I got DQed at MEPS

Glirk Dient

Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
No, I am not talking aboit Dairy Queen. What that means is I got disqualified at the Military Examination Processing Station. I guess my back is too curvy and cool for them so they turned me down. The doctor said this is easily waiverable...but the Marines don't waiver much anything. That leaves my only military hope to joining another branch of military. I am thinking of trying to be a programmer for the Air Force. My recruiter told me that the Air Force would be best since I scored really well on the ASVAB(military score for intelligence basically). Anyone been in the Air Force or can shed any light on this decision of mine to try for programmer?
Well at least your going to fight for what you belive in, unike some of these pro war people.

Good luck,

The air force ud be kewl I guess.
Yeah I was going to go into the infantry in the Marines...but I do not love excersize nor do I really want to get shot at. It would be cool however, and I honestly think that defending my country and finding infantry tactics worth getting shot at. I also love computers and programming so I think the Air Force would work well for me. I would be able to stay in good shape still and have awsome benefits and living conditions.

Sure does suck to get DQed however. Oh well, I was having second thoughts about the Marines, and my parents will be much happier of my decision.
Join the coast guards, cousin is about done with boot camp, brother is about to enter it. Most of the time you are stationed in america where you won't be shot at.
Am I the only one around that DOESN'T want to join the military! D:

PS yes, that does suck that you got DQ'd. Sucks being thrown away from what you were going for. Hope the Air Force works for ya.
Glirk Dient said:
Yeah I was going to go into the infantry in the Marines...but I do not love excersize nor do I really want to get shot at.

And you wanted to be a Marine? I think your dodgy back has just saved you from the worst mistake you could of made in your entire life.
I'm not going to join a military brance at all cyber, my uncle is in the Air Force reserves if I remember correctly, works at the pentagon every once in awhile. One of my cousins(my uncle's son) used to work on f16's. Now other relatives are joining, doesn't look too appealing to me TBH.
Razor said:
And you wanted to be a Marine? I think your dodgy back has just saved you from the worst mistake you could of made in your entire life.
2 things, when did you get back and also its his choice to be in the military not yours
Razor said:
And you wanted to be a Marine? I think your dodgy back has just saved you from the worst mistake you could of made in your entire life.

I agree, ...and welcome back
don't join the army unless you're a mindless drone... well at least don't join the part of the army which tells you to invade other nations and kill people. but being a programmer for the army sounds cool.
I admit, when I read the thread title, I thought you were being somehow "Dairy Queened". I had strange visions of chilly desserts being applied forcefully to your every orifice, a virtual cornucopia of frozen pain insidiously inserted via titanic beasts of dark, arctic power.
Ennui said:
2 things, when did you get back and also its his choice to be in the military not yours

You have to admit joining the army infantry when you hate excercise is pretty dumb.
Greatgat said:
I admit, when I read the thread title, I thought you were being somehow "Dairy Queened". I had strange visions of chilly desserts being applied forcefully to your every orifice, a virtual cornucopia of frozen pain insidiously inserted via titanic beasts of dark, arctic power.
I actually got a chill down my spine from reading that.
TheSomeone said:
You have to admit joining the army infantry when you hate excercise is pretty dumb.
It's also my opinion that you'd have to be stupid to want to join the army, but I respect everyone's decisions.
Ennui said:
I actually got a chill down my spine from reading that.

Yeah. Sorry. Sometimes I get out of control.

And HA! "Chills down your spine."
nick_t said:
don't join the army unless you're a mindless drone... well at least don't join the part of the army which tells you to invade other nations and kill people. but being a programmer for the army sounds cool.
FYI, I plan on joining Army ROTC after high school and I am in NHS(National Honor Society). :)
Just because you join the army doesn't mean you are unable to be a decent human being.
I was hoping this was about Dairy Queen, after I read the first few words of your post I stopped reading.
Ennui said:
2 things, when did you get back and also its his choice to be in the military not yours

There is joining the military and there is joining the marines but i would presume that there is fitness requirements for the American marines so that only the fittest and most dedicated could of joined anyway, so it's a mute point.

And i am only back till my hl2 problem gets sorted out :s.
heh. I have to join the military. mandatory military training, you know.
Numbers: But how long for, or is it just always in the background?

I'll probably join the Australian Reserves, but they never go into fighting, good for me. Also the goodness of a tax-free wage.
15357 said:
heh. I have to join the military. mandatory military training, you know.
*NOTE* don't move to Korea...I don't want to be in military training :( I like being a weak skinny man.
BTW it's not the army I am going for. It is the air force. Also, a lot of you happen to think that if you join a certain branch you are going to be killing people.


Check out that link to see all the jobs the Marines offer to enlisted people. Notice how very few(only a few) actually kill people? Now for the air force enlisted it is very very less, closer to 0. The majority of enlisted air force people repair aircraft, vehicles, work on computer or something else technical. That is why I am going to be a programmer. I get great training and plenty of experience. Also, I will be more disciplined and be able to finish off college once I leave and not have to worry about student loans or any of that crap. Once in the Job market having all of that training, experience and also being an Eagle Scout will help me out a lot.
CyberPitz said:
*NOTE* don't move to Korea...I don't want to be in military training :( I like being a weak skinny man.

Or I could always evade and be branded a traitor for the rest of my life, never to set foot on Korea again....
Razor said:
And you wanted to be a Marine? I think your dodgy back has just saved you from the worst mistake you could of made in your entire life.

First time i've ever used this but.... QFT
Airforce pilot sounds ace.

Getting paid to go on $1,000,000 joyrides. What a job!
You have to go to the air force college to do that, thats 4 years to fly, screw that. I would rather go enlisted and pay for college that way.
It is the Soldier,
not the reporter who has given us freedom of press

It is the Soldier,
not the poet who has given us freedom of speech

It is the Soldier,
not the campus organizer who gives us freedom to demonstrate

It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.

Next time you see a soldier. Thank him, because he is the one that earned you the right to rant on about President Bush, the war, and whatever else you feel like you can blame someone else for. Remember that in the end, we all know who shaped this world and we know who sat in front of their computer screen, just watching it.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
dont enlist. if you do, make your way to OCS asap. the air force is awesome, you will live like a king while the army pukes are licking scraps off each others assholes. programming, per se, exists in the military but not really, because they contract a lot of their software shit to corporations. if you scored high on the asvab i'd go to military intelligence or air force security.

if anybodys interested, the best conditions are the coast guard, the navy/airforce, the marines, the army. the army gets shafted.
Cooper, if you really beleive that, that's fine with me. I respect the soldier, but I completely disagree with that post. As far as I'm concerned, that is pure military propaganda and blind patriotism. Much too often the soldier overshadows the leader, when in truth, they are both equal.

To me, the soldier will always represent violence hidden behind honor, and restriction hidden behind freedom.

Cooper said:
Next time you see a soldier. Thank him, because he is the one that earned you the right to rant on about President Bush, the war, and whatever else you feel like you can blame someone else for.

Or you could try to open up your worldview and thank him for giving you the right to whine about liberals and democrats.

Remember that in the end, we all know who shaped this world and we know who sat in front of their computer screen, just watching it.

You're so naive.
Thankfully, the world isn't shaped by bloodshed.
TheSomeone said:
Thankfully, the world isn't shaped by bloodshed.
i disagree with your post but i recognize the two very different views on the subject. but this quote is simply false, heh. Read through this list and tell me that any kind of "peace" has shaped the world. the really earth shaking treaties that come from peace are typically attained by war..