I found something(Second Test Solved?)

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Glo said:
when its enlarged or not?

edit: nvm just got it
apperantly i had to use the mouse scroll to get it showing

Well, it never worked for me.
Even though I tried IE, Mozilla, scrooling down\up, turning my monitor upside down, screaming at my PC, jumping around... Nothing helped. I just used the link on the main page...
Whoever solved this:

How the hell did you get the nova/prospekt?!? I know it reads in one of the signs but still... How did you figure that out???
Why is everyone complaining about the second test, youve completed it congratulations. Now all there needs to be is the gman test, and once thats done i think that it will tell us something really important :D:D
I can't believe this wasn't solved here. This was posted on HLSource yesterday.
I checked all the screenshots on the half-life2.com media page the other day (the day after the test was first discovered) and there was no G-Man popping up. Meaning VALVe must have done it last night while I was asleep or something :(

The second test probably didn't even exist when we found it first.
Wildhound said:
I can't believe this wasn't solved here. This was posted on HLSource yesterday.
hah lier, this wasnt even done at that time, this was found out 2 hours after that concept art pic was saved.

lots of people tried /secondtest when the test was originaly found out, and I would have seen the rollout on the media page a couple of days ago if it was there.
Wildhound said:
I can't believe this wasn't solved here. This was posted on HLSource yesterday.

And what next, your mom can beat up my mom? You have a metal lunchbox and I use a paperbag? You get new clothes I wear hand me downs?

I fail to see the point of your post.....
switch said:
hah lier, this wasnt even done at that time, this was found out 2 hours after that concept art pic was saved.

lots of people tried /secondtest when the test was originaly found out, and I would have seen the rollout on the media page a couple of days ago if it was there.



I'll point out that they didn't solve it either. I'm just surprised that it wasn't solved here - as stated in my previous post.

Aknot said:
And what next, your mom can beat up my mom? You have a metal lunchbox and I use a paperbag? You get new clothes I wear hand me downs?

I fail to see the point of your post.....

I don't see how I've implied I'm superior to you in any way, since I consider myself a regular in neither community and I had nothing to do with solving the test.

Your post in unnessecariy offensive and unfounded. The point of my post was to express surpise and be informative.

You might now head off back into your little hole and perhaps hang yourself while you're there.
Wildhound said:


I'll point out that they didn't solve it either. I'm just surprised that it wasn't solved here - as stated in my previous post.

Unless i miscalculated They did solve it here, the forum post you posted is AFTER this thread was made.
I'm in GMT, and it was made ~4am take away 7 hours (this forum is GMT+1 that one is GMT-6) and you get 9pm and that forum post was at 9:37.

edit: oh and i wasnt trying to sound cocky if you read it that way
It wasn't until the fourth post on this thread that the puzzle was 'solved' completely. The times on this forum don't work properly for me, so I don't know when that was. Only that here is says "Yesterday" by the post, and on HLSource it says "Today, 04:37 AM".

I suspect both forums got the info somewhere else, neither seem to have solved it if you read the posts and see how information and answers magically appear without any discussion or debate.
Maybe this is just a dumb question. But if the second test was actually solved by getting to this barnacle image then how come there was no "Congratulations on solving the second test!" like there was with the first?
thebarge said:
Maybe this is just a dumb question. But if the second test was actually solved by getting to this barnacle image then how come there was no "Congratulations on solving the second test!" like there was with the first?

thats why some people still beleave this isnt the end of the test,
personally i am going to take it as the end because i've spent too much wasted time on this test :p
Once you get the barnacle, go back to the black window with the white box, and type barnacle.

Half-Life 2 wallpaper!

Did this all myself :D
By the way.. there also seems to be embedded XMP metadata in the barnacle image. I tried the web based extraction tool (posted in this thread.. somewhere around page 39 or 40) and didn't really get much:

<rdf:Description about='uuid:1cfd1be0-fae9-11d8-9c71-c1800850299f'
Of course I have no idea whether this means anything or not. The test may just be done :)
GUYS! i think i just found something!
at the page with the concept art try to type \index.html after entry.php

when you do this it takes you to white page :eek:
Ap]-[eX said:
GUYS! i think i just found something!
at the page with the concept art try to type \index.html after entry.php

when you do this it takes you to white page :eek:

Oh well, I think it's nothing.
It's the same box, without a background...
Ap]-[eX said:
Anyone tryed it??

edit:well maybe thats they whant you to think :rolleyes:

Well, I think it's nothing.
From my basic understanding in the directoris system - it seems like you always run the php, no matter what you put after that php thing.
(try /hello.html, and you'll get the same..., for example)

You just don't get all the parameters right (since the css is defined relatively to the original path, it can't find the css - thus you get the white background (default)).
lol they must have to much time at valve...

Anyway i just took a look at the picture, and you will be sorry to hear that there's no comment stored within the picture.
Didn't check it for scripts but i'm sure someone else will:)

How do I get a picture of Alyx? I just manage to get one of Gordon and the barnacle.
Sparta said:
the ilovebees.com thing turned out to be nothing unfortunately :(
Nothing? It turned into a nation wide hunt for pay phones, and it isn't even over yet.
Woah nice concept art! I've seen it before on the cover of a Belgian gaming mag tough, but still, high-res is awesome! Congrats on completing the second test!
hey guys. guess what

:afro: Hey im sry if im repeating what some1 else said, i may have scaned over if some1 said this already; In the NEWEST picuture of "Barnacle" check his right leg upper-half it sais "Dhabih" :afro:

EDIT: So im guessing that "Dhabih" is the artist for the signature of the ASCII "bird" that we are always seeing?
isn't that in the older barnacle pictures aswell?

if it isn't then i think we have yet to complete the second test
umm, elaborate on which is the sixth pic, but anyways yeah im in...
I think the things in the lower left hand corner are weapon selections
I zoomed in and the first one looks like the gausses gun.
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