda cool looking. And I'm being honest, not trying to emulate Dr. Kliener.

But the poison ones...

Thing I'm gonna cheat, drop down and just start shooting with everything.
The mineshaft? Like everything else in the game, it ain't that hard once you figure out what to do.
Ravenholme on Hard, at 2 am, dark room with headphones at volume 15.


In which dozens of zombies crawled up to me, seemingly taking no damage, and I had precious few ammunition remaining the most of these of small and therfore ineffective caliber.

What? Ravenholm scary? LOL, that was like a walk in the park :LOL:
It's scary in a certain way, but it's not really scary.

Half Life 2 has an excellent story, but it's not really scary at all, except for me and the poison headcrabs, since I'm scared of spiders.

True scares are scares that make you think. Scares that makes you think a million things. Scary creatures that pop up and go 'boo!' Are scary for a second, but only are for crap and giggles. Very few things of the entertainment industry are truly scary.

One game that I wish people would mimic more was Breakdown for Xbox. Has anyone here played that completely insane game?

The game is crap at first, then it goes completely insane/psychotic on you, and that's a game I would truly find scary.

I mean....

*Don't read further down if you don't want spoilers*

Having dreams that your in a desert (When you end up floating 6 stories up), seeing yourself in the past, then transporting back to the future, and seeing yourself 5 seconds ago, and then seeing what happens 2 minutes later... Completely screwed up...
I found the abandoned areas of Nova Prospekt and the lower levels of the Citadel the most scary. A sense that you weren't supposed to be there and that if you were found, the shit would hit the Combine ventilation systems.
I found the abandoned areas of Nova Prospekt and the lower levels of the Citadel the most scary. A sense that you weren't supposed to be there and that if you were found, the shit would hit the Combine ventilation systems.

I'm with you on Nova Prospekt, particularly the first areas you explore: they are earily lit, and basically abandoned (in that you don't encounter any Combine until well into the level), but distant gunfire, video transmissions, and brutally done over combine corpses indicate the extreme violence in a subtly unsettlingly manner. They ambient music also kicks ass.
I found Prospekt a little more scary too. Mainly the Entanglement areas, where the Combine had simply abandoned various segments of the under-levels and you just knew you'd rather be elsewhere.
Just play it.It's better when it's scary.

Here's my suggestion, play it at like 10 am, all lights on, on a clear day. I made the mistake of playing it at 10 pm, and didn't make it through for several days, but played it every night, I look back and say, Damn, that was awesome, but for now, play it in bits, save your ammo, and just press on. You'll manage, and when you reach the end tunnel, with that really bright light, you'll be happy to know it's the end. I almost celebrated and went crazy seeing that light. I played it on X-Box too, and I was scared as hell :S.
Ravenholm, for me, is no longer scary after playing Half Life 2 for like the 5th time.

The 2nd time was scary. The 1st time, can't remember.
Guess I could just get drunk.

When you get drunk you do alot of stupid stuff, like think that a poison headcrab is a cute little kitten...

(No, I actually read that online, when someone first met a poison headcrab, they thought it was a cute little kitten :LOL:)
if ur in the mineshaft ur almost homefree alls u have to do is run for it then get to see some zombies get decapitated by a minecart with a saw attached ... all the parts that could have been scary for u are over
First time I got to the mineshaft, I figured the cart would go nice and slow and would escort me past the zombies..I started it up, it tore off at like 40mph...I just thought "you gotta be shittin me!" and started chasing after it...then it came back and killed me...
if ur in the mineshaft ur almost homefree alls u have to do is run for it then get to see some zombies get decapitated by a minecart with a saw attached ... all the parts that could have been scary for u are over

yeas lol
I think the scariest part was seeing the fast zombie for the first time run at me.
First time I got to the mineshaft, I figured the cart would go nice and slow and would escort me past the zombies..I started it up, it tore off at like 40mph...I just thought "you gotta be shittin me!" and started chasing after it...then it came back and killed me...

thats just awesome..
First time I got to the mineshaft, I figured the cart would go nice and slow and would escort me past the zombies..I started it up, it tore off at like 40mph...I just thought "you gotta be shittin me!" and started chasing after it...then it came back and killed me...

Haha that happend to me to. Only i was just standing there, thinking, wtf?

I got lost in revenholm, just runing around not knowing what to do. So the scare got replaced with annoyance.
I'm with you on Nova Prospekt, particularly the first areas you explore: they are earily lit, and basically abandoned (in that you don't encounter any Combine until well into the level), but distant gunfire, video transmissions, and brutally done over combine corpses indicate the extreme violence in a subtly unsettlingly manner. They ambient music also kicks ass.

Exactly my feelings. QFTMFT
Speaking of atmosphere, Half-life 2 wins.

The game aren't actually hard. How frequenct did you get killed by fast zombie? I died twice only in ravenholm. Most of the time were due to falling from height, while I got frightened by a fast zombie.
First time I got to the mineshaft, I figured the cart would go nice and slow and would escort me past the zombies..I started it up, it tore off at like 40mph...I just thought "you gotta be shittin me!" and started chasing after it...then it came back and killed me...

Not as bad as me. I Hopped INSIDE it, and started it. Or tried to, I remember hopping inside, not sure if it turned on, but I was damn scared when the saw started. Killed me anyways. Too close= Too dead.
The first time i started it I ran after it but realized I passed some zombies in a little cave on the side so i turned around to shoot them and then the saw hit me in the back as the cart came back.
Heh, I made a thread like this to once. I finally played it though... but got pissed after a freaked out as I got attacked by fast zombies, and fell off a building.. D:

But you know whats even creepier?
1: The part where the stalker(right? stalker?) is all screaming at Alyx and you have to go get her... I sat there for like 5 minutes trying to work up the nerve, and thinking that it would get out or something.
2: Lowlife. In the dark. D:! Suddenly you look the other way, and theres a zombine with a nade right next to yah! holy crap that creeps me out.
Ahh, I couldn't play lowlife for like 5 months then built up the courage to play it. It felt new again.
wow u guys zombies arent that scary ... the scariest thing in that game is the the noise the poison headcrabs make ... especially when ur not expecting it ... i cringe every time
Like a rattlesnake's rattle.

The Valve guys are truly great with sounds. The barnacles throwing up, the strange Combine horn you sometimes hear in the city, everything just comes together.
You never really run out of ammo with the grav gun. Personally, what I find fun with Ravenholm are the flying saws, the traps, and laughing at the screaming zombies as I shoot their heads off. Seriously, I don't get what all you sissies find so scary. It's not really freaky, but then again I'm not scared at a lot of things.
the combine horn? are u talking about the citadel's alarm thingy?

No, I mean that really weird hoot, you hear it in Episode One too, after the sniper and barricade bit, just before the Citadel starts flashing green lightning.

It almost sounds like a strider hoot, but I can't be sure.