I Hate Halo? Anyone Else?

Do You Hate Halo?

  • It's so lame!

    Votes: 41 60.3%
  • I love it!

    Votes: 18 26.5%
  • What's a "Halo"?

    Votes: 9 13.2%

  • Total voters
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The general apathy to the Halo games in these forums has come up again and again. But beyond the copy and paste level design, the fruit pastel enemies and general mediocrity, you'll be hard pressed to find any reason to actually hate it. Not even the huge gulf between initial critical / jock gamer reverence for the game is enough grounds for hating something that is still largely competent.
I used to like it but I lost interest in it a few weeks before Halo 2 was released.
The Halo series is like ipods,they are extremely overrated. people just jump on the bandwagon and continue rolling.

The same could be said for Halo bashers.

I really doubt people play halo 24/7 because their friends like the game. You yourself have to be interested in the game to play it and actually get decent.

I will admit the single player game sucked. It was boring. The story was amazing but not implemented very well so you have to pay attention closely in order to not get lost.

Multiplayer is where its at. Once you get good and learn a lot of tricks and start being the top player in game you will have an awful lot more fun.
You're a dumbass. You are on a VIDEOGAME forum with 4,000 posts, calling other people losers, for talking about their likes/dislikes about a videogame..
No, what you're trying to say is silly. If I said a similar thing about every video game related thread, or the majority, than you would have a point but until than, you're wrong.

If you wanted a civil debate you don't start a thread called 'I Hate Halo,' you don't bring up a tired old topic that has been beaten to death a hundred times on here, you go to a 'non-biased forum,' etc.
I think it's lame, but I don't really hate it.

I do hate it when people claim it's the best FPS ever though :laugh: Still, it's fun with friends around.

EDIT: Everyone is biased.
It's a good game, but it's not THE BEST GAME, which many people seem to think it is.
I am contributing to this discussion.

*squats down and takes a dump in the middle of the thread*
*rolls around in the poo then runs around giving everyone a hug*
No, it's a shitty hug. LOL. Check that out. I'm just so hilarious and that witty.

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