I got some beautiful HL2 pictures here...

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The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
...that maybe most of you have seen before. But before I post them I want it confirmed that they are legal to post and not against the site's policies. No mod has aswered, and CptStearn said they were legal(if you can trust him ;)), so i'll just post them.
[enticement] Can't judge them without a link! [/enticement]
whoa, dejavu for some reason.. If they are the ones that were from the pc gamer uk dvd then they arent allowed. :\
how can people confirm if they are legal without seeing them rofl
looks like something other then the dvd pictures are out now.
Nope. Not allowed. They're the PCG UK ones.
There are some (minor) spoilers if you look at the pics.
Man, can i just play the game. All these great pics make me sad.
Not legal and been posted like 5 times already.
those pics look well cool, cant wait
Raziel-Jcd said:
Not legal and been posted like 5 times already.

Oh, now I've posted them and deleted them three times, and now they go again.
Man, Alyx has really aged, hasn't she?!? In fact, all the faces seem to have aged. I guess Valve thought they didn't look "oppressed" enough!
CombineHarvester said:
Man, Alyx has really aged, hasn't she?!? In fact, all the faces seem to have aged. I guess Valve thought they didn't look "oppressed" enough!

Yeah it really sucks, i bet all the people saying "i'd like to hit it" about alyx are kicking themselves now :laugh:
Why can't I edit. Oh well.
Dog was smaller than I imagened, and it's kinda fun that Striders are dropped from an airplane.
No online sites have permission from PC Gamer, and aren't allowed by Valve Software to post these screenshots. In magazine scan form or from their DVD.

Stop posting them please.
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