I hate WoW server maintenances.


Jul 22, 2005
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So, in Europe wednesday is maintenance day.
It's supposed to be from 3 AM till 11 AM Paris time (GMT + 2).
They're extending it because of problems with authentication servers to 1 PM. Yeah ok np I'll play CS or UT with my guildmates.
At 1:15 PM we go check to see if the maintenance is already done. Nothing. No warning, nothing on the site (that loaded ****ing slow), nothing on the forums. At 1:30 PM all the PvP servers are up again. I start a new char with a friend of mine, we play a bit and we get disconnected. I quote the (shortened version) of the breaking news at 3 PM
Breaking news
02/11/05 15:00

We are currently experiencing some authentication issues. We're working to have this resolved as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

I can't play at all anymore, go watch TV, come back, play CS, get bored, watch TV, come back etc. You get the drill.
At 6 PM I go back to see if it's getting any better. I quote:
Breaking news
02/11/05 18:00

We are currently experiencing some authentication issues. We're working to have this resolved as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

What the **** Blizzard? It has happened before in the 2 months I'm playing, and it's ALWAYS after the server maintenance. If you're screwing up the servers with the maintenance all the time, why even bother with maintenances?
Yeah its lame. It is stable every other day except for maintenance days.
its simply because the server goes 'omfg overload!!!!'. think about it. THEYRE trying to sort god knows how many bugs/problems out, and EVERYONE is trying to connect at the same time.

just tried now as im writing this, it gets to authorising, stops and then i get 'could not log onto world of warcraft at this time. please try again later.' or i get through to connected, hang and then 'disconnected from server'.

its expected every wednesday though. they always have problems. and when you ask wtf is going on, they cut and paste crap about 'check your ip address, firewall blah blah blah' even though it was perfectly fine the night before!!!! and the fact they done even say ANYTHING about whats going on just annoys me so much. a simple 'sorry for the dealy, technical problems are preventing/slowing the server startup process. this may take time but we're working on it as quickly as possible' would be better than a '5-11 shutdown...oops i mean 1pm...'
Every other day I have some kind of crap connection problem, wether it's an inability to connect to the server or is suffering some major lag issues.

It's almost as annoying as having BG unavailable all the time because NOBODY wants to play unless their level 60. :rolleyes:
You obviously haven't gotten the Wand of Fixing. It's legendary quality so it's extremely rare, but I got it and it's insane. Whenever I use it, all of my problems go away, all with +45 to int +30 to spi and +28 to sta! Pure ownage.

Seriously though, cut them some slack. Do you really expect the maintenance of 100+ servers all around the world is an easy task? It's one day, you'll survive.
Imagine leaving your computer on all day, while running five Half-Life 2 Deathmatch dedicated servers at once, all full. Your computer would die, not just because of all the connections clogging up your internet, but because you're simulating huge worlds at the same time.

That's what running a WoW server is like.
staticprimer said:
You obviously haven't gotten the Wand of Fixing. It's legendary quality so it's extremely rare, but I got it and it's insane. Whenever I use it, all of my problems go away, all with +45 to int +30 to spi and +28 to sta! Pure ownage.

Seriously though, cut them some slack. Do you really expect the maintenance of 100+ servers all around the world is an easy task? It's one day, you'll survive.
It's different day for US.
OT WoW complaint.

The community is seriously full of dicks, but I guess that's not exclusive to WoW. Honestly, what the **** do you gain from killing somebody 20 levels lower than you? You don't get loot. You don't get honor. You have no tangible rewards. Why the **** would you do it? I can only conclude that you'd have to be an asshole.

I've taken the courtesy of not railing on lower level players when I gain nothing from them. But I see foresee myself quickly dropping that from learning by example. I feel no inclination towards sparing opposing players when I get no reciprocation.
I don't even kill people who are more than 5 levels below me generally (unless I'm mighty pissed off with the Allies, or they're a threat) because if I want HKs I'll just spend a couple of hours in BG.

Meh on the connection problems. It's a pain when you want to play but there's generally something else to do. :p
Well, whaddya know. JUST got killed by another uber player. For the third time.

Contested territory serves no point unless you're 60.
For anybody who has played Diablo II:
I sometimes kill lowbies just to attract the attention of higher lvl players so they come and I can get a real fight. Otherwise I dont attack anyone who isn't close to my lvl unless they attack me. Being a rogue I have many tricks to wtfpwn them when they do. Rogues FTW.
Absinthe said:
OT WoW complaint.

The community is seriously full of dicks, but I guess that's not exclusive to WoW.
Alliance players mainly :dozey:
The Mullinator said:
Play Alliance and then tell me that with a straight face. Both sides have plenty of ass holes.

I've played both, many times, and from my experience I can safely say that Alliance are generally more ass-y than Horde.
Mind you, this will vary from server to server, and I've only played on two or three.
Suicide42 said:
I've played both, many times, and from my experience I can safely say that Alliance are generally more ass-y than Horde.
Mind you, this will vary from server to server, and I've only played on two or three.
Alliance is most certainly more ass hole like, but it is really only noticible to other Alliance players. In my experience there is really no difference in PvP, although if there is a population imbalance on a server then it can certainly seem like it.
xcellerate said:
For anybody who has played Diablo II:
that so f'n rox dude. lmao :laugh: so he is about to lose all of those items on the ground when they reset the server right? HAHA

I was just about to drive my car off a cliff or something, but that cheered me up so big.

i never even played Diablo, but that looks just like the everquest diablo clone they released on the PS2!! I had so much crap on the ground! I hate that, trying to figure out what to do with it.

Nice they gave us mailboxes in WoW. thanks for that and my extreme, almost exploitive capitolism; I have nearly 10,000g and everything i ever wanted that money can buy. But all the best stuff cannot be bought anyway. Great game, although I think im just about done playing it. My brother said i can get alot of REAL money if i sell my account.
i have a lvl 60, lvl 59, 51, 41, 35, 33, and i finally made 1 horde character, a shaman lvl 14

Anyway that also totally reminds me of Phantasy Star Online. My girlfriend on there (we practically only existed on that game) called it "Krajo transfer" She was from Peurto rico. i think it ment something like S@#$ F$#% Transfering all this @##@! , #$@#^!

See she had to stay in the room while i drop crap on the ground and i would come back online with a different character. .. I had like 56 characters and enough gear for the entire server. lmao

lLMAO memories
I think I'm just going to stop playing WoW for a while now. After today's experience, I'm about to punch a babies teeth in. Or is that gums? **** it, I dunno.

I hate Stranglethorn Vale to no end. If I'm not drawing ****ing lizard mobs with aggro radii of, oh, two ****ing miles, then I'm getting ganked by some bastard high-level rogue. It doesn't help that every single square inch of that god damn territory is filled with mobs. I feel so god damn constrained it's ridiculous. It's like the only option is to cut through an endless swath of stupid creatures to walke a distance of five yards. And it's not the good kind of fighting. It's the utmost banal and boring kind of combat you've ever faced.

**** Stranglethorn.
Aw, I <3d Stranglethorn all the time I was there. Maybe it's because I'm a druid and I seem to be able to escape pretty much anything.
yeah lvls 30-40 suck. It gets easier tho...40-50 is easier and I found 50-60 to be a breeze.
Absinthe said:
I think I'm just going to stop playing WoW for a while now. After today's experience, I'm about to punch a babies teeth in. Or is that gums? **** it, I dunno.

I hate Stranglethorn Vale to no end. If I'm not drawing ****ing lizard mobs with aggro radii of, oh, two ****ing miles, then I'm getting ganked by some bastard high-level rogue. It doesn't help that every single square inch of that god damn territory is filled with mobs.

**** Stranglethorn.

I know I might sound like a bit of an ass saying this, but...why didn't you play on a normal server? :P Optional PVP tag = no one ganking you.
Slightly related note: I scared my roommate out of the room with my incessant swearing/yelling at the game.

KagePrototype said:
I know I might sound like a bit of an ass saying this, but...why didn't you play on a normal server? :P

I'm honestly starting to think that myself. I thought PVP would be more interesting and thought any kind of balance/fairness issues would work themselves out. Sadly, it doesn't seem so. It wouldn't be so bad if perhaps there was a more concentrated effort in the PVP, but so many Horde players are content to just run away like cowards in the face of an enemy.

But don't take my posts too seriously. This just happens to be a bad day. I'd probably be changing my tune in a heartbeat if things started going my way. Besides, paying a monthly fee just to play against AI seems kinda... pointless.
Sulkdodds said:
Aw, I <3d Stranglethorn all the time I was there. Maybe it's because I'm a druid and I seem to be able to escape pretty much anything.
Being a hunter in STV is fun too. Most of the trees you can shoot through which makes it pretty interesting, that along with all the raised paths along with valleys can make for some pretty interesting PvP situations. More than once I killed someone because they had no idea where I was thanks to me utilizing the the tree cover and terrain.
Sulkdodds said:
Aw, I <3d Stranglethorn all the time I was there. Maybe it's because I'm a druid and I seem to be able to escape pretty much anything.

On our server, Allaince and Horde are about equal. Not only that, but Bladefist isn't actually that hevily populated, despie the insane lag.

As for the druids comment... every class has ways of escaping combat, with the possible exception of the warrior (who I know the least about, so meh).
Suicide42 said:
As for the druids comment... every class has ways of escaping combat, with the possible exception of the warrior (who I know the least about, so meh).

Pfft, warriors don't run away, we die fighting. :p
we can hamstring and run like hell!

heck in the right situation, we could target a critter in range and intercept it, getting that little speed boost! :o
Septih said:
we can hamstring and run like hell!

heck in the right situation, we could target a critter in range and intercept it, getting that little speed boost! :o
If multiple things are attacking you then you can also target the thing least able to slow you down when running and then use intimidating shout to fear everyone else.
I love my rogue ..when confronted with too many enemies I just hit the sprint thingamigigy and i'm out of there like a bat out of hell ...saved me countless of times
The Mullinator said:
If multiple things are attacking you then you can also target the thing least able to slow you down when running and then use intimidating shout to fear everyone else.

how could i forget that ...

apparently, if you disengage the target in a fight(as in you stop hitting them) and then use intimidating shout on that target, they get stunned for the 8 sec or until you hit them.
Let me detail to you the last hour of my play experience.

Go to Nesingwary.
Get killed by two high-level allies.
Respawn, wait 2 minutes.
Ressurect, try to run away, get killed again.
Repeat above three times
More Horde members eventually arive, but they all die.
Repeat above eleven times
We finally clear them out.
I go and kill mobs. I inexplicably attract a group of tigers that are thirty feet away.
I die.
I go back and ressurect.
In mid-process of reviving my pet, a mob wanders close to me and begins to attack.
I try to flee and then attract more mobs.
My "Scare Beast" skill is rendered utterly ****ing useless.
I die.
Repeat above for god knows how many times.
Run back to Nesingwary and get killed by Allies waiting there.
Try to flee, get killed again.

This has more or less been the general experience for me throughout the last two weeks.
I can't stress this enough: **** Stranglethorn.

I have now made it my mission to drink this bottle of Captain Morgan within the next five minutes before going outside to chainsmoke my entire pack of cigarretes in seething anger.
What class and lvl?

You should check allakhazam and read some guides on where else you can grind to lvl because STV does suck.
ah great fun. In most ganking situations there are ways of escaping. Remember these guys are mostly idiots.

Off the top of my head i can remember, there is a tree on the graveyard side of nesingwary's (respawn, pop cheetah on?), also the river(may take a bit to get the ghost underwater, then respawn and swim off). As you can tell, i speak from experience ;)
Glirk Dient said:
What class and lvl?

Me? I'm a 32 hunter. The allies were always groups with levels ranging from 30-60. Mostly 60.

I figure I'll just head to Desolace instead. A change of guild is also probably in order. Mine doesn't seem to have a lot of comradery.
Might not be the guild...I know whenever someones gettin ganked I dont drop what im doing and go help them unless I am near. It is easier for that person to move because ganking is far too often in STV so I wouldn't want to babysit someone since as soon as I leave they will get ganked again. Desolace is good for lvling. Especially the rock elementals in your later 30's as they drop awsome vendor loot and it well help to get the gold for your mount.
Absinthe said:
Let me detail to you the last hour of my play experience.

Go to Nesingwary.
Get killed by two high-level allies.
Respawn, wait 2 minutes.
Ressurect, try to run away, get killed again.
Repeat above three times
More Horde members eventually arive, but they all die.
Repeat above eleven times
We finally clear them out.
I go and kill mobs. I inexplicably attract a group of tigers that are thirty feet away.
I die.
I go back and ressurect.
In mid-process of reviving my pet, a mob wanders close to me and begins to attack.
I try to flee and then attract more mobs.
My "Scare Beast" skill is rendered utterly ****ing useless.
I die.
Repeat above for god knows how many times.
Run back to Nesingwary and get killed by Allies waiting there.
Try to flee, get killed again.

This has more or less been the general experience for me throughout the last two weeks.
I can't stress this enough: **** Stranglethorn.

I have now made it my mission to drink this bottle of Captain Morgan within the next five minutes before going outside to chainsmoke my entire pack of cigarretes in seething anger.
STV is good for me to grind (I'm 33), but I prefer Desolace. Even though it doesn't look very appealing.
Glirk Dient said:
Might not be the guild...I know whenever someones gettin ganked I dont drop what im doing and go help them unless I am near. It is easier for that person to move because ganking is far too often in STV so I wouldn't want to babysit someone since as soon as I leave they will get ganked again.

True, but I had at least four members in the area that could have given assistance, but did nothing. If guilds are supposed to function as form of community in which people group up, assist, generaly create a more supportive atmosphere, then mine has failed miserably.