I ****ed up my pc with deamon tools.

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Okay I had daemon-tool 3.47 it wokred fine, today I found out version 4 was out so I installed it but, whne at the end of installation it said do you want to run daemon-tools I left that checked on cause I wanted to run it. Now after that it did not run it just restarted my pc. After restarting it evey time i tried to run daemon tools I got this error:
Initialization error.
This program requires atleast windows 2000 with SPTD 1.21 or higher
Kerned debugger must be deactivated.
Plus i could not deinstall it cause it said that the installation had not validated.
Then I treid to simply reinstall daemon tools 3.47 over it, it installed perfectly. Exept when I tried to run it I got an error, a pretty common error it seems.
Error No Langauge Support Detected
And i couldn't uninstall that eiter.
Then I got the bright idea to try to install version 4 over this one again,but this time after reinstalling it not to leave the box, run daemon tools checked. Then after the installation I started it and then my pc got restarted again, but this time after 5 to 10 seconds after i logged on to windows my pc would automaticly restart my pc/ Which was very annoying, then after 30 times trying I managed to ctr-alt-delete and shut daemon tools before it could restart my PC. I went to msconfig and made sure that daemontools would not start itself every time i logged on to windows. But this time version 4 had installed itself properly, so i could unistall it. But I could not uninstall version 3.47. And simply reinstalling version 3.47 will not workl cause it says there is a driver conflict, because there is supposedly a driver with the same name.

So can anyone tell me how to completly and utterly uninstall every bit of deamontools, I'm talking about drivers, registries every damm thing. So I can cleanly install daemontools 3.47. Cause simply deleting the folders in porgram files doesn't work.
I know it's a longshot that anyone knows this but It's worth a try, meanwhile hat the daemontools forums are down.
tried starting in safe mode?

press F8 after your computer's BIOS screen comes up and you should be presented with the options menu, select safe mode from the list using the up and down arrow keys and hit enter to select, once safe mode is up and running uninstall daemon tools through the add/remove programs link in the control panel:)
I can't do that cause 3.47 never installed properly and thus it has no add remove in the controll panel. At first version 4 didn't either untill I managed to install it properly. Otherwise I would have installed that first before trying to reinstall version 3.47 again.
But in any case I have removed as much as I can, I deleted the folder, removed all the registry key's I could find, but I do not know how to unistall the driver.
Grey Fox said:
But in any case I have removed as much as I can, I deleted the folder, removed all the registry key's I could find, but I do not know how to unistall the driver.
hmm, the folder probably contained the removal code, you may be able to find the daemon service in "Start>>Run>>"msconfig">>Enter>>"Services" tab" and disable it from running, but i don't really know what i'm doing in there and have no idea if that would work...

did you set a system restore point before installing the software? i know mine does before it installs WMP10, it might do it for all software. you could start in safe mode and try to restore your system to an earlier state?

sorry i can't be of more help:(
He probably doesn't have system restore on, that takes way too much resources.

Well, I am definatly not using that tool anymore. Sounds like a nightmare. Try to look on the internet for one of those packages that assist in uninstalling, forgot how they're called.
CookieCuttah said:
Well, I am definatly not using that tool anymore. Sounds like a nightmare.
lol, i've been running daemon tools for years (4 to be exact) and i've never ever had a problem, i often forget it's running, hidden in the sytem tray using 3MB (0.3%) of my memory, it's a fantastic tool:D
I heard this third hand today in college actually:
The latest release of Daemon Tools apparently has a big f**kin major bug in it that does pretty much exactly what has happened to you. I'm surprised you can still download it . . . .

Daemon Tools Announcement - They don't give much information on it themselves.
Sorry, but thats all I can help with right now.

Edit: Look in your WINDOWS, \System and \System32 folder for d347drv.sys and d347bus.sys these are (from the top of my head) the default driver names for the Daemon Tools busses and devices. Most games protection actually looks out for these busses, so many people use different bus names. Hope that helps some
Ok this is porbably the solution to my problem:
And thank you very much furiousv
Hey but I wanted to ask one more thing, people often tell me to go in to savemode and to try to rstore my system to an earlier stat. But the thing is if I try to start up in safemode windows tells me that my systemrestore will be deleted. Thats one of the reasons I douse system restore, cause all of the really bad things to my computer like virsuses can only be removed in safemode.
get nod32 and chances are you will never get a virus infection again.
I allredy have AVG antivirus, why should I get nod32, what makes it better?