I got into a uni :D


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
University Wisconsin Milwaukee :D. I hope to enjoy it more than highschool yes? :O
Do everyone. This is the most important piece of advice you will ever receive.
'do well in your studies' anyone???

Haha in the first year??

I only need 40% marks on each module to pass through to next year. Therefore, its party 4 times a week with lectures in the afternoons = fun + sleep-ins.

Uni life is great if you make the most of it. Have a laugh from day ONE. Dont let people settle and then talk to them one by one, just get in there straight away.
I am in uni and I am working my ass off. I have 7 courses in engineering this semester and work 32 hours a week to pay for rent. I'd get shitfaced if I had a few hours to spare.
I am in uni and I am working my ass off. I have 7 courses in engineering this semester and work 32 hours a week to pay for rent. I'd get shitfaced if I had a few hours to spare.

You fail at uni!
I am in uni and I am working my ass off. I have 7 courses in engineering this semester and work 32 hours a week to pay for rent. I'd get shitfaced if I had a few hours to spare.

you are either a genius or on crack
you are either a genius or on crack
Or he might just being trying to make the most of it. Not everyone considers being a drunk jack ass the best possible use of one's time. Then again, engineers/engineering students aren't exactly socialites. :p
Or he might just being trying to make the most of it. Not everyone considers being a drunk jack ass the best possible use of one's time. Then again, engineers/engineering students aren't exactly socialites. :p

or maybe he is barely passing his classes and not learning anything? Even if he is getting "good" grades, is he learning anything? I don't think this guy is getting As to be honest.
Ooh, very nice! Both my parents went there, as a matter of fact. Have fun :thumbs:
whats the diference beetwen university and collegue?
whats the diference beetwen university and collegue?
College gives you an "applied" education, meaning lots of hands-on learning. University gives you an "academic" education, meaning you learn a lot of the theory behind the application of things.

College costs relatively little. University is exorbitant.

College is usually easy if you have a decent education. Universities bell-curve your first-year marks so that the class average is 70%, regardless of how smart the class as a whole is (meaning you have like a 50-50 chance of actually passing first-year anything, regardless of your intelligence, work ethic, etc.).

At least, that's how it all goes down in southern Ontario.
Stigmata you are wrong. Some colleges are very expensive. Look up Amherst College, William and Mary College, Vassar College, and tell me if the tuition fees are cheap.

A college is the same as an university but smaller. That does not mean, however, that all colleges are smaller than all universities. I'd be safe to say that the average college is smaller than the average university. Both are institutions of higher learning though. Basically the same thing. Just like a "colegio" and a "liceo" are sort of like the same thing. Know what I mean RMJC?
Stigmata you are wrong. Some colleges are very expensive. Look up Amherst College, William and Mary College, Vassar College, and tell me if the tuition fees are cheap.

A college is the same as an university but smaller. That does not mean, however, that all colleges are smaller than all universities. I'd be safe to say that the average college is smaller than the average university. Both are institutions of higher learning though. Basically the same thing. Just like a "colegio" and a "liceo" are sort of like the same thing. Know what I mean RMJC?
OK, edited my post for clarity :p
thanks for the words everyone, I will take them all into consideration. I do plan on partying as well as studying believe it or not :p. I look forward to sharing my experiences.

Get battered, shag around, and just generally enjoy life!


sig'd :D

Do everyone. This is the most important piece of advice you will ever receive.

I lol'd

Ooh, very nice! Both my parents went there, as a matter of fact. Have fun :thumbs:

awesome, I wonder how much it's changed. I'm staying in the dorms. My reply is so late because I actually posted this from class (Sr. year of highschool)
so no one is better that the other?

btw dont think I am in a super exclusive blue blooded people collegue,infact I think my collegue is kind of crap, however is the only one in the city that teach what I want (graphic design)