I gots me a personality disorder.


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
I just found out that I am a Schizoid.


All of the diagnostic criteria describe me almost perfectly.

1. Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family

Im not really close with any of my relatives beyond my immediate family. But even then, Now that I moved to a different state I have barely any contact with them (not even a phone call per week usually). I dont get homesick at all. I do enjoy myself when I visit them though... but I only visit if they ask me to. I also only have a few friends and no real want to go out of my way to make more.

2. Almost always chooses solitary activities

If one of my friends asks me to go somewhere with them, I usually go. But I have never taken the initiative to make plans, and have only gone along with someone elses plans. I am perfectly content (and often happy) to do things alone.

3. Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person

I suppose if some insanely hot woman walked up to me, got naked, and asked me to f her, then I would do so gladly... but otherwise im just not interested. I have never had a girl friend and never had sex... and I dont feel bad/sad/depressed about it. Im not happy about it, im not sad about it... im utterly indifferent about it. Ive posted here before stating that I dont really have any sexual desire.

4. Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities

I like video games, movies, and doing 3D art. Thats it. I a long time ago that very little makes me actually happy.

5. Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives

Like I said before, I have a few good friends, and my immediate family and thats it.

6. Indifference to either praise or criticism.

Neither of these change my mood. People could say I did was awesome, the best thing they've ever seen, and it wouldnt change how I felt about it. Same for criticism. Someone could yell bad things about me to my face and I wouldnt care. People can say bad things about my artwork, and I would just listen and not get angry or sad or anything at all (although I would try to improve on those areas).

7. shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity

I am always content... always indifferent. I rarely feel actually sad, depressed or emotional in anyway. Even when I was really young, when a cousin I was fairly close to died from cancer I didnt feel sad. I would rather he didnt die, but he did, and thats that. Even in happy times though, I dont usually get as happy as most people do.

So why post this? Im sure you guys didnt really care about any of that, but im curious as to what you guys think about people with these traits.
I'd flame you for this thread... but you're a SCHIZOID.
I wouldn't worry too much about any of that. Most of those things describe me. But I hardly think I have any kind of "disorder". I'm happy with where I'm at and happy where I'm going in life. All it means is I want something different out of life than what others do.

But this brings up why I can't stand behavioural sciences (and social sciences to some extent). They want to hem and haw over every little thing and try to label everything and everyone. It's like religion. In theory it's good, but the practice is lacking very much.
After thinking about it a little more I realized something else. For all those emotions that I dont have... a have a lot of one. Humor. When I re-read my original post it made it sound like my life was drab and boring, but i knew it wasnt and I couldnt figure out why. Then I heard some black guy outside my window who was arguing loudly on his phone and he said "Why you like ****in with a niggas head?". But he didnt say it just once... He said it at least 12 times in a row. With each further one that I counted I started laughing harder and harder... then I realized that I find so many things funny, even if other people wouldnt. I remember one time I was getting yelled at by my mom for something (I cant remember what) and I just started laughing my ass off. She was pissed off at me, screaming at me, and I was just there laughing in her face.

So if my original post made me seem like a depressing and emotionless life... then its not really the case. I still fit the description, but with a large exception in the area of humor. I guess thats why I spend so much time on this site :P

You start each sentence by disproving each point you're trying to prove. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiot

I wanted to show that I dont think i have a serious problem by having this disorder (if i do have it) But if you kept reading you would see how each related to me. Thanks for the link though :|

So... basically, you're geeky?
Not really. Ive been to and still sometimes go to parties and bars and clubs and all that shit. I just never liked it. And I dont have stupid trivia knowledge like geeks do. I dont have a freaky ass fetish for dragons, dont know calibers of all weapons used in WWII, I havent memorized any strategies/statistics/nuances of any RTS games. I dont play magic or anything like that, and hang out at hobbyist shops. I just dont do things with people that often.
Oddly enough, that describes me VERY well...

I'm a schitzoid too.
We should make a club!

i would call it a regular gamer, pfft what disorder!

Do normal gamers not feel sad when someone close dies? Thats one big thing that I have to hide so that my family doesnt think im an asshole who doesnt care about anyone (which truthfully isnt the case, I do care, but i never express it).
Im not depressed though. I dont feel depressed or sad at all. I am perfectly content with my life and everything that happens in it. Good or bad... I am content.
Time to become an assassin. Even beginners can make like 8000 a hit
...This brings up why I can't stand behavioural sciences (and social sciences to some extent). They want to hem and haw over every little thing and try to label everything and everyone. It's like religion. In theory it's good, but the practice is lacking very much.
Well, now that everyone is being so candid, I haven't actually told anyone anything personal ever. If a good friend calls, or my mom calls, it's like - Hi...kbai. It bothers me because people sometimes say that I must hate them to do that. Well, I dont!
Well, now that everyone is being so candid, I haven't actually told anyone anything personal ever. If a good friend calls, or my mom calls, it's like - Hi...kbai. It bothers me because people sometimes say that I must hate them to do that. Well, I dont!

Same here. I dont know why I did it all of the sudden with you guys, who are basically strangers... but if my parents called me I would probably only make small talk with them. I dont think I have ever had a deep, revealing discussion about myself or about someone else ever.
After thinking about it a little more I realized something else. For all those emotions that I dont have... a have a lot of one. Humor. When I re-read my original post it made it sound like my life was drab and boring, but i knew it wasnt and I couldnt figure out why. Then I heard some black guy outside my window who was arguing loudly on his phone and he said "Why you like ****in with a niggas head?". But he didnt say it just once... He said it at least 12 times in a row. With each further one that I counted I started laughing harder and harder... then I realized that I find so many things funny, even if other people wouldnt. I remember one time I was getting yelled at by my mom for something (I cant remember what) and I just started laughing my ass off. She was pissed off at me, screaming at me, and I was just there laughing in her face.

Wow I'd so do that.
Meh, I call bullshit on OP.

The condition that is.

It doesn't seem like much of a condition imo. More of just what makes you you.

Some people really don't care whether they get any or don't. Some people are just really introverted. Some people are just really solitary in their lives.

I don't believe that any of the former constitutes a full on mental disorder.
krynn, thats kinda what every guy does, i dont see what the fuss is about
Idunno then either. I always thought people were more emotional than myself. I mean, I cant remember the last time I got angry, the last time I was actually sad, etc. I mean, people have insulted me in my face in front of others... and I didnt "feel" anything. I just stared at them until they finish and say "ok." Most people would probably at least feel angry or insulted, if not lash out back at the person... but I dont have any change of mood at all.

Im like this almost to a fault. For instance when a guy I knew was trying to talk to me about his problems with his friends and his girlfriend. He talked to me for a long while and I just listened and at the end I just said "hmm, that sucks man". I honestly didnt feel anything while he was spilling his guts to me. The guy was almost in tears while he was talking, and when thats all i said he just left and later came back all pissed saying that I better not tell anyone about what he said that night.
Have you tried to even do those depression test I posted?
Oh, sorry. I didnt see them. Ill take them now.
First one: "Your answers does not reflect the presence of depressive symptoms"

Second one: Your score is = 4

Scores of 1-10 Normal
Scores of 11-14 Normal Life Mood
Scores of 15-20 Headed Towards Depression
Scores of 21-25 Mild Depression
Scores of 26-30 Moderate Depression
Scores of Over 31 Severe Depression
If your score is in the mild, moderate, or severe range talk to a counselor or your doctor. Please visit other sections of this web site for helpful information on coping with depression.

Like I thought.

Also, I wanted to quote something from that Wikipedia article that I found humorous and true about myself.

Treatment is usually not necessary, and people with this personality type don't really care if they are seen as having a mental disorder
Haha these are the most generic bullshit symptoms ever, anyone could have these in any stage of their life (or constantly) and very well not be teh sctizo.

You guys know this :D
Personality disorder? Hardly. You gots you a need for attention.
Personality disorder? Hardly. You gots you a need for attention.

You didnt read any of it did you? I dont care about attention. I dont like it, which is why I like being alone more than i do being with others.
Until you have gone to a psychologist and been diagnosed with this disorder you are not suffering from it. Chances are if you really had it they would have spotted it when you were very young, and not until you are 16. Also do not diagnose yourself. They explicately told us that in psychology because you tend to sway and perceve things in yourself differently. Also not the conditions are usually the most extreme, so if you only slightly qualify you don't have it.

It sounds to me like your closer to depressed or more simply just feeling down and are posting this looking for an answer. From what I can tell you do not have skizoid, and if you really feel you do go to a psychiatrist.
Until you have gone to a psychologist and been diagnosed with this disorder you are not suffering from it.
lol? Is it the same with cancer?

Meh, i dont really care if i have it or not really. It wouldnt change anything anyways. I wouldnt really call it a disorder anyhow... seems more of a "personality type." I was more just surprised that there was some scientific thing with a name that was so similar to my personality.
You didnt read any of it did you? I dont care about attention. I dont like it, which is why I like being alone more than i do being with others.

I read it, sure. But why on earth would you post it here if you weren't looking for sympathy? If I found out I was Schizotypal, I sure as hell wouldn't go making threads about it on a gaming forum. In fact, when I think about it, that kind of behavior is pretty opposite what you're claiming.

How do I know what I'm talking about? My very good friend is a schizoid. It's hardly something he brags about- rather, it's something he has to deal with. He's had plenty of trouble with substance abuse, has serious trouble with friendships, and generally has a life marred with ****-ups (not meaning to sound mean- he'd put it this way as well). He's socially awkward, and he's often miserable. Frankly, you posting like this cheapens what I consider to be a completely serious problem.

Finally, you're basing this diagnosis off of the INTERNET. And not just the internet, but (as far as I can tell) a single website. Do you have any idea how stupid that is? Shit, if I took everything that seriously I'd have committed myself to an institution long ago.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're not schizoid. I'm merely saying that deciding this sort of thing based on what you read on Wiki-f*cking-pedia isn't the best idea. Think about this for a while. If you REALLY suspect this, then by all means go to a psychologist and have yourself evaluated. But otherwise, leave it alone.
I read it, sure. But why on earth would you post it here if you weren't looking for sympathy? If I found out I was Schizotypal, I sure as hell wouldn't go making threads about it on a gaming forum. In fact, when I think about it, that kind of behavior is pretty opposite what you're claiming.

How do I know what I'm talking about? My very good friend is a schizoid. It's hardly something he brags about- rather, it's something he has to deal with. He's had plenty of trouble with substance abuse, has serious trouble with friendships, and generally has a life marred with ****-ups (not meaning to sound mean- he'd put it this way as well). He's socially awkward, and he's often miserable. Frankly, you posting like this cheapens what I consider to be a completely serious problem.

Finally, you're basing this diagnosis off of the INTERNET. And not just the internet, but (as far as I can tell) a single website. Do you have any idea how stupid that is? Shit, if I took everything that seriously I'd have committed myself to an institution long ago.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're not schizoid. I'm merely saying that deciding this sort of thing based on what you read on Wiki-f*cking-pedia isn't the best idea. Think about this for a while. If you REALLY suspect this, then by all means go to a psychologist and have yourself evaluated. But otherwise, leave it alone.

You're not a schizoid.

Self-diagnosis through the internet ftl.
Until you have gone to a psychologist and been diagnosed with this disorder you are not suffering from it. Chances are if you really had it they would have spotted it when you were very young, and not until you are 16. Also do not diagnose yourself. They explicately told us that in psychology because you tend to sway and perceve things in yourself differently. Also not the conditions are usually the most extreme, so if you only slightly qualify you don't have it.

It sounds to me like your closer to depressed or more simply just feeling down and are posting this looking for an answer. From what I can tell you do not have skizoid, and if you really feel you do go to a psychiatrist.

True, I bet most people would suspect that they are becoming schizophrenics from the early symptoms list. The simple truth is that a disorder is just an exaggeration of something pretty normal and you can't really determine if you are in fact an exaggeration unless you have worked in the field for a while.
Some of those sound like me, others not. Maybe about 50/50.