I hate these people...

Are you one of them?

  • Hell yeah!

    Votes: 18 23.4%
  • No, I'm not a self-delusioned retard

    Votes: 59 76.6%

  • Total voters
Dec 2, 2004
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Someone who is obsessed with japan/japanese culture/anime/J-game, etc. and attempts to act as if they were japanese, even though they're far from it. They use japanese words to act like japanese but usually end up pronouncing them wrong and sounding like total assholes. They also have a tendency to use a word "Desu" at the end of every single freaking sentences, which drives me and other people ****ing nuts. Some of them are one of the few who denies about every single war atrocities japanese army have committed during WWII and thinks japan should have ruled the entire asia, because their anime rockz.

Are you one of them? Because if you are, I hate you.
shame on them for taking an interest in another culture. That ain't what america's all about.
I like some anime, but that's about it. One of my goals in life is to paradrop/amphibious landing into Japan in a all out war. :p :p

EDIT: ANd yes, I hate those people too. Go mastubate to Japan, retards, while I get a shovel or some other blunt object.
I admit that I like some stuff that's come out of Japan, but the folks you're talking about (the same folks I have had the misfortune to meet on more than one occassion) take it too far.
Interestingly, one of my friends was in the "a katana can cut through tank armor" crowd until he was exposed to an even more extreme japanophile (the "the entire Imperial Japanese Army was composed of noble adherents to Bushido and never committed atrocities" type), and was driven sane.
He still refuses to believe a medieval knight would beat a feudal samurai though.
I feel your pain all the way brother
I do like Japan and anime and stuff but I'm definitely not anything of the sort you described, although I do throw sh17 at my friend (Korean :naughty:) for the atrocities thing, but we've known each other a long time so he knows I'm just pullin his leg.
Folks you are describe it take it way too far but I do like a lot of things about Japan.

And if I'm going to say any Japanese words it'll be because I'm speaking it. (Which I can't)
my girlfriend's japanese and she tells people she's from california...although she just doesn't like the barrage of questions that consist mostly of; "zomg you sp3ak japanese?!" and "I have this _________ can you translate what it says?"

there's 2 kids that were in my english class that took japanese 101 together, and would stick in random japanese words into their english conversations, they also came to class and drew little anime pictures all day, or played their RPG's on there gameboys.
What happens if you know someone who isn't a Japanophile but rather someone is who is genuinely attempting to integrate into Japanese culture?

He's more fluent in Japanese than half the Japanese kids at our school. (That is to say, 4.)
lol. who cares what other people like. maybe you should wonder why they would goto great length to put a dream on there so called life. maybe pretending they are from japan is the only way they can escape from their hellish realities.
Quite a lot of them are people who I feel should be perfectly content in life. Unless they're all being abused secretly by their parents or something.

Incidentally, are you from Queensland?
I like many stuff from japan but you wouldnt see whit videos of naruto under my arm

though I still like japan a lot but are very far from that,infact I dont like anime cuz it feels very repetitive,though there are classics like evangelion which I like a lot but dont have a wallpaper of the german girl
I'm not a japanphile (in that I pretend I was japanese or whatever) but Japan are awesome. They've got awesome trains, awesome monorails, awesome robots, even their buildings look great. Stupid super-advanced Japanese.
I like some anime, but that's about it. One of my goals in life is to paradrop/amphibious landing into Japan in a all out war. :p :p
How are you planning on defeating their ****ing robot army bitch?
theres enjoying another culture and then theres enjoying another culture and butchering the **** out of it. thats what i think the thread starter is pissed off with... and many others including me. its one thing to like anime, but its a whole nother thing to insist that it is the best thing to come out of japan, that it is the best type of tv show... well people just have a tendency to go overboard when they're trying to be apart of that whole culture. seems to emulate the "cute" characters of their beloved anime tv shows.
Combine Hybrid you baka, Japan is the best culture and Americans should be trying to emulate it. Their language is sugoi, and everything over there is really kakkoi, desu. The Japanese make the best video games, and everyone over there watches anime. All the best technology comes out of Japan too.

So stop being such a baka gaijin.

=^_^= sugoi neko wai!
Combine Hybrid you baka, Japan is the best culture and Americans should be trying to emulate it. Their language is sugoi, and everything over there is really kakkoi, desu. The Japanese make the best video games, and everyone over there watches anime. All the best technology comes out of Japan too.

So stop being such a baka gaijin.

=^_^= sugoi neko wai!

I'd kill you if I didn't know you were joking. :p

How are you planning on defeating their ****ing robot army bitch?

With Ignorance.

Or loads of hellfire missles.
Meh, only the elitists piss me off, you know the type who think they are some how superior to everyone because they own every episode of naruto and can throw in random japanese phrases and emoticons that make absolutely no sense in most contexts.
Combine Hybrid you baka, Japan is the best culture and Americans should be trying to emulate it. Their language is sugoi, and everything over there is really kakkoi, desu. The Japanese make the best video games, and everyone over there watches anime. All the best technology comes out of Japan too.

So stop being such a baka gaijin.

=^_^= sugoi neko wai!
I hate you
I hate Manga/Anime. Worst shit ever created since rap.
I likes loads of anime, but I don't try and emulate it in real life or try and act like anime characters.
But I think each to our own, as long as they don't try and tentacle rape you you can just ignore them.
How are you planning on defeating their ****ing robot army bitch?
With the Decepticons. The foolish Japs didn't know what they were doing when they gave them to the west.
I don't think I've ever loved you more than just now, Riom. <3
So, what happens if I'm actually Japanese?
Combine Hybrid you baka, Japan is the best culture and Americans should be trying to emulate it. Their language is sugoi, and everything over there is really kakkoi, desu. The Japanese make the best video games, and everyone over there watches anime. All the best technology comes out of Japan too.

So stop being such a baka gaijin.

=^_^= sugoi neko wai!

FAIL! Go to Japan and look at how happy the people are.
They work work work work. Some people choose to be homeless so they don't have to work so much.
You can't come home from work until it's late at night or else your wife will get pissed off at you for not socializing with your boss.
The Wife controls ALL the money, literally ALL the money. Men just get an allowance (Money should be controled equally between the couple).
The Wife doesn't work, they just shop with the money the man makes. Of 'course though, they don't waste the money unlike what a lot of Americans would do (As far as I know).
Alcohol levels in the Japanese's drink of choice is fairly low so the men can go to bars, and drink a shitload.
You have to clean the school before you go home.
It's considered normal for students to have to clean their school before they go home.
I stayed at some friend's house in Japan, and my friend (The son) wouldn't be home until about 8:00 PM, when he'd get home he'd eat, and then go study.
School is VERY hard in Japan.

Japan looks awesome on the outside, but on the inside it can be VERY stressful. If every other culture was like Japan, lots of people would die from the stress. I also believe suicide rate in Japan is fairly high? (Only 50% sure on that)
Eh, obsession with anything is just annoying. You have yourself some socially inept "/b/tards" who usually smell funny and make pointless references to stupid memes out of nowhere, weeaboo people who like to draw anime characters everywhere, wear cat ears or Naruto headbands and use half-assed japanese words for no reason, people who follow musical movements and try and emulate the attitude and clothing style they assume comes along with being one of the "true" fans....

You can take anything too far. I'm not bothered by any of it, really, but if you overdo it you just get on peoples nerves.
words, words, words
Considering that you posted about something I didn't even talk about (when did I ever say Japanese people weren't workaholics, or that they were happy with their lives?), and considering that everyone else in the thread seemed to understand I was being overtly sarcastic, WHO fails here?

Yeah, that's right, shut up. Ore no shiri ni kisu siro.
Waka sanni goochi tamagotchi namco kawaii desu chan
Hybrid, to be clear with you from the start: I despise them, too. I think it's stupid and I find anime ugly, ugly as in a disgruntled Disney employees passing his flawed drawing-style off as "anime". (Thanks to whomever formulated it like that. I borrowed that definition.)

But you have to understand, a lot of these people are misfits. It's easy to try to adapt to something like Japanese culture. It actually isn't, but it's easy to make people think you know something about it. Japan has problems just like the Western countries, but their problems are cultural, while ours are, well, we run into them as we go on. Take the role of women in Japanese society for example. But I won't go on. What you need to understand is the nature of all people: They feel they need to belong. The I-wanna-be-Japanese thing is the easiest because many people think they understand Japan and the Japanese culture as a whole, but ultimately any Japanese would just laugh at them. Check Maddox's article on this: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=anime_nerd

If you wanna beat 'em easily: When they say something in Japanese that has been transliterated from Katakana(Japan has two alphabets. One is an actual alphabet, the other one are merely signs, pictures of what you want to say), tell them that they just said something in "Romaji". Afterwords, tell them to say it in Katakana. They'll be annoyed by this. "Romaji" is romanized Japanese, and it'll bug the hell out of them because they know they can't. Take it further and tell them to say it in "Kanji". Japanese apparently has many forms of literation.

So, can any of you say something in Japanese that's NOT in Romaji?
The Japanese are cool. They have vending machines for dirty knickers. What more do you want from a country?

Their dirty kamikaze tactics and slave (death) camps are all in the past. As long as nobody mentions the war, we're fine.
And what they did in China. They deny that, you know. *COUGH*NANKING*COUGH*