I drew Alyx :3


Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
I've drawn her a lot but it never looked like her really, so one day at work, I sat down with a pic up on my iPhone for reference, determined to draw Alyx and make it look like her. The result is boring, but at least it looks like her :V

NOT BAD BRO! hell of a lot better than what i can draw
Better than I can do for sure, but the symmetry seems off.
I'm not sure if it's the shading under the nose or the perspective of the lips in relation to the rest of the face but something is a bit off. Overall verr nice but this small thing seems to be throwing it off.
It's a very pretty drawing. The symmetry errors can be corrected easily in Photoshop, and with better measuring in the future, but the best tip I can give you for this drawing is to be mindful of value and highlight. Notice that her left eye is in shadow, but both of her eyes are rendered in the same middle grey value. If you push the contrast and value a little further, you'll find that the form will stand out and she will look more naturalistic.

In any case, it would be great to see more drawings.
That's actually a lot better than what I was hoping to see. Good job.
Looks pretty good. I actually painted a picture of Gabe Newell a few months back.

That doesn't look like paint... more like acrylic pencils or just colored pencils themselves

Captures his essence though
lol... that picture of Gabe reminds me of Little Face from Dick Tracy

Not a bad Alyx. It's the mouth.. needs to be a little more left-er. Then it'd capture her mixed racial hotness quite well.
That's very helpful, thank you :) Actually I think I have you watched on DA... And Chemical Alia <3 I think I have like every HL fanartist on DA watched lol xD My account there is just summercardin.

I've recently decided I want to persue a career in art for either video games or animated stuff, particularly interested in concept art, story boarding and 3D texturing.... I know I still have a long way to go though, so I'm not quitting my day job yet :p I just regret not taking art seriously for the longest time... Just now realizing my true passion for it and I'm obsessed with bettering my skills, wanting new challenges. Going to look into college soon, finally (I turn 26 in June :/ )

Uh, sorry for ramblng lol! Basically it's like something finally clicked in my head saying "HEY. You can do better than making mediocre furry art all the time!" :D And sure enough, I think this picture is the best human I've ever done :eek:
That's funny xD it's like he's trying to do an Elvis impression haha

*Er, the Gabe picture lol stupid phone
That's very helpful, thank you :) Actually I think I have you watched on DA... And Chemical Alia <3 I think I have like every HL fanartist on DA watched lol xD My account there is just summercardin.

I've recently decided I want to persue a career in art for either video games or animated stuff, particularly interested in concept art, story boarding and 3D texturing.... I know I still have a long way to go though, so I'm not quitting my day job yet :p I just regret not taking art seriously for the longest time... Just now realizing my true passion for it and I'm obsessed with bettering my skills, wanting new challenges. Going to look into college soon, finally (I turn 26 in June :/ )

Uh, sorry for ramblng lol! Basically it's like something finally clicked in my head saying "HEY. You can do better than making mediocre furry art all the time!" :D And sure enough, I think this picture is the best human I've ever done :eek:

Awesome, I'll look you up. I wasn't even aware that dA has HL fan artists, lol. Good luck with your plans, there's no better way to improve than to jump into something you're not completely comfortable or familiar with and just practice until you understand it. Also, it's never too late for school, haha. My boyfriend already had a masters degree when he decided to go The Guildhall in the cohort after mine, and he'll graduate in the month that he turns 30.
yeah that's good. but you got her facial shape kinda wrong though.
It looks like you did the left side of his face, took a break and then came back and did the right side.
Nice drawing, OP. Nose bridge seems a little large, but a great drawing overall. :D
not bad, lips are a bit off but it's really good.
I drew alyx once. I got the shape just about right but my shading skills are not up to much, so she looked a bit... pale. I'll upload if you want, but my scanner isn't amazing.

I love your shading Pinkle, but the shape is a bit off in places.
A bit more work and it could be amazing though!

EDIT: just took a second look at mine, and it looks shite-as compared to yours :S your headband, hair and ears are fantastic. Mine are pretty shit :S
Cool pic bro.

seriously, like it, keep up the good work. :)