I hate students


Aug 4, 2003
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technically i am one but i can honestly say i act nowt like any of the shits that are proud to call themselves a 'student'

parading around looking like toss pots with gay hair thinking they're ace because they've been out drinking SINCE 2PM MAN! omg i've got a traffiiiik cone. **** off you absolute idiot, you're impressing no-one except the tosser next to you carrying a men at work sign and the one the other side projectile vomitting from the cheap 3 pints of diesel hes had from the student union

you can identify them easily aswell because they all look like they're a member of the kooks. ask a normal everyday bloke what he thinks of the average student aswell and i guarantee his voice will be filled with hate...just filled with it

god i can't wait till i'm finished at uni so then i'm not labelled a ****ing student

i'm not alone in thinking that the stereotypical bunch of twats are exactly that am i?
Wasn't that Comrade with the cone?
Stealing traffic cones was SO 11th grade.
because they've been out drinking SINCE 2PM MAN! omg i've got a traffiiiik cone.


Sounds like a good night out to me, just because it isn't you having fun doesn't mean it's bad. Stealing traffic cones is a "you had to be there" thing
Technically I am one but I can honestly say I act nowt like any of the shits that think they're better than everyone else

Parading around looking like toss pots with gay hair thinking they're ace because they've been working! omg i've got a job. **** off you absolute idiot, you're impressing no-one except the tosser next to you carrying a cup of coffee and the one the other side bitching about how his boss is working him too hard.

You can identify them easily aswell because they all look like every single one of their workmates. Ask a normal everyday student what he thinks of the average holier-than-thou twat aswell and I guarantee his voice will be filled with hate...just filled with it.

I'm not alone in thinking that the stereotypical bunch of twats are exactly that am I?

Jealousy is an ugly thing innit. Brap.
It's impossible to hate students as long as Badger is still at Uni :p

-Angry Lawyer
technically i am one but i can honestly say i act nowt like any of the shits that are proud to call themselves a 'student'

parading around looking like toss pots with gay hair thinking they're ace because they've been out drinking SINCE 2PM MAN! omg i've got a traffiiiik cone. **** off you absolute idiot, you're impressing no-one except the tosser next to you carrying a men at work sign and the one the other side projectile vomitting from the cheap 3 pints of diesel hes had from the student union

you can identify them easily aswell because my mom got scared and said "you're moving with your aunty and uncle in Bel-Air"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror if anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought naw forget it, yo home to Bel-Air!

I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby "Yo, home smell you later" looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
I hated students before, while and after I was one myself. Luckily I went to a 'new uni' ie a former poly so there were much less stereotypical student types...
Somebody translate CB's last post.
Somebody translate CB's last post.

Technisch bin ich ein, aber ich kann ehrlich sagen, ich nowt wie irgendwelche der Schei?e fungiere, die denken, da? sie besser als jeder sonst sind

Das Vorf?hren um das Aussehen wie werfen T?pfe mit dem homosexuellen Haar, denkend, das sie As sind, weil sie gearbeitet haben! omg I haben einen Job. **** weg von Ihnen absoluter Idiot, Sie beeindrucken niemand ausgenommen das tosser nahe bei Ihnen eine Schale Kaffee und den tragend die andere Seite, die meckert ?ber, wie sein Chef ihn zu stark bearbeitet.

Sie k?nnen sie leicht kennzeichnen aswell, weil alle sie wie jedes einzelne ihrer Workmates aussehen. Fragen Sie einen normalen t?glichen Kursteilnehmer, was er an das durchschnittliche Heilig-alsHolier-than-thou twat aswell denkt und ich garantiere, da? seine Stimme mit dem Ha?... gerade gef?llt mit ihr gef?llt wird.

Ich bin nicht allein, wenn ich denke, da? das stereotypische B?ndel von twats genau sind, die ich sind?

Eifersucht ist ein h??liches Sache innit. Brap.
technically i am one but i can honestly say i act nowt like any of the shits that are proud to call themselves a 'student'

parading around looking like toss pots with gay hair thinking they're ace because they've been out drinking SINCE 2PM MAN! omg i've got a traffiiiik cone. **** off you absolute idiot, you're impressing no-one except the tosser next to you carrying a men at work sign and the one the other side projectile vomitting from the cheap 3 pints of diesel hes had from the student union

you can identify them easily aswell because my mom got scared and said "you're moving with your aunty and uncle in Bel-Air"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror if anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought naw forget it, yo home to Bel-Air!

I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby "Yo, home smell you later" looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

haaaaa i lolzored
I take pulses side in this argument.
We must gain more Will Smiths.

Sounds like a good night out to me, just because it isn't you having fun doesn't mean it's bad. Stealing traffic cones is a "you had to be there" thing

No, it's a "I'd rather not be there" thing :p

But, to each his own.
I rather like it, I get discounts on food

and the traffic cones thing can be fun if you put them somewhere amusing
I agree with the thread starter. Some of the college students are the biggest tools I've ever seen. Walking around with thier starbucks coffee cups in hand every single day and whipping out their Apple laptops so they can text with people sitting right next to them on AIM. Lame.
Adam Carola called college "Senior high school" and that about sums it up. Not every student was a cretin to be sure, but there were enough to create a fairly accurate stereotype.
I think you hate college partiers, not students. So do I. Loud and abnoxious they be.
WARNING - Excessive use of alcohol and contradiction to oneself will be present in the following post:

Bah, can't stand the 'indie' scene. The style and music is shit. There also seems to be an abnormally high proportion of egotistical twats in the indie scene. It's like the complete opposite of the emo scene, they just cry about shit at home away from everyone else (so they don't bother me so much) but the emo music is much shittier which pisses me off to a greater degree.... Therefore.... you indie guys aren't so bad.
technically i am one but i can honestly say i act nowt like any of the shits that are proud to call themselves a 'student'

parading around looking like toss pots with gay hair thinking they're ace because they've been out drinking SINCE 2PM MAN! omg i've got a traffiiiik cone. **** off you absolute idiot, you're impressing no-one except the tosser next to you carrying a men at work sign and the one the other side projectile vomitting from the cheap 3 pints of diesel hes had from the student union

you can identify them easily aswell because my mom got scared and said "you're moving with your aunty and uncle in Bel-Air"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror if anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought naw forget it, yo home to Bel-Air!

I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby "Yo, home smell you later" looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

ahahahah you are the king <3
you can identify them easily aswell because...
they are the ones that post on an internet gaming forum while drunk and brag about the retarded things they did?
I hate myself too.

Well actually, I'm nothing like the people you described in the OP. Not that I'd have much of a chance to; I don't live in residence, and I don't go to a "University" per-say, I'm taking an IT program at a college, which I am enjoying quite a lot.

Not that anything would change if I did live in a residence and went to a University, or if I were over the legal drinking age.
Maybe its a British thing, cause most college students that I know are actually more level-headed and intelligent than the "adults" around here....

I mean, older people here are total tards, like today, on Yahoo.com....this guy is sueing IBM, his former employer, because they fired him for visiting porn sites at work...his excuse is he's a sex addict and internet addict and needs treatment...I mean, come on, WTF! You got caught and you deserved it!!

But okay, whatever. Fact is, college students in Denver at least have more sense than their parents' generation...
I agree with the thread starter. Some of the college students are the biggest tools I've ever seen. Walking around with thier starbucks coffee cups in hand every single day and whipping out their Apple laptops so they can text with people sitting right next to them on AIM. Lame.

I don't think that has anything to do with them being students really.
To be honest, im proud to call myself a UNI student, but not a 'student'. A-level students are the immature type through stereotypical eyes, but i guess it depends what Uni you are at.

Personally ive had very VERY few moments of immaturity at my Uni of Gloucestershire. Definitely not heard about an traffic cone incidents or anything. But at the same time, you cant enjoy Uni without going out.

Uni changes your life not just through the work. Its 60% sociability and 40% work, even if it seems like all you do IS work. Theres the living for yourself, meeting new people, socialising, being independant etc etc etc. That all adds up to gaining life experience, which i believe is almost as important as work/education experience...if not more on some levels.

Im proud to be a Uni student, its the best time of your life.
Maybe its a British thing, cause most college students that I know are actually more level-headed and intelligent than the "adults" around here....

I mean, older people here are total tards, like today, on Yahoo.com....this guy is sueing IBM, his former employer, because they fired him for visiting porn sites at work...his excuse is he's a sex addict and internet addict and needs treatment...I mean, come on, WTF! You got caught and you deserved it!!

But okay, whatever. Fact is, college students in Denver at least have more sense than their parents' generation...

Yes, well, you live in America, stupid people in abundance...no offence! ;)
I used to be a rowdy student, but now that I'm not, I share Doppelgoffer's sentiments.

I hated students before, while and after I was one myself. Luckily I went to a 'new uni' ie a former poly so there were much less stereotypical student types...

Why would a new uni have less of the stereotypical student types?
its the best time of your life.

i'm beginning to question this ...i hear people saying it all the time and where the first year was actually really enjoyable looking back, i'm not enjoying it at all this year. been a big pile aside from some really good nights out every now and again where as it seemed to be a constant laugh for the most part in the first year
If you have a shit life after you graduate, then yes it is.
My first year was great, second year was meh, and third year somewhere in between.
I can't wait tbh,
I'm getting tired of sharing a house with family.
Aye, know how that feels.

Best feeling is leaving home properly and setting up your own home.
Yeah, next year I'll be living with my 4 best friends at this uni.. it's an amazing house, and will be fantastic :)

Although I'll always miss my first year flat ;) happy memories :naughty:

I wish 3rd was as good as the previous 2. I have no idea what course you do but it generally went like this for me:

1st) Easy as pie, lots of nice good times.
2nd) Harder, less nights out and a lot of work towards the end of the year.
3rd) Absolutely kicking my arse, s*** loads of work to do not much time for anything else.
I used to be a rowdy student, but now that I'm not, I share Doppelgoffer's sentiments.

Why would a new uni have less of the stereotypical student types?

As new unis are, let's be honest, generally seen as less prestigious, they are more open to taking in mature students or alternative-entry students in order to keep the numbers up and keep courses viable.
Mature students are, let's be honest, generally cocks. At least every single one I've encountered has been anyway.
Mature students are, let's be honest, generally cocks. At least every single one I've encountered has been anyway.

That settles it, mate. Death to 'em.

...I dunno, I think people who enjoy traffic cones and are obnoxious are prevalent wherever you go. Uni being the one place where both these talents can be exercised to their full potential doesn't help.