I found out what happened to Lamarr

That wasnt exactly a beach area dude.If you use noclip before the teleportation sequence at the beginning and go to the area Lamarr was in,it actually looks like a small junkyard with the junk attacched to one of those cranes and all
My guess is that area was a place that got cut in the final production of half-life, I really wish them people didnt hack valve.. and personally i dont believe them when they say "we took it out cuz it werent fun" FUN!?! Gamers actually usin there brains to get rid of a hydra... and HDR and all of the Enemies and levels that was cut out... I hope the Alyx Expansion will include these.
what if Lamarr headcrabbed a strider (partly organic) and killed hundreds of combine soldiers.

Its a shame that she is debeaked.
SteelMeister said:
what if Lamarr headcrabbed a strider (partly organic) and killed hundreds of combine soldiers.

Its a shame that she is debeaked.

I doubt that could happen. After all, striders are HUGE.
Humans are huge, relatively to headcrabs.

Now Striders, striders are FREAKING GIGANTIC!

Anyway, Lamaar was in the credits, wasn't she?
perhaps an antlion? They are quite small if you compare them with a strider.
hmmm what if Lamarr, Was a Combine Altered Headcrabbed, and Headcrabbed Dr Kliener

Kliener: With My Brains and your Brawn we'll make an Excellent team

*Lamarr headcrabs Kliener and The Zomificated Kliener goes into City 17*

Zombificated Kliener: Omg Please KILL ME, KILL MEE AHHHHHHH


Combine: ??? wtf

Zombificated Kliener Casts level 99 Barnacle Whip

*A Barnacle Whip comes out of the Chest of Zomificated Kliener and Pwns the Combine*

TIP: Expansion pack plz :D :) :sniper:
Sufferin-rebel said:
hmmm what if Lamarr, Was a Combine Altered Headcrabbed, and Headcrabbed Dr Kliener

Kliener: With My Brains and your Brawn we'll make an Excellent team

*Lamarr headcrabs Kliener and The Zomificated Kliener goes into City 17*

Zombificated Kliener: Omg Please KILL ME, KILL MEE AHHHHHHH


Combine: ??? wtf

Zombificated Kliener Casts level 99 Barnacle Whip

*A Barnacle Whip comes out of the Chest of Zomificated Kliener and Pwns the Combine*

TIP: Expansion pack plz :D :) :sniper:

For your information, Lamarr is de-beaked and can't headcrab anyone.
But good story, nevertheless. I predict that it was written under the influence of chemicals.
Actually Lamarr was also the name of a female scientist who worked on Radar and as Kleiner is obviously a scientist then perhaps that would be why she is called that.
Eejit said:
Yeah but bees and ants are all created by Queens, but there are still males and females as well as drones. It could be the same with headcrabs.
The males are needed to give their sperm to the queen when she flies away and then they die (the females do all the work). So it is necessairy to have males and females with bees and ants.

I had an exam about this at biology :p

Ontopic: Lamar survived and we will see him again in the expansion, I hope.
Sufferin-rebel said:
TIP: Expansion pack plz :D :) :sniper:
Head-Crab Chronicals, perhaps? That would be excellent to see how he/she got from Xen into Kleiners evil dictatorship clutches... Uhh..

anyway in my sig is a link to the "Head-Humped" Mod, which should act as a filler-in until a real expansion for head-crabs comes out.
not only have they resurected a thread they resurected a bad one too.
Gman rescued her


either that or they will come out with an expansion where you play as the whitty Lamar she manages to grow back her fangs during the game and soon gets to control humans and weilds shotguns and plasma rifles alike! :sniper:
That is the most obvious thing...every one who has played half-life 2 would have seen that, its made so that you do see it.
Realchaos1 said:

He carries a tiny teleporter which teleports him to wherever Gordan is. :E
I think there should be a Lamarr expansion, where resistance members guide give you a buggy, and where you fight ant lions with your awesome pocket knife. And how Lamarr fights his way vigorously through the nova prospekt complex.

You can see Lamarr next to the shotgun wielding Kleiner indeed. But then he justs dissappears into thin air, he can't be that quick, plus there is no exit in the way he is moving. I thought you'd like to know ;)