I had a dream that G-Man viciously mutulated Doctor Isaac Kleiner


Jan 13, 2009
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Let's just asy this dream has is pretty vivid.

In my dream I, Gordon Freeman, had to escort Alyx, Barney, and Doctor Kleiner out of City 17. Near the end of the escape we had to run through this alley way, half the alley was blocked off by a chain link fence so the game wanted me to climb over it and press a button attached on the otherside to have it crumble (PICTURE TO ILLUSTRATE WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/dragong4/untitled-1.jpg) .
As I got on top of the fence G-Man descended from the clowds and landed on the ground infront of me. So there I was, standing on top of the fence looking at G-Man standing in our way of us leaving the city. Without hesitation he started to shoot pipes out of the palm of his hands at me.

About three minutes into the pipe dodging G-Man either became tired or bored of throwing pipes at me, as he presented me two options: Either continue to dodge pipes until I would die or have G-man kill Doctor Kleiner and he would let me hop over the fence and destroy the fence by activating the button. Curious to see how Valve would show G-man killing Doctor Kleiner I choset he latter option.

** Immediately G-man jumped over the fence and slowly walked over to Kleiner. As G-man was slowly walked over to the group Kleiner began to shed tears then subsequently started to run away as he cried out loud. To end Kleiners futile ettempt to escape he ran towards Kleiner and pushed him to the ground then got on top and sat on his chest, grabbing his skull. At this point Kleiner started to scream in agony and cry uncontrollably as tears profusely ran down his face. After letting Kleiner beg for his life G-man shoved both his left and right thumbs into Kleiner's eye sockets. He began to drive Kleiner's skull into the cement so forecully that it was crushing his skull like a delcate fruit. Kleiner's death scene lasted for a good 30 secs - 30 secs of G-man pushing his thumbs deep into his skull as he rocked and moved Kleiner's head back and fourth and side to side until it was mangled and deatched from his body. G-Man stood up and jumped back up into the sky

Instantly everything went black and a Judi Denche-esque voiceover said the following: "How does it feel to sacraficea friend and simultaneously watch one of the most gruesome death scenes in videogame history?)

Then I woke up.

This is the best G-man thread I have read in a year.
The best thing about the internet, are dream threads. Because in real life you can't walk away, but on the internet I can press the back button!
Dude, you've been playing too much HL (which normally isn't possible).

This reminds me of a german teacher I once had that told my class that after several years of studying german, she started having dreams in german. I guess the same principle works for video games.
Dude, you've been playing too much HL (which normally isn't possible).

This reminds me of a german teacher I once had that told my class that after several years of studying german, she started having dreams in german. I guess the same principle works for video games.

lol well that's the thing, I haven't played Half Life since Orange Box. I recently saw a photoshopped picture of G-man to make him look scary on 4chan, maybe that triggered the dream? I dunno.

In any case we need graphic violence like this on loved characters, it'd be EPIC
I want someone to make a video of your dream. It has the potential of being hilarious if it's made right. Unfortunately, I can't make it due to me being handicapped by having an xbox 360.
That part made me feel bad for him...

But the rest was just absurd, even for G-man.
Wow non of my dreams are that complex

im gonan start watching silent movies so i dream in black and white with no sound