I feel like making something...

May 24, 2003
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Something that just looks nice and doesn't have to have much practical use.

Im part way through a group of maps that im making but i just want to take a break by making something random...Like a hallway. But im out of ideas. I just need something to spark me off then i can develop it...

Anyone got any suggestions?
How about you build something reminicent to the new content that we'll see at E3?
How would i go about that exactly? Do you mean build something i would assume to be like what they show at E3...or wait until i know what they show?
Wait until you see what is at E3, then build that (that's what I mean).

Badger's idea isn't bad either.
You could make a rocket(just a elevator, with a button inside) and see how high you can get! :D
In my early days of mapping i did make a ladder that was about the height of the hl1 map. I placed a small, thin layer of water at the bottom and it saved you...if you hit it dead on anyway.
Rofl... I know one map with 4 "boxes" at the top, two ladders on each side (There were 2 x 2 boxes, 2 on each side, with one ladder going to each). You'd then proceed to jump, and there was one small pool in the middle, two medium sized a bit futher out, and then one pretty big furthest to the housebody/thingy (That the ladders were on). That was pretty fun to play :p
I have that feeling too. I want to build my house, and if that works out, I want to continue to build my street. I can put a yappy-ass dog in the back just like in real life, only now i can beat the **** out of it with a crowbar! (demented, but honestly, that dog is the worst!) And all the weapons will be stashed at my crazy redneck neighbor's house.

That's my idea, but I'm just having trouble finding the right textures to put in a wad.
Heh....Yeah. Ive started work on building my town. At the moment im just taking lots of pictures of the areas im going to build (To start off with). Im also taking photos of certain things for which i don't have a suitable texture. Ive already previously done part of my house...its quite big though so i never finished it in any details. Still, im hoping to convert it all the hl2 once it comes out. Then i can actually fit it all into the one map.
I built a Hospital map for CS (never released it though). The terroists would spawn on a helicopter hovering off the roof and find a way downstairs to bomb the support pillars. Great fun that map kinda buggy though. There was a way to fall through a certain part of the vents right behind the bomb location.
i tryed to make my neigborhood, but it is WAAYY to big and open for CS or HL1, so i guess i have'ta wait til HL2 and CS:S hehe
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh....Yeah. Ive started work on building my town. At the moment im just taking lots of pictures of the areas im going to build (To start off with). Im also taking photos of certain things for which i don't have a suitable texture. Ive already previously done part of my house...its quite big though so i never finished it in any details. Still, im hoping to convert it all the hl2 once it comes out. Then i can actually fit it all into the one map.

Yeah, I'm just going to start off with my house and my neighbor's and hopefully be able to do my street. I'm having a hard time finding good normal textures that I find around the neighborhood, and I don't have a camera. If you get any good pictures, can you send some? I need sidewalk, white siding on my house, a white door with a small 4-pane window, a lawn that has sparce grass, window blinds, beige carpet, and some other things I can't think of right now. Any help would be appreciated. And when I'm done, you all can come to my house and get shot! :sniper:
I suspect what i get will not be very useful to you...Im guessing you live in the US and architecture is different over there.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I suspect what i get will not be very useful to you...Im guessing you live in the US and architecture is different over there.

Yeah, I'm in the U.S., and I wouldn't really call it "architecture"... more like a bunch of boxes arranged in blocks with some grass between them. god bless the usa. all praise bush..
Can you show what you get anyways Farrowlesparrow? I would love to see the differences.