I got a question...

really is this such a mystery? how many women like the Three Stooges? how many women like Benny Hill? or Monty Python? not many (those that do are actually gay men) ..it's because at birth they have their sense of humour surgically removed to make more room for ovaries

Well in that case the women you're around clearly suck. Because about 70% of the girls I know love Monty Python.

You guys probably only know women you like to look at, you wouldn't go looking for humor and personality if it bit you in the nose.

It's because you're so obsessed with boobs and bikini waxes that you're so blind towards women with personalities. This is why men piss me off. All they can ever talk about or like is "BOOBS" or how outgoing a girl is, and how many free lap dances they can get off her. At least in the 50ies some women were still treated like people.

I for one, can be funny in the right environment. But when I'm as uncomfortable as at HL2.net, I really have no chance of making anyone laugh. And I won't even go on, because it's only going to draw in more insult replies. Which tbh, I couldn't give a shit about, so do your worst.
here, here danitiwa

because insults to the self-esteem, after all....

are only flesh wounds.
You guys probably only know women you like to look at, you wouldn't go looking for humor and personality if it bit you in the nose.

It's because you're so obsessed with boobs and bikini waxes that you're so blind towards women with personalities. This is why men piss me off. All they can ever talk about or like is "BOOBS" or how outgoing a girl is, and how many free lap dances they can get off her. At least in the 50ies some women were still treated like people.
Haha, what?

Errr I personally find hot women extremely unattractive. Online and fapping, fine, thats an exception of course.

If a woman opens her mouth and is basically Paris Hilton, like that high tone of voice and you can just tell she developed early and started giving out handjobs at like 14, I cant help but smirk and say it was nice meeting them but ive gotta...go...clean my dog's toenails. Then run for the hills.

Personality, cuteness, sweetness and a good sense of humour to accept my sometimes weird sense of humour are essential.

Baywatch body does not maketh the woman.

And I know that all sounds very modern-day-man where guys these days say the opposite of what is expected in the lines of sexism so that women go all 'awwww I wish all guys were like you' and then you pound their brains out a few hours later...the irony is im not like that. I know it, and my friends know it too. Maybe thats my problem...hmmm...
Danni come on.
Come on.
Girls can be funny. Really. It sucks that you feel uncomfterble here and I hope that as you get to know some here a bit better, you'll see that they are mostly nice people. BUT!
you do know that the person making the bigges sexist jokes around here is actually a girl or at least a tranny. Maybe a Surgically removed penis.
Yes im talking about Pitz.
I for one, can be funny in the right environment. But when I'm as uncomfortable as at HL2.net, I really have no chance of making anyone laugh. And I won't even go on, because it's only going to draw in more insult replies. Which tbh, I couldn't give a shit about, so do your worst.

Why in the hell are you uncomfortable at HL2.net?

The key to surviving here at HL2.net is realizing that nearly everything thrown around is bullshit. You don't even have to have a thick skin to survive around here.

Almost everything that goes on around here, with exception to the intense debates about religion and some other things, is entirely light hearted in nature and can't be treated with the kind of seriousness that you show.
Though if you're a gun nut you can go die in a fire. Obviously.
It's also worth noting that even in threads with names like "Pictures of Hot Women v29", people who post shiny models in bikinis tend to get roundly mocked.
Damn that our marrige didn't work. You know just the things that makes me smile.

Hurting people.

Great, thanks a lot guys
my self esteem has been cut apart by your horrible insults.
I'm going to cry in a corner now

[/sarcasm(if your IQ is under 50 and you don't get it, thanks for having me explain something that is already obvious, Farrowlesparrow)]
no, if the people under 50 IQ don't get the sarcasm