I Found Teh Easter Egg (serious)

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Originally posted by PSX
i would slam my head on the desk and propel through the 20-foot roof, go out on a tree limb, thank the birds for a good day and ******* fly to the store

:laugh: Laugh of the day, thanks.
all of this is marketting, my theory it's that they said the game is delayed to put us the pression.
And the 30 september when you will go to a supermarket the game is to sell and when the rumor of the games is in shops that will be the big rush to buy it.

All they want it's to sell all the stock of the game the same day for the publicity ans the statistic. " marketting"

MEANS November 30. Or may be Xmas the 30 TH
Originally posted by Stingey
have fun guys but tomorrow im going to the sotre and buy HL 2 :D

Ok, hope you take a knife, aim it at the artery in your arm and firmly lodge it in if hl2 isn't there.
Originally posted by nw909
Ok, hope you take a knife, aim it at the artery in your arm and firmly lodge it in if hl2 isn't there.

I second that.
Originally posted by Estevan
OMG i saw this pic ion lones site check it out

IT SAYS 30 on it and it came from the vid
this could only mean one thing september 30th

You.. are kidding, right? Even so, closed, this thread can bear no helpful information.
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