I had a crash today on my scooter....


Apr 20, 2004
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I had a crash today on my scoter.... i got the fright of my life. I was going along a field and the low cloud had made the grass slipy. I was going at a ridiculous 40mph, i pushed both front and back brake and the back went and then all I can remember is flying is slomotion. Lukily both me and the bike were preety much OK. God knows what would have happened if I had came off on the road.

Im gona take it easy from now on, cause i am too wild on it i.e. too close to cars, speeding, breaking the law etc. Im a bit shacky atm.

Has anyone else had a bad crash?

cant say ive ever crashed onmy scooter. ive run into bushes several times on my bike though
Heheh, reminds me of a few crashes I have had on my (peddle) bike.

And one story my bro told me:

His breaks failed on a large hill and he kept going right till the bottom where he then hit a fence.

This stoped his bike instantly of course. But he did a complete flip in mid air and landed on his feet on the other side of the fence! :laugh:

Heheh, and when I was on my bike I clipped the handlebar on a chainlink fence while going fast down an alley. I managed to pull the wheel right round 360 and I slid off and hit the fence...

That kinda hurt.. :p
I have had some very bad crashes riding dirt bikes. I crashed so hard once that I bent the back of my bike at a sharp angle, knocked myself completely out, knocked the wind out of myself (makes it impossible to breathe for a short time,) and hurt my back.

It was a nasty fall.
Thats what you get for having a shitty scooter.
I once was going down the sidewalk on my peddle bike and I tried to avoide a bush by going into the grass. It went smoothly until I hit a bump trying to get back onto the sidewalk. I then crashed into a spikey bush, which broke my front brake. :| Also, when I was learning how to ride a bicycle, I crashed into a mailbox.
bye the way fishymumma its not shity, i bet ya aint seen many scooters that go 60mph. You probably want one lol.
i used to do bmx trails (jumps and rough riding) iv had more than a few bad falls and a few even before i had a good bike. i almost never wore a helmet and if i did it wouldnt be strapped on. its exhilarating to speed and fly through the air knowing if u crashed it would be very bad. like i said before iv had 4 sets of stitches and many sprained ankles. andrenaline is addictive.
I was hit by a car....does that count? It was some boy racer going down a side ride. He just came speeding round a corner, you could even hear his wheels skid as he turned. Then of course the screech as he tried to stop. I was ok, but my knee went through his headlight. He seemed more shaken up than me :D
Serves him right...

I cant stand boy racers.... PISS ME OFF!

Ahem... actually!

I got a story about some boy racers...

It involves this guy my brother knows called Chris has done martial arts for ages and even has throwing knives and can actually use them. (Incredibly difficult skill that btw)

He was walking home back from his dojo with his knives in his rucksack thing as well as two escrima sticks from the philipenes (sp?!). They are about oh i dunno, two foot maybe two and a half. Well anyway:

He was walking back from his dojo and nearly got run over at some trafic lights when it was his turn to cross bye some boy racers in a small black car with tinted windows and mods.

Not only that but they started spewing abuse at Chris because "They nearly hit their car"

This pissed off chris who pulled out his two sticks and advanced towards their car and threatened to smash their lights.

They wheel spinned it out of there in seconds.

The funny thing is that Chris is a really really small guy who looks no threat at all. But he scared them off simply because they thought their precious car was in danger. And the irritating thing is that they have no concern for others safety.

Meh, just thought I would share that.
Latest was when I had to jump from my dirt bike to avoid a boulder...hit the ground and did a sumersault, before landing on my knees in a cloud of dust. :D
I was on my scooter and riding down a really steep hill. I lost control and slammed my head on the concrete
I road my bike off a cliff, landed in a pool of lava. Don't need to tell you how painful THIS was!
I expect no sympathy on this one but I was at a party and I'd had loads to drink. Then we all got hungry so I went to the shop on my pedal bike with my mate. I got a bit cocky and was going really fast when all of a sudden my front wheel lost control, buckled underneath me and then I fell and got all tangled up in the bike. That hurt quite a bit in the morning when the alcohol was no longer numbing the pain.
I'm a little bit confused here, are scooters what us Americans call mopeds?
The only thing we have over here that are "scooters," are those toys meant for kids that are like skateboards with a handle
and this required a post on the hl2 forums because?

Im just saying theres worse things that happen to people...