I found a rare magic card

Oct 2, 2003
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Umm not really, I made a magic card hl2 style for the heck of it.. Im going to make more if you lot like it, I enjoy makeing them


  • hl2.jpg
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heh thats pretty good :D.. gonna send it to the art forum though, be cool to see the others done. hmm, HL2 card game? :):)
Rather cool.:thumbs:

I like the "quote".

Do a Barney one: "I could sure go for a beer about now.", or whatever it is he says.

(Yu-Gi-Oh must die)
Sure brain allright, sounds fun :P

I made anouther really quickly, its not as good, but I now have a good font (the desc for the card is now the right font) at least :D
Coolness objectified. This could be a cool game.

Now, what would Barney's effect be? Automatically attacks the nearest card while spouting a repeating string of phrases?:E

Unsure If I like this one, but its not bad.. I guess, thanks brain for the quote idea.

edit: Im going to redo them, takeing alot of time on them too, but not today, tommrow some time :bounce:
Those cards are a bit overpowered for use in an actual game. :)

Edit: If you want to get really technical, barney should be labeled as an "artifact", since it's colourless. Also, why isn't he a creature?

Yeah, I play the game somewhat. :dork:
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
Those cards are a bit overpowered for use in an actual game. :)

Edit: If you want to get really technical, barney should be labeled as an "artifact", since it's colourless. Also, why isn't he a creature?

Yeah, I play the game somewhat. :dork:

Yea, I took the base from a artifact card, but I did not feel like he would make a good one, Im going to redo some of them, I doubt for use in the game heh, but just for fun, going to do...

"White team" (I will use white base for them)

Gordon Freeman
Maybe headcrab

Other team (I dunno what base I will use, most likely artifact)

Combine "Things"

I might make anouther one, Xen, but I think they will just go with the g-man

Yes im very sad
Since when can creature enchantments (or ANY enchantments for that matter) be tapped? :o
Im new to magic ;) Im not very good on the rules, and anyways, this is an old thread, I changed the card in my new thread..

On that topic, cant someone delete this one, or just close it?