I feel so incomplete :(

Joke much?

I love you stern, I wouldn't say anything that intends to hurt your feelings in such a situation. I said what I said because it was ripe for the picking.

family is something I'll defend to the death and am over defensive about ..in other words screw with my family and I'm liable to crack your head open and feast on the exposed goo. No fancy debates, no drawn out arguments ..it's straight for the jugular followed by a curb stomp

/me waves penknife in raziaar's general direction

hows my sense of humour now? :E
dammit, not i'm feeling like an emo kid

i watched fox news just for the lulz, and it made me angry. then i went and watched resident evil, extintion, thinking it'd be a good popcorn flick, and i got angrier. i come back, turn on mtv, watch a black guy rapping about how he wants to be a rockstar, lul'd and got angrier.

had to alert the internet, sorry

D:! I totally made that myself.
Bake a pie using only your penis.