I don't want to play Ravenholm. Scary.

That's true as well. But if you're surrounded by poison headcrabs and other enemies that are close in proximity to you, you'd get rid of the poison headcrabs before taking out the rest of them.
That's true as well. But if you're surrounded by poison headcrabs and other enemies that are close in proximity to you, you'd get rid of the poison headcrabs before taking out the rest of them.

Well yes, but if you are surrounded by poison headcrabs you are ****ed because without explosives you can't kill them in time to stop the other enemies from killing you.
When I played it on Xbox it wasn't scary at all, due to the low resolution, low quality models, textures, etc.

Then you play it using fakefactory 4.0, at 1920x1200, on a x1900xt 512, and, well...

By the way, what's Fakefactory 4.0?
Well yes, but if you are surrounded by poison headcrabs you are ****ed because without explosives you can't kill them in time to stop the other enemies from killing you.

Yep. Unfortunately, those times are few and far between. Mostly you'll see poison headcrabs in groups of their own, with no other types of enemies nearby. Since it's impossible for them to kill you, you can take your time killing them all, which isn't really challenging.
Yep. Unfortunately, those times are few and far between. Mostly you'll see poison headcrabs in groups of their own, with no other types of enemies nearby. Since it's impossible for them to kill you, you can take your time killing them all, which isn't really challenging.

Yeah. Too bad they scare the shit out of me so I have to waste precious rockets on them cause I don't wanna go closer than fifty yards to them.
I was never really scared by them. Okay, maybe at first, but once I saw they couldn't actually kill me and all my health would recover after being bit I saw them more as a nuisance than a dangerous threat, like the other headcrabs and the antlions, to a certain degree.
I wanna see Ravenholm recreated with the next update to Source that supports all the new shadow features. You could really do some creepy things with that.
since i played doom 3 well before i played hl2, ravenholm just didn't seem all that scary to be honest, (i know doom 3 wasn't all that scary overall, but the beginning before you get loaded with weapons felt pretty scary to me the first time). Atmospheric and fun, yes, but not all that scary. Part of it, i think is because the zombies for the most part are too spread out, poison zombies too slow, and fast zombies too weak. Coupled with my stingy ammo hoarding nature, i had plenty of ammo throughout the level without having to rely all that much on the grav gun except for when i felt like it. The only really hectic part was defending the roof while waiting for the cart, and the area with the infinitely respawning zombies. If you want ravenholm to have a little more bite, run one of the smods and mapadd in a hundred or so more zombies. Fighting off a wall of zombies is more interesting than a slow trickle.