I got a ?

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It says that a forum has about 500,000 posts right? But there are only 10 pages. Where are all the other posts?
You select "Beginning" (or something like that) in the lower left corner of the forum.
Just don't revive threads from a few months - years old :p
Beerdude26 said:
Just don't revive threads from a few months - years old :p
Why not? We make a new thread, and people redirect us to the dead one :P
doesnt say banned. he was just a post whore noob and got what he deserved.
Beerdude26 said:
BTW is pacerzfan banned or something?

What is strange, is that he has 2 posts, but it doesn't say he does.....

SpArKs said:
What is strange, is that he has 2 posts, but it doesn't say he does.....

His postcount got reset. But he never came back to bitch about it, which I find very strange :/
That should figured as the thread that I am the most confused about.
Cos he posted some wierd conversation that he found funny for some reason that he'd had with someone, saying how he was going to try and post as much as he could to get to some level or something.
Does my memory serve me correctly?
Yeah. He was a ridiculous spammer and it wasn't even funny spam, so when he made it really obvious that he really cared about postcount and was trying to up it as fast as possible...they set him to permanent zero I think. :D

EDIT: I wonder....do you think he's on global ignore? :laugh:
I think he means that he wants this thread, that he doesn't understand, to die.
Beerdude26 said:
WTF? Speak english :|
Hes from quebec, which you should know is FRENCH SPEAKING, so english is his second language, cut him some slack geez.

Pacerzfan, was here one month, and got like 200 posts in 2 days, and gloated about it to his friends, and he was so incredibly annoying, so mods reset his post count, and his post spree was over, so he gave up and left, it was a great day. Really really really annoying person, even moreso than 15357 :P
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