i feel bad.......for us


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
im sorry i(like many) have lost a lot of faith in valve the last couple months and it seems to only get worse by each passing week. i had hope for this year, yup its gone now. i know i dont post much on here, but i do come and read all your guys' thoughts and ideas. hl2 meant so much to me and now im just hoping it comes out so i can have a little fun. man im just so disappointed by valve and their pr blackout. its disheartening that something like this could happen to a company. im afraid im not going to be coming on here much anymore because of this. hope to see you guys when this game lands in my lap sometime. college is hard and needs my full attention right now.
..people actually visit the HL2 Discussion board? :p I only come here for Hardware and Off-Topic..
I'm verging on the same thing right now. Try and forget about the game and pass my AS levels!

I used to send alot of emails to valve and get a fair percentage bk. But now I can't even be bothered to think of any.....
Its getting depressing coming to these forums.

Need some interesting news damn it!!! :rolling:
Originally posted by Shuzer
..people actually visit the HL2 Discussion board? :p I only come here for Hardware and Off-Topic..

Yup...me too...
Or, wait a moment...What am I doing here? *rushed back to OT*
There's no depression Smith&Wesson can't solve! :cheers:
is it just me , or am i the only person that uses the view new posts button :S
Originally posted by crushenator 500
is it just me , or am i the only person that uses the view new posts button :S

Originally posted by crushenator 500
is it just me , or am i the only person that uses the view new posts button :S

The what button?
Originally posted by Darg
The what button?

the view button, shows you all the new posts since your last visit in a list, can't say as I've ever used it myself but I'm sure its useful
losing faith?

Valve isn't a god. jeeez crackers. This is just a company that makes video games.

"Sunday. December 6

Day 206 since I first heard about HL2. I'm running low on beta rations. So far I've exhausted all I can from the cracked CS mod for the HL2 alpha-beta. My fingers are cracked, swollen and I"m begging to lose sensation on my extremities. At night I'm still waking up in a cold sweat from the tormenting bumbmap headcrabs that cloud my soul like a DX9 rendered effect only applicable on ATI Radeon 9800 XT cards. Gabe isn't returning my letters emails nor phone calls and I had to cancel our golf reservation since he never responded back to me. I hope is wife didn't get confused by the flowers. But I digress. its 4am. and still no more news but at least I have the comforting sounds of whispers to lul me to sleep. Valve.....valve...valve.. "

patience grasshopper. Sorry I don't mean to offend you I just wrote this cause I got bored and my imagination got ahold of me. :cheers:
I feel bad for old people, you knwo because they're all old and stuff.
I've said it before, but, um, Valve software is a software company. They make video games. They delayed the game not in malace but because the game isn't done? Do you want a half done game now, or a completely finished game later? If you want the first one go find the "alpha" of the game and have a blast.
You know, when the game is finally released and all the doomsayers are proclaiming how cool it is and that they never gave up on it. A bunch of us are gonna drag up these old posts and have some real fun.. just like that guy who said HL2 being optimised for ATI cards while nVidia ones were lagging behind was BS.. I don't think he's posted since then ;)
Its getting so depressing here

/me starts playing depressing country music on a harmonica

This forum used to be the life blood of the site. Now its about as useful as a wart (that is until we get some good news about HL2).
Lets make up some news about HL2, then the forums will be hopping.
Originally posted by NJD2003
Lets make up some news about HL2, then the forums will be hopping.

If you type "Iamanopenuniversitypresenter" at the console you can play the game as Kleiner

its true, really it is :cheese:
What console would that be my dear fellow? Hmmm :dork:
I'm actually anticipating Duke Nukem Forever more than HL2. How do you think I feel? :)

It's almost been 3 years since we've seen any of DNF.

At least I know that 3DRealms is under enormous pressure to deliver or they're out of the business. I'm dying to see what happens. :cheese:
Its confirmed Gordon is going to have a beard.Lets talk about the shape size abundance and all that about his beard and overanalyze it.Just like old days
ya this whole media black out thing really does suck, its kinda like there killing all the anticipation to the game. hell, i was really looking forward to this and doom3 but since there media black outs for the last few months ive kinda lost interest in both, although iD did just release something like 12 new high res screens and theres a new trailer rumurd to be coming out shortly. the other thing i hate about these delays is the fact ive been waiting to buy a new comp just for these games, but i cant justify buying taht new comp now when these games arnt gonna come out for another 3-5 months
Originally posted by Lavrik
Its confirmed Gordon is going to have a beard.Lets talk about the shape size abundance and all that about his beard and overanalyze it.Just like old days

I still wonder if he's going to keep his pony tail. It was the first and only topic i ever posted. He did have a pony tail.
ok, id like to take back what i said about the media black out. just took a look at doom3s official site and it was just updated. theve got a new trailer out for it, basicly the same as the old one but it looks nicer and theres a little bit more footage in it. also they have some screens out, wallpapers, and a preiorder option. AND for the release date it says coming soon.

AND for the release date it says coming soon.
What are they going to say?

DOOM3 - Coming....in a while.

Doesn't quite have that marketing buzz.
Originally posted by another-user
ok, id like to take back what i said about the media black out. just took a look at doom3s official site and it was just updated. theve got a new trailer out for it, basicly the same as the old one but it looks nicer and theres a little bit more footage in it. also they have some screens out, wallpapers, and a preiorder option. AND for the release date it says coming soon.


Sweet, I so need a new computer, HL2, Doom III. I haven't a prayer. lol
Originally posted by Shuzer
..people actually visit the HL2 Discussion board? :p I only come here for Hardware and Off-Topic..

Originally posted by Cyphron
im sorry i(like many) have lost a lot of faith in valve the last couple months and it seems to only get worse by each passing week. i had hope for this year, yup its gone now. i know i dont post much on here, but i do come and read all your guys' thoughts and ideas. hl2 meant so much to me and now im just hoping it comes out so i can have a little fun. man im just so disappointed by valve and their pr blackout. its disheartening that something like this could happen to a company. im afraid im not going to be coming on here much anymore because of this. hope to see you guys when this game lands in my lap sometime. college is hard and needs my full attention right now.

Boohoo, it's just a game people. Get over it. It's fun to talk about and all, but jeez there is more to life than Valve and HL2. Go read a book.
They certainly won't be reputable for their "communication". They're pissing off 100's more everyday they keep their lip shut. We are a HL2 community. People are here to support Valve. Now who wants to support a company that seems so willingly to give two sh*ts about their fanbase. We are suppose to be here through the thick and thin. How can we learn to support someone if they won't support us.

Right now is Valve's chance to turn the tides. They are becoming a mockery. Soon they will be labeled as the company that gives you the hype but not the hope.

No news is bad news. Right now bad news is good news because atleast then we would know what the f*** is going on.
Originally posted by Lavrik
Its confirmed Gordon is going to have a beard.Lets talk about the shape size abundance and all that about his beard and overanalyze it.Just like old days

Yeah, I remember there used to be really long discussions on little stuff in the game. Like the string theory discussion-- it got really long and all people were doing was pondering whether something in Half-Life or Half-Life 2 was referring to the String Theory. And then there were long discussions on who g-man really is, whether Black Mesa is an actual place, etc. And lots of exciting discussions about the aliens, weapons, characters, etc. And now... now it's like, bleh, nothing.

I actually started coming here for the "info from valve" part, then started going into Half-Life 2 Discussion, hardly ever looked at or posted in Off-Topic. Now I'm stuck in Off-Topic and only look into HL2 Discussion maybe once every few days, haven't even checked "Info from Valve" except possiby once in the last month. And the topics in HL2 discussion aren't as exciting either. No "icthysaurs totally scared me!!! i hope there's ichthyosaurs in HL2"... no "g-man's an alien!!! you can tell from his lisp and what nihilanth says!!"/"no way, g-man's human!!"/"g-man stands for gov. man you idiots"/"i wonder if you can shoot him in HL2"/"sure but he'd kill you, or maybe he's indestructible"...
now i'm sad ;(
Originally posted by dfc05
Like the string theory discussion-- it got really long and all people were doing was pondering whether something in Half-Life or Half-Life 2 was referring to the String Theory.
now i'm sad ;(

I seriously hope you were joking with the string theory comment. Cause if not: WOW.:dozey: Just reading the above makes me fear for the future of the human race.

As for the rest of it, maybe no one is talking about it becaues it has all been discussed to death months ago.
Originally posted by Neutrino
I seriously hope you were joking with the string theory comment. Cause if not: WOW.:dozey: Just reading the above makes me fear for the future of the human race.

As for the rest of it, maybe no one is talking about it becaues it has all been discussed to death months ago.

totally not kidding; there was a thread entirely devoted to discussion of the string theory; it got a lot of posts too. it was actually pretty interesting-- interesting enough that when a program on string theory was on tv i actually watched it. i'll look for that thread, heh.
Originally posted by dfc05
totally not kidding; there was a thread entirely devoted to discussion of the string theory; it got a lot of posts too. it was actually pretty interesting-- interesting enough that when a program on string theory was on tv i actually watched it. i'll look for that thread, heh.

Ya, I saw the thread. I was the first one to laugh at everyone in it. I meant I hoped that you didn't take anything seriously in that thread. Cause it was just sad.

I mean does anyone ever read books any more? Cause judging from the first 4 or 5 post of that thread one would tend to believe that people's major source of education anymore is MTV.
Are we not allowed to discuss things like the String Theory? Whats so bad about us discussing it?
hey don't make fun of us, just cause we got excited about something. heck at least it was interesting.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Are we not allowed to discuss things like the String Theory? Whats so bad about us discussing it?


Did you actually look at the thread in question? Nothing is wrong with discussing string theory. I myself find the theory quite fascinating. Discussing whether or not Valve incorportated string theory into the source engine, on the other hand, is just plain stupid.

hey don't make fun of us, just cause we got excited about something. heck at least it was interesting.

I'm not making fun of anyone because they got excited about something. I'm making fun of them because they took an obviously satirical article and thought it was actually serious. This demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of modern physics theory and shows what a sad state of affairs out current education system is in.
Well Neutrino, the Superstring thread was interesting to read, and it made for good discussion. Why are you getting so bent out of shape about it? It was about whether or not Valve had placed some references to the String Theory in the Kleiners lab video. It eventually took on a life of it's own, covering ground on all sort's of different, interesting topics. Not everyone on these forums is a theoretical physicist you know, so obviously not every post in the thread was intelligent, but there were quite a few good ones.

Edit: By the way, what do you want from our education system? The String theory isn't exactly beginner material, it's rather advanced, and very complicated. Besides a short overview, we hardly speak of it in AP physics, simply becasue it's complicated nature.
Originally posted by Neutrino
Discussing whether or not Valve incorportated string theory into the source engine, on the other hand, is just plain stupid.

Uh, when did anyone talk about the String Theory being implemented in the engine? People were talking about the equations at the end of the E3 video and some of Kliener talk having something to do with the String Theory in relation to the story. There was a post linking to a joke news story about the Grand Unified Theory in regards to physics calculations, but that was a different situation altogether.