I hate these people...

Are you one of them?

  • Hell yeah!

    Votes: 18 23.4%
  • No, I'm not a self-delusioned retard

    Votes: 59 76.6%

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Slow boat to China is sloooooooooowwwwwwwwwww
If you wanna beat 'em easily: When they say something in Japanese that has been transliterated from Katakana(Japan has two alphabets. One is an actual alphabet, the other one are merely signs, pictures of what you want to say), tell them that they just said something in "Romaji". Afterwords, tell them to say it in Katakana. They'll be annoyed by this. "Romaji" is romanized Japanese, and it'll bug the hell out of them because they know they can't. Take it further and tell them to say it in "Kanji". Japanese apparently has many forms of literation.

So, can any of you say something in Japanese that's NOT in Romaji?

Three alphabets. Bitches don't know about hiragana.

Also, what? What do you mean, "say something in katakana?" Do you mean type it out or actually speak it? Or were you just being facetious? Maybe my sarcasm meter's off. Last I checked, you can't "say" something in katakana that's different from the kanji.

tl;dr: 何
Eh, obsession with anything is just annoying. You have yourself some socially inept "/b/tards" who usually smell funny and make pointless references to stupid memes out of nowhere, weeaboo people who like to draw anime characters everywhere, wear cat ears or Naruto headbands and use half-assed japanese words for no reason, people who follow musical movements and try and emulate the attitude and clothing style they assume comes along with being one of the "true" fans....

You can take anything too far. I'm not bothered by any of it, really, but if you overdo it you just get on peoples nerves.


Side note- when I was in PA, me and a bunch of kids wanted to watch Se7en on someones laptop.

However, the two young men who were in charge of the lap top later declined because quote - "I can't wait to watch tonights movie, it's anime, it has vampires in it, and it's basically like a porno, so you can't go wrong"

-come on, I am sorry, but anime vampire porn? F*ckin' lame. Kid needs to get a life, or get laid, or both.

I mean, if your into anime, okay thats fine, but there is a line to be drawn when it just becomes overdone and lame.
I want to know what they were talking about. I don't care for vampires and I probably won't care to see whatever it is, but I'm curious as to what it is. I'm trying to think of vampire anime I know of that could be considered pornographic. It probably wasn't porn at all...there was probably a scene with breasts, or maybe there was some sex, but I find it funny how people call everything porn. "Oh my God, I see tits! This is like a porno!"
haha, I am sure you are right. I dont know what it is called though. I know nothing about anime
Alot of my friends watch all that anime crap and play da games, but by no means do they act like japs. They actually managed to get me interested in one show in particular, called Kenshin or something.

He still refuses to believe a medieval knight would beat a feudal samurai though.

This is the only problem though. They all agree that the katana and the samurai are soo freakin leet. A knight could kick thier asses with their bad ass longswords
This is the only problem though. They all agree that the katana and the samurai are soo freakin leet. A knight could kick thier asses with their bad ass longswords

but cant beat ninjas
This is the only problem though. They all agree that the katana and the samurai are soo freakin leet. A knight could kick thier asses with their bad ass longswords

You sound no different than them.
I want to know what they were talking about. I don't care for vampires and I probably won't care to see whatever it is, but I'm curious as to what it is. I'm trying to think of vampire anime I know of that could be considered pornographic. It probably wasn't porn at all...there was probably a scene with breasts, or maybe there was some sex, but I find it funny how people call everything porn. "Oh my God, I see tits! This is like a porno!"

It's stupid people's reactions to nudity. My library refused to stock most volumes of Sandman on the basis that there were naked people on some pages. What the hell! Whereas the comic next to it depicts someone's head being blown off, on the front cover. Ridiculous.

/EDIT Japan's just another country, only about 3x as weird, kthxbai.
Look people, I'm just comparing a medieval knight (c.1250 AD) going up against a feudal samurai (c.1550 AD), let's not get into a huge argument about it. Besides, if we take it to the max, we'd have a massive melee, between knights, pirates, monkeys, highlanders, ninjas, zombies, vikings, Spartans, or some sort of bizarre combination. For the record, there is an excellent article that presents both sides on the 'knight vs. samurai' debate. Google it. Though this will probably ignite even more frenzied debate, I am in the 'knight' camp.

Rather amusingly, if the samurai went up against a contemporary knight (c. 1550) he would be annihilated because the knight's armor was undeniably, overwhelmingly superior. To get roughly equivalent armor you have to retard the knight's technology by 3 centuries.

EDIT: Teehee, I love knights.
Being obsessed with anything is a bad thing. Be it Japan, videogames, books or television, if you spend every waking minute of your day thinking and speaking about it, then you're obviously going to annoy people. I find football hooligans no less irritating than people who finish their sentences with Desu.
Look people, I'm just comparing a medieval knight (c.1250 AD) going up against a feudal samurai (c.1550 AD), let's not get into a huge argument about it. Besides, if we take it to the max, we'd have a massive melee, between knights, pirates, monkeys, highlanders, ninjas, zombies, vikings, Spartans, or some sort of bizarre combination. For the record, there is an excellent article that presents both sides on the 'knight vs. samurai' debate. Google it. Though this will probably ignite even more frenzied debate, I am in the 'knight' camp.

Rather amusingly, if the samurai went up against a contemporary knight (c. 1550) he would be annihilated because the knight's armor was undeniably, overwhelmingly superior. To get roughly equivalent armor you have to retard the knight's technology by 3 centuries.

EDIT: Teehee, I love knights.

If a Samurai went 1-on-1 against a knight, like they were trained to do (Duels often took place on the battlefield), the Samurai has a clear advantage and would probably win.
Now, if it's a Samurai army vs a Knight Army, obviously, the Knights would win as they were trained to fight in warfare.
Samurais are great fighters, but crap soldiers
I think the Samurai would win simply because a knight's armor hinders his mobility. The Samurai would just get behind him, knock him over and that's it. Once the knight's on the ground, he won't be getting back up so easily and the swipes of his sword wouldn't have as much effectiveness. The Samurai could dodge the knight's said swipes with relative ease and pound him into the ground even more. By now, the Samurai could disarm the knight and find weak spots in his armor at his own leisure. Although, I don't know if the same could be said for large scale battles.

Remember, mobility, not firepower.
I'm pretty sure one-on-one a samurai would kick a knight's ass. I still think knights own samurais in sheer amount of awesome, though.
This person who translates is splendid?

Everyone in this thread SERIOUSLY overestimates samurai. People have this ridiculous notion that samurai were all highly-trained, elite warriors. Here's a newsflash for you guys: 95% of all samurai? DIDN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT FIGHTING. You're living on the daimyo's land, he has a feud with another lord, you're obligated to pick up a sword and fight for him.

Knights on the other hand generally WERE trained fighters. Knights, actual knights, not just medieval footsoldiers wearing armor, but those who'd attained the title of knight were calvalry leaders. Also, you see that picture Thunderclap posted up there? With the knights wielding swords and spears? Wrong. Oh, sure, some knights would use those things, but more often they'd be using something small, something light and blunt, like a handheld mace (a tiny one, not a giant spiked one like you might be thinking). And what would they do with that mace, in a fight? Ride up to their opponent and crack their ****ing face in, that's what.

What's a samurai going to do about that?

Now, let's assume they were on level ground, footed, using their respective swords--samurai with a katana, knight with a broadsword. Both are wearing their respective armors. We will also assume you have one of the 5% of samurai who knows what they are doing with a blade. Now, katanas are perhaps the sharpest among all blades, but slicing through plate would be a chore indeed. After the first attempt the samurai would be trying to stab his sword at an exposed area in the armor (but a knight would be wearing a chainlink mesh underneath as well; this can be pierced, however, albeit with some effort). Meanwhile the knight would be using a hand-and-a-half, and he'd be utilizing a 2-handed downstroke to crack the terracotta armor of the samurai.

He swings down...katana comes up, samurai and knight both step in...if the knight has plated gloves he could actually grab his opponent's blade now, force it down, and drive the longsword right through the samurai's face. Conversely, if the samurai grabbed the hilt or handguard of the longsword, steps to the side, slides the blade down and slashes the neck or the armpit...that's it for the knight. That's probably how it'd happen in either case.

ITT, people don't know about kendo or Flos Duellatorium in Armis.
Yeah but the samurai is Asian, if the knight gets over zealous and cuts a limb off he'll have TWO Asians to worry about, and it could just keep going downhill from there as his swings get more sporadic and uncalculated.
To people who thinks samurai were uber best pwnzor figher in that era, they were not the best fighters in Asia. They are just bunch of overrated fighters.
Yea, didn't they wear clunky armor, and were slow?

I can't remember where I heard this, but it was a reliable source, like the learning channel or something..
If you stare at them they look like right-side-up faces with the forehead wrinkles for mouths.
i hold nothing agains japan..
first we gave them tons of opium..

then we nuked them.

ofcourse they are gunna be a messed up culture.
We have a bunch of Japanese exchange students at our school for the week. They're awesome.