I found a horrible stereotype!

Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Okay, so i like to play on the dez stats team deathmatch runoff server alot.

A few days ago this guy by the name of coldflo joins the game. Almost immediately he starts some feud with another player and beings to argue with him over the VOIP. This guy i would find out was so much a stereotype that i was dying of laughter. He was argueing the whole time in his nasal voice about how he was so much more mature and that he was way more skilled. Constantly yelling BULLSHIT or WTF everytime he died. He was all like "I'm a green beret, i am so much older than you, i will kick your ass, i will break you!" he goes on and on like this for like 15 minutes on the voip.

Best part of all of this was that the guy takes himself completely serious!

Earlier today i ran into him on the server again. A few minutes in he's all like. Guys! wtf don't ****in get in my way when i'm shooting, you idiots suck so bad, omg! He then goes off on an 5 minute long tirade abainst how badly rebel team sucked...Of course everyone near him immediately begins to bump into and crowd him even more! He yells some stuff about our team being retarded and full of losers. (We went on to win the next 3 rounds including the one during which he left)

Anyway curiosity piqued i deside to google up his name. True enough the guy is registered to an assload of forums, and nearly all of his posts are a colection of egotistical or inflammitory marks.

This person truly embodied a good percentage of all the negative stereotypes of gamer-kind.

Anyhow the point to this post is that if you ever run into another player named coldflo, send a small insult his way or do some small thing to annoy him, he will explode in a tirade of hilarity and truly make your day.:LOL:
LoL! I googled his name out of curiosity, and WOW he is an asshat! I just can't believe some people like this.
I bumped into this guy before, and i do remember him ranting on a bit to much. Arl be keeping an extra close eye out for this punk, i hate people like that.
Sounds like a righteous victim to be raged :thumbs:
Coldflo said:
Dimensional your reference to digital tutors was ok but it was not what I asked for. So with that exception (which I still consider to be a slap in the face) all of your posts that u have provided me or others are rude. STAY OFF MY GD POSTS OK U MF. I WILL F U IN YOUR BUT. STAY THE F OFF ME.

Coldflo said:
I hope u understand now who u are dealing with. I've given u every opportunity to find out for yourself in nicer ways. If u choose to ignore that, its your fault. I mention I am trying to start a business, I get all sorts of negativity. What noob + business = punk to fed by u well then noob + business + big time ahole = get the f off my back.

No im not gay.

Coldflo said:
I am not a dweeb im a 25 year old man and u will talk to me as such. Dimensional punk that goes for u more than anyone. I cant believe u cg people your worse than a cult.

Coldflo said:
P.S. I prefer no more negativity or fighting.


God I so hope I meet him sometime.

EDIT: http://www.hackerthreads.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=81354&
man... thanks for finding that gem of knowledge. I swear, someone should dedicate a website to this guy, he seems too much like a fictional character to be real
Flyingdebris said:
"I'm a green beret, i am so much older than you, i will kick your ass, i will break you!"
Thats when to employ your vast knowledge of the movie Commando:

"I eat green berets for breakfast!" :p
I think Coldflo needs professional help.....

A gentle step off a tall building wouldn't hurt though.
"Guess what, I've done nuclear power"
:O Holy crap! All everyone's base r really belong to him!
It'd be like letting Michael Jackson work at Flamingo Land.
Wow, I can't believe some people get a kick out of yelling like a noob for more than 2 hours.

Flyingdebris said:
Okay, so i like to play on the dez stats team deathmatch runoff server alot.

A few days ago this guy by the name of coldflo joins the game. Almost immediately he starts some feud with another player and beings to argue with him over the VOIP. This guy i would find out was so much a stereotype that i was dying of laughter. He was argueing the whole time in his nasal voice about how he was so much more mature and that he was way more skilled. Constantly yelling BULLSHIT or WTF everytime he died. He was all like "I'm a green beret, i am so much older than you, i will kick your ass, i will break you!" he goes on and on like this for like 15 minutes on the voip.

Best part of all of this was that the guy takes himself completely serious!

Earlier today i ran into him on the server again. A few minutes in he's all like. Guys! wtf don't ****in get in my way when i'm shooting, you idiots suck so bad, omg! He then goes off on an 5 minute long tirade abainst how badly rebel team sucked...Of course everyone near him immediately begins to bump into and crowd him even more! He yells some stuff about our team being retarded and full of losers. (We went on to win the next 3 rounds including the one during which he left)

Anyway curiosity piqued i deside to google up his name. True enough the guy is registered to an assload of forums, and nearly all of his posts are a colection of egotistical or inflammitory marks.

This person truly embodied a good percentage of all the negative stereotypes of gamer-kind.

Anyhow the point to this post is that if you ever run into another player named coldflo, send a small insult his way or do some small thing to annoy him, he will explode in a tirade of hilarity and truly make your day.:LOL:

Now do you see?
Wow, I can't beleive some people get a kick out of yelling like a noob for more than 2 hours.

Yeah, it gets boring after an hour and a half or so.
I totally wann go find him playing DM so I can pwn him verbally :|

I imagine it wouldn't be that difficult.
Que-Ever said:
I totally wann go find him playing DM so I can pwn him verbally :|

I imagine it wouldn't be that difficult.
Yeah, just lie more than him :D
Coldflo : omfg you noob you are haxing
You : Hmmm, maybe because I've been playing games for 15 years and you're just an outright loser?
Coldflo : stfu I've been playing for 30 years
You : :O the computer has only existed for 25 years >_>
Coldflo : Yeah but I work at NASA and they had computers before that
You : So? I work at Microsoft and I designed MSDOS
Coldflo : MSDOS sux unix is so much beter
You : Yeah, I co-designed that too.
You : Uh-uh. I think I'll send a complaint to your ISP that you were sharing kiddie pron.
You : Watch me :D

etc :p
Beerdude26 said:
Yeah, just lie more than him :D
Coldflo : omfg you noob you are haxing
You : Hmmm, maybe because I've been playing games for 15 years and you're just an outright loser?
Coldflo : stfu I've been playing for 30 years
You : :O the computer has only existed for 25 years >_>
Coldflo : Yeah but I work at NASA and they had computers before that
You : So? I work at Microsoft and I designed MSDOS
Coldflo : MSDOS sux unix is so much beter
You : Yeah, I co-designed that too.
You : Uh-uh. I think I'll send a complaint to your ISP that you were sharing kiddie pron.
You : Watch me :D

etc :p

lolololololol:LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Go work as a comedian, i dare you.

EDIT: thats not sarcasm. no seriosly, you could be the next Lee Evans
i wonder how he'll react if he finds out about this thread and begins to post here. That would kill me with laughter
SpArKs said:
lolololololol:LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Go work as a comedian, i dare you.

EDIT: thats not sarcasm. no seriosly, you could be the next Lee Evans
Lol you should watch me in real life I get much more chances for practical jokes there :p
Flyingdebris said:
i wonder how he'll react if he finds out about this thread and begins to post here. That would kill me with laughter
Yeah, someone sign up as HL2fanboi on one of his regular forums, and say "Hey, you got fans over at HL2.net Go check out this thread!..."
Lmao, we need to contact him ASAP and give him the link to this thread :D
Oh yeah, and warn the mods beforehand, so that they don't ban him after his first post.
i've been trying to find a forum he frequents, but almost all of the forum's we've gotten the good quotes from, he's long since been banned from or hasn't posted in months.

I think the best bet is to show up on the dez stat tdm runoff server and hope he's there, then tell him
Coldflo said:

HAHAHAHAHHAHA:LOL: :cheese: :LOL: :O :thumbs: :LOL: :rolling: :E :cheese: :LOL: :LOL: you just cant write stuff like that, we so need him to come here
Flyingdebris said:
i've been trying to find a forum he frequents, but almost all of the forum's we've gotten the good quotes from, he's long since been banned from or hasn't posted in months.

I think the best bet is to show up on the dez stat tdm runoff server and hope he's there, then tell him
I will do it, I play on that server from time to time. Who do you play under? I would want someone here to be there to see me piss him off, and nade his ass. Hell give me a link to a forum he does post on, I will find him! :sniper: :LOL: :p
the joys of being an admin and being able to disable voice comms, mute/gimp players and most importantly, ban the retards. :)
we shouldnt talk about this guy on these forums, he may find out and actually make our lives hell here. Let us never speak his name!!
trust me, thats the best thing that could ever happen, imagine the free entertainment he would provide while he claims "that he'll break us" or whatever
Yeah, we have to lure this guy over here.