I hate hardware.


Aug 10, 2004
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I have a pre-built emachines pos comp
The video card is only dx6 capable
And its an onboard built in one
If i went and baught a radeon 9600
or any 100 dollar video card...
How would i go about installing it...?

Would the onboard video card interefere with it?
Or could i just switch it in the bios?

I see three PCI slots
But i dont see an AGP slot
Does this mean im screwed?
:| You're screwed like Jenna Jameson. The best videocard you could get with PCI is a Geforce FX 5600, but I think those are soo hard to find, try 9200. Otherwise invest in a new Mobo and CPU, well maybe just MOBO. Okay well, umm... maybe Mobo, CPU, and RAM to start things off.
Crap -_-
I dont even wanna spend the 100 bucks
I really doubt i'd spend enough for a new motherboard and video card.

What kind of fps ya think i can get with a 9200..?
(Anything is bound to be better than 9-14...)

Would it be worth spendin $100 on the 9200?
Ikerous said:
Crap -_-
I dont even wanna spend the 100 bucks
I really doubt i'd spend enough for a new motherboard and video card.

What kind of fps ya think i can get with a 9200..?
(Anything is bound to be better than 9-14...)

Would it be worth spendin $100 on the 9200?

I would say you would get around 30 FPS with everything on low with 800x600
Yeah it would be better but not good (more less crap than good)

9200 like thai prostitute

sucky, sucky!
Hm.. i just remembered i have my old comp
Sitting on the floor of my rooom.
And its motherboard has an agp slot
But its pretty old...
I think the cpu in it is only like an amd 350mhz

What are the odds of that motherboard working with
a celeron 2.6ghz and a decent video card..?
Pretty bad, huh?
Since you have only a PCI slot, buy a Geforce FX 5200 PCI. It is a bit better than the 9200 PCI. Don't expect great graphics, but CS:S will run better (and look better) than what you currently have.

Since you have onboard video and want to install a video card, its fairly easy to do. First you uninstall your grahics card drivers through windows. Then you restart your computer, install the graphics card. You then turn on your computer and enter into your bios (see your manual on information how to access it). In your bios you will have an option to turn off onboard video. Turn off onboard video and restart. Once you boot to windows, install your graphics card drivers that came with your video card and you are done.
ailevation said:
:| You're screwed like Jenna Jameson. The best videocard you could get with PCI is a Geforce FX 5600, but I think those are soo hard to find, try 9200. Otherwise invest in a new Mobo and CPU, well maybe just MOBO. Okay well, umm... maybe Mobo, CPU, and RAM to start things off.

Hahahahaha Jenna Jameson. Hahahaha.
Step 1: Burn the E-Machine
Step 4: Profit (Figure out steps 2 and 3 on your own. Underpants are involved)
Step 5: Build a new computer on your own.

Edit: Or just use a PCI card. But, as I gaze down upon my brand new 6800 GT next month, I shall laugh at you. No offence, I'm just mean :p
ailevation said:
:| You're screwed like Jenna Jameson. The best videocard you could get with PCI is a Geforce FX 5600, but I think those are soo hard to find, try 9200. Otherwise invest in a new Mobo and CPU, well maybe just MOBO. Okay well, umm... maybe Mobo, CPU, and RAM to start things off.

Thank you so much i thought the highest Nvidia PCI card was the 5200 thank you i found 5600 and im getting it ordered now for my crappy mobo with no AGP.
Pre-built machines = evil, some wont even "prohibit" you from upgrading :p
Alievation, I found a PCI 5600 in two minutes, $109, at Amamax. Not sure if it's good, but I am guessing so.