I feel sorry for the Mods and Admins...

Thanks for proving my point rec...

you guys rock. :) glad the busiest forum I moderate gets like, one post a month... :D
and its in a community of a mere 2000 members, the same 2000 we had four years ago...shoot...I know every member of that forum...thats sad....
Well, if by pay you mean the rewarding smiles on hundreds of HL2.net forum participants... as they give me the finger and tell me to stop locking/deleting their ignorant/repetitive/pointless/distasteful threads... Sure, it's worth it. ;P

Only jokes - most of you guys are great and I'm yet to have any of you guys give me serious grief since I joined the staff team here.
these guys don't get payed to moderate our messes, and neither do I get payed to moderate that forum. this is NOT an official website sanctioned by valve...

Yes, dear.

*waddles off to bed

Tell ya what, lucky I work my own hours otherwise I'd have to be worried about waking up tommorrow... instead I'll just sleep in until 1-2pm again. ;P
Originally posted by A2597
these guys don't get payed to moderate our messes, and neither do I get payed to moderate that forum. this is NOT an official website sanctioned by valve...


Beat us over the head with the obvious bat some more
You seem very negative, Shot. Have you considered Yoga?
I thought you waddled off to bed!?!

*Grabs crowbar*

I have not actually, would you recommend it?
My wife does it but I think her happiness is more the doing of the medication.
It's not for everybody, however I quite enjoy the "out of body" spiritual experience.

It's almost as good as getting really knocked up and laying on your carpet floor listening to Pink Floyd and Radio Head until 10am the next morning, except you get to wear cool pajama type stuff! :)
Not sure where you are from, but knocked up to me means pregnant :)

Radiohead I can't mess with.
Paid?! Now that's a good idea... staff strike, anyone? ;)
Originally posted by rec
It's not for everybody, however I quite enjoy the "out of body" spiritual experience.

It's almost as good as getting really knocked up and laying on your carpet floor listening to Pink Floyd and Radio Head until 10am the next morning, except you get to wear cool pajama type stuff! :)

Astral Projection ....hah have to love the out of body experiences..
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: TO THE ADMINS!
/me steals beers from cheereing people and drinks them all
AH! what a great 12 pints....
/me repeats
i mean 14.
/me dies of alcohol overdose

I guess thats thankyou in some language I never heard...
You've never heard of the zigi-zagi language? Shame.
<smacks his chest in salute> Praise to you!
Originally posted by A2597
ohh...idea, this was VERY popular on the UT2k3 forums...
an official "Ban Me" thread. anyone that wanted to be banned only had to post there. Seems stupid, but it worked amazingly well. (Of course the first post had the warnings, and explained EXACTLY what would happen).

one of the best forum cleanups that forum ever had, over 700 members that posted nothing but spam removed, forums much nicer now. :)

just an idea...

thats a crazy sweet wicked awesome fantastic idea
I guess you hadn't realized my previous was an utter joke.
Originally posted by A2597

I guess thats thankyou in some language I never heard...

Ya, zigi-zagi is from "The Man Show" they say it before the audience and hosts chug a pint