I Hate Steam

Barney_Calhoun said:
The server browser absolutely knocked the stuffing out of steam. For example, it told you whether the server was hosted on Linux or Windows. By using the little penguin! I mean, sure, it didn't tell you the exact ping of the server, but at least it worked in-game (which my TFC steam won't).


Ok you can keep a penguin, while I have the best filters and fastest server browser around.
Steam SUCKS!!! I used to not care that I have to run my HL2 through steam, but then once, I try to open my HL2 and I get a message: "Our servers are currently busy, please try again later". Then I tried running HL2 Deathmatch, CS source and HL source, and I got the same message for each one of them. I tried restarting steam and going into offline mode, but I still got the same message for about 30 min. I bought thouse games and I should be able to play them any time I want to.
Omg 30 Minutes Of Not Playing A Game!

What Is The World Coming Too! Call The Care Police Someone!
Agghh! Stop putting down Steam! Best...server...browser...ever...

I've never had any problems with Steam, I never have had to any maitenance on it. It just sits there...being perfect...
OK, Steam is the best software to run games through. I mean it runs pretty good compared to others like gamespy I used to use a long time ago. But it would still have been better to be able to run HL2 without having to run other software.
Everyone has diffrent opinions guys. Some may think Steam was better and some may think WON was better. My opinion is that WON is better.