I gots me a personality disorder.

Those symptoms are also side effects of internet/game addiction, which is probably the more likely cause given the fact you're posting on a gaming forum on the internet, and you've all got ridiculously huge post counts.
I read it, sure. But why on earth would you post it here if you weren't looking for sympathy? If I found out I was Schizotypal, I sure as hell wouldn't go making threads about it on a gaming forum. In fact, when I think about it, that kind of behavior is pretty opposite what you're claiming.

I already said why I posted it. I said why in the first post. I was curious as to what you guys thought about people with these traits. Apparently you all think of them as nerds/geeks or liars :\

How do I know what I'm talking about? My very good friend is a schizoid. It's hardly something he brags about- rather, it's something he has to deal with. He's had plenty of trouble with substance abuse, has serious trouble with friendships, and generally has a life marred with ****-ups (not meaning to sound mean- he'd put it this way as well). He's socially awkward, and he's often miserable. Frankly, you posting like this cheapens what I consider to be a completely serious problem.

Do you know me? I highly doubt it. I have had serious social problems in my life. I had one friend in junior highschool, and in high school we stopped being friends because I stopped hanging out and preferring to do other things on my own. In highschool I only had two friends, who I only hung out with at school, and only rarely outside of school. During my first year in a half of college I made zero friends, and only when I moved to Florida did I make any new ones. And i only met them because of my roomate. I am also awkward at parties and shit, because i never talk to anyone there, and if someone talks to me then I can barely keep the conversation going for more than a minute.

I dont need to have a totally ****ed up life or a damned drug problem to have a simple personality disorder.

Finally, you're basing this diagnosis off of the INTERNET. And not just the internet, but (as far as I can tell) a single website. Do you have any idea how stupid that is? Shit, if I took everything that seriously I'd have committed myself to an institution long ago.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're not schizoid. I'm merely saying that deciding this sort of thing based on what you read on Wiki-f*cking-pedia isn't the best idea. Think about this for a while. If you REALLY suspect this, then by all means go to a psychologist and have yourself evaluated. But otherwise, leave it alone.

Yes i checked it out on several websites... ones much more reputable than wikipedia, but Wikipedia links give a good general description for those not willing to read a shit load of medical jargon just because someone they dont know linked to it. And Ive been thinking about it for awhile and reading on it for some time. I shouldnt have said "just realized" in my original post... because its actually something ive come to realize over the past few months. Ive even taken multiple tests which checked out as me having it.

And since this doesnt really hurt me (especially since it seems like i might be growing out of it) Im not going to a doctor or shrink. Even if I did it wouldnt help since what are they going to do?

You're not a schizoid.

Thank you. I will trust in your conclusion because you clearly know me better than I myself do.

And also, this isnt the same thing as schizophrenia to those of you who are confusing it.

One last thing, I still dont believe this is an actual "disorder" I think its more a personality type than something wrong with me. Especially after reading Oppressed Group: Schizoid A Personality Not a Disorder
quit jumping to conclusions, first you think you have schizoid, strongly, then now you think you dont, but its mere personality, i would either see a specialist, or just let it be
quit jumping to conclusions, first you think you have schizoid, strongly, then now you think you dont, but its mere personality, i would either see a specialist, or just let it be

Jumping to conclusions usually doesnt take over a months worth of research. And It doesnt matter if its a disorder or personality type, its still describing the same thing. I will just let it be. Why is there such a problem with me posting this?

Mod can delete/close this if they want, since I doubt anything productive will come out of it now. :rolleyes:
The schizophrenia comment was aimed to be an example not something literal.
Jumping to conclusions usually doesnt take over a months worth of research. And It doesnt matter if its a disorder or personality type, its still describing the same thing. I will just let it be. Why is there such a problem with me posting this?

Mod can delete/close this if they want, since I doubt anything productive will come out of it now. :rolleyes:

I don't mean to be rude or mean, but a months worth of your own research, internet or bookworthy, means squat, really.

You figure that when you try to self diagnose yourself, your decisions when it come to the diagnosis criterion will be extremely biased. If you subconsciously want to be a schizoid, then you will believe yourself to have symptoms and fulfill criterion that you really don't.

Instance, if you were to look at a paper that said, "for disorder X, a strong want for sexual acceptance must be present", and then tried to decide whether or not you met the former criteria, yet subconsciously wanted to have disorder X, you may think to yourself something like "Nah, I dont think so. Although there was that one time in elementary where I wished I was laid so that everybody would think I was cool. That must be what they mean. And now that I think of it, yeah, I used to masturbate allot in high school. That was probably because I didn't get laid enough, but wanted to!"

Now, the former would be complete bullshit. If a psychologist, a third party, were to view your social habits and try to see if you fulfill the former criteria based on that, he would see exactly what happens, factual transcripts of current conversations, and decide "No, you don't meet it". There would be no "But then that one time...", or "Now that I think about it more...", or "well, yeah, I never did...".

I'm not trying to get down on you at all. I think the whole reason that JNightshade did, was because you tried to, at first, make us all believe that you seriously did suffer from Schizo, when it seems like, now that you explain it more detailedly, you meant that you just seem to fulfill a few criterion, and that the disorder (and your possibly having it) seems to interest you.

I do the former all the time. I'll browse wiki, somehow run across a disorder or medical condition, check out the diagnosis criterion, and say "hey yeah, I kinda do meet some of these", and then move on with my life.
I think the whole reason that JNightshade did, was because you tried to, at first, make us all believe that you seriously did suffer from Schizo, when it seems like, now that you explain it more detailedly, you meant that you just seem to fulfill a few criterion, and that the disorder (and your possibly having it) seems to interest you.

QFT. My bizzle. I guess the "not entirely serious" tone i was using in my head didnt transfer well in my original post.
QFT. My bizzle. I guess the "not entirely serious" tone i was using in my head didnt transfer well in my original post.

Just remember that when you look over the symptoms to take them as the most extreme cases. Everyone kind of feels like the symptoms described in these disorders but that does not mean they are a disorder. Also remember not only the extreme version but it also needs to be constant. Disorders aren't something lightly thrown around. If you think you might qualify, chances are you don't.
Also remember that text doesn't contain all the subtle nonsense of talking and whatnot, so humour goes missing over the internet unless you make it BLATENTLY OBVIOUS with smilies and whatnot.
Your first post is me. I don't necessarily think it's a "disorder".
Poor Krynn, this is one of those "I seriously regret making this thread" threads. It's ok though, we've all been there.
Yeah seriously... thanks for bumping it. :(